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Everything posted by we2riders

  1. Oh the taste of that good ol humble pie.. Now that kid deserves a ride on the bike!! What a great feast for a Thanksgiving day!!! Glad you guys figured it out Jonas!!
  2. So wes, by labor intensive do you mean it takes more input from the arms/shoulders to steer it into a turn? I wonder if adding rake (caster) would change that attitude if that is the case or is just nature of the beast.. It would really be interesting to know if there is any difference between the rake angle of a bike produced for a hack and the same bike produced non side car equiped.. maybe time for some googlin..
  3. Beautifully put!! We all have so much to be thankful for, right down to the very air we breath!!!
  4. Your welcome my friend.. Now I gotta ask you,,, how do you obtain shark gonads?? do they hang down underneath them and you just lay on the ocean floor and clip em off as the shark swims by - you da man bro!!! I would say getting poked by electricty is the least of your worries if the above is true Couldnt resist chears from Michigan scott
  5. Neato!! I wonder if it is necessary to change front end geometry (add or subtract rake) for a "normal" bike to steer correctly with a sidecar on it... If not, it doesnt appear to be to bad of a job utilizing a kit like this.. hmmm
  6. Does it do it on both hi and low beams - could be as simple as an element cracked. You might try removing the headlight assembly, turn on the light and jiggle the wireharness behind the light and see if you can force it to flicker.. If so, just keep fiddling with the wires till you find the loose one.. Also tap on the headlight relay with the the lights on, I have had them do exactly what your describing. You could also try a jumper wire from the headlight bulb ground directly to the frame and then try it, this would eliminate the possibilty of a loose ground wire in the harness.. There should be a connector from the stator to the main harness, this is the simpless place to ohm check your stator - someone on here I am sure knows the parametors for the ohm values. In a pinch, if all three stator wires read the same across each other and none read to ground the stator is probably good. This is fairly easy to do but I highly doubt the problem is stator related as you mentioned the headlight is the only device affected.. hope this helps,, I would take any shark meat these guys dont want - dead or alive , we dont have those in lake michigan hahahaha.. you can keep the testies though.. good luck scott
  7. I got involved with Polaris's factory test ride last summer, they had em all lined up and a friend and I test rode all day - what a hoot.. They had one model, cant for the life of me remember which one it was, that we called the "weeble" - as in that ol song "weebles will wobble but wont fall down". This thing just screamed, go ahead and try to make me fall over, it was inspiring to ride!! Real low saddle height and you could literally step off it at a stop and it would just lean on its outer bars and sit there - really cool.. It might have been an 8 ball... Anyway, it was a BLAST to flog!! I thought motor wise that they had everything HP and torque that any other stock V-Twin their size had but yea they all did make weird noises.. I think they must have double wide extra heavy gears in em or something cause they all had that clunky tranny deal going.. I liked the Visions ride too but I am also way spoiled on the ol 1st gen Venture, nothing seems to fit me like these ol yammers.. I think Victory is going to have to back off on their pricing in order to compete with the other American made bike (HD), maybe have a "buy one get one free" like KIA did a few years ago.. Going toe to toe with the motor company aint gonna work.. HD has worked for wayyy more years developing their market. Kinda like the Chinese thinking their gonna do in 5 years what it took the Japs the last 50 to do.. On another note, I cant wait to see what, if anything, Polaris does with the Indian.. I have always loved the looks of the Chief. Maybe make Victory their lower end bikes (dollar wise) for a while and spin the Indian into an HD competitor?? That would be great!
  8. We are doing the normal stuff, wife cooking, me eating till I xsplode, having 2 of our kids over with their "others" and thannnn, getting ready for Christmas!!!! Thats when the other two kids come home from California with their "others" and we are alllllllll are together again - yeeeeehaw! Yep, LOTS to be thankful for here too.
  9. Yep, I follow you, and than TX mentioned lower shocks and there would probably be another 350 too.. I get it, some times I am just dense hahaha.. I really do like HDs variety off add ons and take offs and mix this with that and engine upgrades.. If I were wealthy I would be dangerous!!
  10. But the case is that the buyer is paying the same price for each bike, so in the case of the street glide your paying to not have all the xtras.. and thats 3 grand worth of xtra's your just leaving with HD... Hot Rod Harley in Muskegon Mi. Here are links to the two bikes I was looking at. The first link is the electra classic http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/2013/harley_davidson/electra_glide/prices/05/ and here is the link for the street glide http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/2013/harley_davidson/street_glide/prices/05/ This isnt the dealer where I saw them but this link actually shows the street glide costing 100 bucks more for a bike with with over 3 grand worth of less options.. My point is why dont people just unbolt the stuff they dont want, sell it if nothing else.. maybe I am missing something here???
  12. The wife and I stopped at the local HD shop and were admiring their fleet when I noticed something. There was a new Street Glide sitting next to a new Electra Glide Classic. The bikes were exactly the same price (like 19400). To my untrained eye the Street Glide looked exactly like the Electra except it was stripped of the rear tour pack with backrest, light bar, chrome bag guards, radio, front and rear bumper, rider floor boards and fairing trim.. So I said to the salesman, I bet you dont sell alot of those stripped down bikes for the same price you sell the decked out one for.. I was SHOCKED to find out that the Street Glide out sold the Electra 10 to 1!! After finding out they are exactly the same bike with just more stuff added onto the electra, I went to the parts counter and found out that the extra parts on the electra added up to over 3 grand worth of parts.. So I go back to the salesman and said, how come people dont just buy the electra and remove the parts they dont want and keep them in case trends or needs change.. He looked at me dumbfoundedly and said, cause people dont think like that... I still dont get it, my mind dont work like that, who wouldnt want 3 grand of xtra parts for free..
  13. Kudo's to Honda for listening to the riders!! It really is gorgeous.. Now personally, if I were looking at a 1 up bike I would have to go with a new v-max.. Oh the fun of dreaming..
  14. We are praying for Steve and family.
  15. I have used my little Savage to "harvest" many whitetail here in Michigan, I know what you mean about the 25 ought 6 - fantastic varmint nabber. I had a Ruger 7 mag that I LOVED but I didnt care for the comb mount safety, I had the safety move up (into fire position) a couple times while carrying with my hand wrapped around the comb and it concerned me soooo it got offed.. Had a 22-250 KILLER Remington 700, nice piece but pricey for what it was.. Fun field shooting ground hogs though... I think you made a good choice - congrats by the way!!
  16. I love guessing games like this, especially on a cold snowy night like we are having.. My guess is they are cabinet making tools. The round pieces are for sliding in a slot that is routered into the edge of the mating counter tops and used to hold them in perfect alignment pre formica.. I goes with shim stock of some sort for the flat ones, maybe an alignment tool for the edge molding of formica.. Then again, those round ones might be spanish dabloons from the 15th century worth over 3 million dollars each, gonna invite us all to the party if they are?? I HOPE thats the case - I love storys with happy endings
  17. Welcome from another newbie. And I love your bike - CONGRATS!! That is exactly a copy of our first Venture, retired it to parts years ago with just under 200,000 miles on her - and we rode it hard. Be sure in your shifting into second gear, lube the throttle cable and speedo cable inside speedo, freshen up the fluids in all hydraulic systems, drop a set of progressive springs in the forks (if its sagging do it soon), do carb sync once a year, lmaybe check and see if it already has the stator upgrade - yamaha did an upgrade using an oil splash onto the stator to keep it cool = IT WORKED FANTASTIC. check the carb diaphrams for cracks, I like to carry an xtra fuel pump on long distance trips, mine always liked 15w40 Rotella - except above 100 than I do 20w50, if your gonna ride it hard - invest in a clutch spring upgrade and follow other previous advice and that baby will produce miles and miles of smiles - best riding two up bike on the market with NO aftermarket parts needed.. That bike is GORGEOUS - have fun!!
  18. I knew it, I have only been a member 3 days and I already sense something parculiar here hahah.. I like the pearl too, any paint that changes mood in the sunshine gets my vote - maybe cause it reminds me that I am that way..
  19. This is my first shot at you tube,, lets see if this works.. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9dMc2d9lMU&feature=context-cha]Motorcycle Trip 1012 Utah Mountains with Bonneville run on 83 Yam Venture.. - YouTube[/ame] and here is the mighty 83 on the Bonneville [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubdyZ9VP7qE&feature=context-cha]1964 - YouTube[/ame] I tried!!
  20. Anybody ever do the Slab City thing out in Cali? We are thinking of draggin the bike out there this winter and staying a few weeks in the sun.. Any thoughts, do's or dont do's? We were told its free camping (from my experience with Cali that alone is really rare) so I am imagining a hippy compound kind of enviroment but dont know till ya ask.. thanks in advance scott
  21. WOW Star that is a gorgeous bike!!! I love what you did with that trunk! We Michiganders all seem to be suffering the rotten economy syndrome - it is HORRID, plus it being the end of the season doesnt help.. You could try White Star Snowmobile Auction in Bronson, I have sold (and bought) a lot of stuff down there and did pretty good (dont let the name fool ya).. Their auction site is snowmobileauction dot com, they charge 25 bucks to run it across and rest of fees are paid by the buyer.. REALLY GOOD FOLKS TO DEAL WITH and they draw from many states and canada! Another one that seems to produce is Repocast dot com, but they are way more expensive to deal with.. I feel for ya bro, stuff just aint worth what it once was, at least thats the way it seems around here.. Anyway, good luck with your sale!!
  22. Our prayers are with them, crashing is NEVER a good thing, your fault or not crashing a bike is a no win situation.. Hope their both ok!!
  23. Seems like the last current labor rate posted at a bike shop I saw was 85 an hour, I am guessing they will bill you two hours of labor for that job, so 170 bucks would be my guess.. Course thats just labor.. Lift it up and do it yourself? Whole lot cheaper.. and more fun...
  24. WOW, thanks for the warmth of a great "welcome"!!! Lets see here, Cher (my wife) and I live in Muskegon Mi, on the north side of Muskegon Lake, zip is 49445 if anyone wants to mapquest us.. Been reading on here about you folks and your "maintenance days" and your meet and eats.. All sounds great, we LOVE meetin new fellow riders, have always enjoyed tweekin bikes making em run a few more miles and we really like FOOD :rotf:sounds like we may be meetin some of you folks.. Those folks at "Jims" down south were really good to us, sold us a brand new Dunlop for 112 bucks INSTALLED, gave me the grand tour upstairs and while walking thru the "museum" up there the guy reached down, pulled out a "Jims Tee shirt", handed it to me and said, anyone with the guts to ride cross country on an old bike like that deserves one of these".. I would LOVE to know what episode of "pickers" that was!!! Our bike is very disquishable cause tweekers is maroon with gold side panels (I actually did that cause our first venture was a gold 84 Royale that my kids and I wore out back in the late 80's and those side panels are off that very bike).. It would be easy to tell if it were tweekers.. Now, how to get your wife to go live in a tent for a couple months... We have 4 kids, every year I would take one of them cross country touring, Cher is the respondsible type and always stayed home and watched the other three.. When the last kid went off to college it was almost NATURAL for her to claim that rear saddle for ever more.. Plus, we have always lived very frugally and now its paying off, we BOTH love traveling by bike BIG TIME, we are both "the ride IS the adventure" kinda people - love that feeling you get watching the sun come up and the sun go down and everything in between from the seat of bike and being able to just drop the tent and go to sleep fits us, sleeping under the stars is where its at.. I didnt have to talk her into anything, everyday she talks about our alaskan trip we are planning for 2013.. Gonna try an share the video on here from Bonneville.. If it doesnt show up it means I couldnt fiqure out how to do it. If it doesnt show on here (I am NO computer guy) could someone share with me how to do that? Also, I just went out and snapped some shots of tweekers in her present shape, those stickers were all accumulated over the course of our ride this year, LOTS of great memories there.. I took 20 gig of pics and vids!! I will try and upload that now.. I got a message that the vid is to large, it is 39 MB in size.. If someone could advise me I will do what I can so all can see... In the mean time, here are a couple of still shots of us playing at Bonneville...
  25. Hi All Quick history, kids all finally grew up and left so the wife and I took the summer and rode off on the bike. We call our bike "tweekers" cause I am always tweekin on it, hey dont laugh its old like me.. Anyway, we left in late june for the Dragon, piece of steel 2"x1" went thru brand new back tire on highway - tweekers on roadside, 100 degrees plus, bike and I both sweating, - tire repaired at a place called "Jims" in Johnson City Virginia - great work, showed me their upstairs FULL of really cool vintage bikes - should be a museum.. toured a week in dem dar Southen mountains of Georgia - Tennessee - Alabama - Kentucky and some coal mine ghost town type stuff in Virginia, came back via the Blue Ridge Pk Way, across the yupper mi, thru the upper states, did sturgis before the rally, down the west coast to Baydoga bay, shot over to Sacramento to see 2 of our kids living there - let them support us for 2 weeks while we toured Cali - another new rear tire - took both kids on 3 day trips to the National Parks, headed home - clutch died in Yosimite - more tweekin, found GOLD in Kings Canyon, huge traffic backup between Kings Canyon and Seqoyia NP doing MILES of road repair, down thru Death Valley - FANTASTIC moon lit night - nite riding Death Valley is AWESOME, tweeks LOVED the heat - it WAS hot there, more national parks, still headed for home , made it back to Utah, RAN THE BIKE ON THE BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS - 127 MPH FULLY LOADED WITH TENT AND ALL - wife took a video cause I knew my friends wouldnt believe me, still headed home via the sturgis rally. Needles Hwy, Custer, Deadwood, Lead, Hwy 16a all NOT as much fun with all the other bikes around - conjestion like California! Helped fix 3 broken bikes - all had Oil Pump Chain Tensioner problems - weird but true!! If I rode a new HD I would definitly go gear drive.. Main power wire for ignition on tweeks came unplugged, died on 90, HD rider I helped earlier stopped while I was dismantling bike, little more tweeking.. Sturgis was good again, I thought lower count than years past. Fun to hang out at sturgis on an old venture covered in NP stickers and dirt and tent on back and water jug hanging from antenna cause everyone stares at you and thats the point of the ralley hahahahaha.. Another week of camping (never been a hotel kinda guy, my WIFE spent almost 2 months living out of a tent with me on this one - over 17 thousand miles and only complained a couple times - about the heat..) Finally got back to Michigan at end of August, did some more tweekin and went chasing the REAL old bikes that were doing the "Cannonball".. Great summer!! Got "told" about Venturerider out at Sturgis of all places, wrote it down and just found it in my notes so here I am,, and the above is my story... NICE SITE HERE FOLKS!!! From what I have read and seen here it looks like my kinda place.. Scott
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