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Everything posted by we2riders

  1. Hey Joe, how many miles on your bike?
  2. BINGO!!!!!! and not feel bad at all for charging you for it!!
  3. I have found that the smaller plug diameter "D" plugs that we use (assuming the later model yams are still using them) dont take to kindly to blackening from over choking.. I like to get my choke off as quickly as possible - determined soley by engine responsivness to throttle.. that shift point chart is hilarious :rotf: Cant you just see someone "going by the book" shifting like that getting onto I-5 out in Sacramento,, lean over the bars, wind that baby up to 31 in 4th and then nail 5th Come to think of it,, I think these were the same shift points on the speedometer of my 1969 Honda CT90
  4. THIS ECONOMY STINKS TO HIGHHH HEAVENNN!!! Sorry to hear this story again (and from lots of others) Joe BUT thankfully you have a light at the end of that tunnel!! Good luck on your sale!!
  5. Thats one of the great things about this motorcycling thingy, whether it be riden em or working on em, they do keep us humble! I chased a gas leak with an appearance of coming from my carb over flows that actually came down to a small crack in the back of the fuel filter!! At least you were on the continent Bad thing about foolin with gas is things can get really bad really fast
  6. I usually do the wally world routine too, but must say I LOVE stopping at ol back road cowboy towns out west and interacting with the old style station folks while I change oil - its always worth the extra couple bucks they charge for oil just to chat .. I have yet to have a wally world auto center turn me down when asked to use a drain pan and funnel and disposal is free.. I dont normally change filters while on the road but I do loosen my filter cover and drain the oil from the filter before refilling. My first Venture back in the 80,s came with a quick change oil plug (pull a pin and slide a little door open) - made for very easy changes an quick get aways.. Last year out at Sturgis I finally found good use for a rally book. I had to make a funnel out of several pages to change out the oil in my 83 Venture.
  7. I usually turn mine upside down and put it under the kickstand, keeps the bike from falling over even in sand... and an added plus is most thieves wont steal a brain bucket that is gonna get their head greasy
  8. Thought some of you gearheads on here might enjoy this.. and you youtube addicts,, well you might to
  9. That almost looks like an addendum section out of a Yamaha Shop manual..
  10. aint that the truth!!!!! but at my age I get to blame it on slowwwwwwwww fingers doing the typin and a short term memory and a.d.d. and,,,,, wait a minute,, to old to make excuses anymore,,, how bout oppps hahahahahaha
  11. "Wouldn't keep one if it was given to me" EXACTLY!! Now if I could just get Eddie to try me,, come on,,, I double dog dare you,, test me an see,,, That is a gorgeous rig Eddie!! Congrats!! Oh, and I got a buddy that buys alllll HD clothing (not me, I still wear old sweatshirts when I ride), gets his stuff from Barnetts somewhere in Texas for like half the price he can get it here at our local shop..
  12. another thought,, it wasnt like the clutch was slipping a little was it?
  13. I know one thing about these Yammies, if the carb diaphrams are not in the best of shape they will do some crazy sneaky things, I had a diaphram coming loose from the slide that acted like I had gremlins poking their little fingers in a mainjet hahaha.. On the other hand, like already mentioned,, if ya aint been above 4800 rpm in a while it can be be a high spot for the day...
  14. Makes me really curious what the person lived like thru his life.. I wonder if he lived like a backs woods kinda guy, living off the land, broke all the time having spent all he had on what the neighbors thought was junk all over his yard.. And then come to find out, he was sitting on a massive fortune... This kind of stuff amazes me.. 4 MILLION DOLLARS!!! Think of all the cool bikes a guy could buy with that
  15. WOW Miles - that is AWESOME!! PLEASE keep the camera thawed out and take some pics for us, also BE SAFE out there - I am truely jealous - sounds like a super adventure!!! Hats off to you, you da man!! Scott
  16. That is soooooooo unreal!! I would love to have just one of those real old scoots to tinker with and to ride.. I rode with the "Cannonballers" this last year and actually got to work on a 29 Harley, guy had over 80 grand in his bike... Can you imagine the amount cash sitting in that yard of this "barn find"?? thanks for sharing this scott
  17. I FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT!!! I DID IT!!! THANK YOU TOM!!! Someone posted pics on here of some items they had gotten at a garage sale or something and was trying to figure out what the items were - some little coin size discs and some edge pieces AND there were some little hinges in some other drawers in the pics!!! You guys,,,, dahhhhhhhh, those were parts to make snap together cabinetry for people like Tom,,, and me,,, and maybe others on here who dont fit under sinks anymore... Unsnap it, fix it, snap it back together,,, dahhhhhh... I am sooo sorry Tom,, if only I could have figured this out earlier,, oh well,, at least you can now resume eating that frozen stuff we all love!!! but convert those cabinets over to snap together style BEFORE you do cause murphys law dictates more plumbing troubles are not to far down the road...
  18. :rotf: its me, its me oh lord, standing in the need of prayer...
  19. kinda like when I get here to this site,, tell the wife I am just gonna see whats new and 3 hours later I am still looking at old posts hahahahaha Actually my addictive personality first became apparent to me way back in the CB (citizens band radio) days, I use to set for hours talking skip,, got involved with a CB Club - oh my gosh remember those?? Man that seems soooo long ago... We had vests with pins and awards for who talked the farthest away and on and on... Seadog was my handle,,, I even remember my call sign - KJP9511... I feel suddenly old.. So yea,,, I definitly fit into the same group as so many of you youtube addicts...
  20. That is so ironic, back when I was a kid Sunoco Gas Stations were each allocated a Honda Mini Trail for a give away promotion.. A buddy my dad worked with won one and sold to to Dad for 50 bucks.. I ran the wheels off that little blue hardtail.. I still have 3 of them downstairs of which I know one did certainly come from that Sunoco deal... It was a different time back then.. I have one of the 69 Yamaha Mavericks - its yammies copy of the Minitrail.. This being a pro yammie site I will snap a pic of it and stick it on here.. I had never heard of the Brut sleds, I actually thought you misspelled or mistook it for the Ol Rupp 440 Nitro cause it sure sounded familuar, then I googled Brut and whammo, there it is.. Yea, wayyy cool sleds!! And I always LOVED the looks for the Big Horn! Back when I was young the other boys collected baseball cards and I collected motorcycle brochures - I use to set and drewl over that Kawi!! Is your 750 the H2 triple man killer?? Those were (still are) bad to the bone!! I have an H1 500, yea it rocks but the 750 was one mean machine.. Gotta love these old bikes!!
  21. Makes ya wonder how the human body can hold all this stuff dont it?
  22. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of damage that can be done at relatively low speeds, OUCH!!!!! I feel for you bro!!! Listen to the Docs and give that puppy time to heal properly and quickly..
  23. Those are way cool too, LOTS of great memories on the Boonie, two speed jackshaft with the shifter on the crossbar, mine still has the original 5 horse briggs motor hahaha and original tires - thing will pull like a freight train.. Came as a kit from Heathkit for like 140 bucks - back in the day that was a TON of cash (still is in my opinion). I also have a really neat ol Rupp Roadster with the optional lighting kit, its the one with the little chrome motorcycle type exhaust pipe.. It even has the original little squeeze horn still hanging on the bars - just the cutest little squirt ya ever laid eyes on..... Remember the day when it seemed like there was a Minibike manufacture on everycorner, not jap stuff either.. Kinda the same thing with snowmobiles,,, man there were dozens of sled manufactures out there.. My oh my how times have changed..
  24. It was called the MB5, its a Honda 50cc 2 stroke motor that is oil injected so no mixy the gas, 5 speed manual clutch little screamer.. Mine likes to be run between 8 and 10 grand - thats where the power is at (be reasonable now guys - its just a 50).. There is a little cover in the front part of the fuel tank that you remove to refill the oil res. Hydraulic front disc!! I think Honda only did these for like one year, probably because they were way to costly to build for what they could sell em for... Got a couple old minitrail 50's and 70's, 69 Bultaco flat tracker, Heathkit Boonie bike, CL450, 68 350 Yam, 68 Kaw Avenger,one of those little scat cat fold up minis,Rupp Roadster,125 Elsinore,,, just your normal basement full of odds and ends stuff hahahahaha It smells good down there!!! Kinda like one of those really old bike shops that smell good...
  25. I have a number of old scoots in the basement and thought I drag would something out while waiting for the turkey to finish cookin.. Thought you all might enjoy a trip down memory lane.. Anyone ever have one of these back in the day?? Its actually later than my early years BUT I realize not everyone on here grew up in the 60's like me hahaha.. Anyway, pretty cool lil bike, I would say the neatest moped ever made.. Course, I love anything on two wheels - old new or in between - they are all fun!! Scott:mustache:
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