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Everything posted by we2riders

  1. If there EVER has been a reality check moment it is found in your words Capt'n!! As much as I would like to I cant disagree with any of your point. HD had to get VERY creative (all the way to the point of carrying their own debt) to create the market they have and even their sales on all but a couple models have been hurt majorly by this crisis.. We need our economy back.... It will
  2. It seems like they offered a choice between the SnS motor or the Bottle Cap (which I am not positive but this may be the Power Plus).. Just went and listened to the new Indian motor here http://www.indianmotorcycle.com/en-us/introduction/pages/engine.aspx?WT.ac=IND-mini-link-header-engine It sounds to me like a gear driven cam OHV V-twin in the 1500 cc range. From the exhaust note when they down shift I would say injected and they dont quite have all the parameters quite right - sounds lean. Also sounds like it likes rpms so it may be a square motor... Mike Wolfe from Polaris said something about "Daytona Bike Week" that led me to believe thats where the unvailing may take place.. Sounds like another good reason to head south away from this cold!!!
  3. Thats what I am talking about Mike!! Why not go full out with something no body else has.. I honestly think it would work!! THAT is a gorgeous work of art..
  4. Been riding since the early 60's and must admit I love all bikes, quite frankly, if it has two wheels it has my attention.. The Indian brand has always held a special place in my heart. Its an emotional thing and I think if Polaris plays its cards right in that "emotional zone" it could have a real money maker. HD has built a HUGE following on the idea of them being the last of America's great motorcycling heritage and they DO build some gorgeous bikes. A lot of their following comes in the form of nostelga, nostelga sells.. It seems that HD learned a hard lesson about how important nostelga is, look what happened when they got away from their roots in their venture with Buell and their attempt with the v-rod. This is also why their bikes are still air cooled, if they change that they will loose market and they know it.. I also have a hunch that some HD riders dont realize how much of their bike is composed of foreign parts. I think if Polaris would return Indian to a flathead design motor like they were originally it would fly. Along with plunger style rear suspention, and girder front end,, A real deal bike of yesteryear using modern machinging and metals and technology.. And of course, the pricing would have to be reasonable too.. I also think if they kept the bike entirely "made in the USA", and I mean every piece on it, they could have bragging rights to the ONLY real American made bike and that would give them another edge over HD.. If nothing else, we the consumer are getting another choice in biking,, that alone is exciting in my book.. Cant ever have to many options in my book. I too wish them the best!!
  5. I am wondering what kind of touring capabilitys a Concours would have.. I KNOW the wife and I are wayy spoiled with the 1st Gen Yammer (I am wondering if my body is permanently molded to the good ol yam) BUT I have a chance to get on a Concours for a really swinging deal and am considering it.. At any rate,, anyone here ever spent anytime on anything even remotely comparable?? All yeas and neayss welcome! thanks Scott
  6. 3.29 muskegon micigan
  7. I have book that I have been reading for a while that is filled with future telling.. unlike all these other fortune telling books that I have also read, this one has proven over and over again to be down right accurate - enough so that I have come to a point in my life that its the only source I even consider when it comes to fortune telling.. i was reading it the other day and came across a portion that was discussing the question of when its all gonna end - this book simply said - no one knows.. my take on that is if no one knows and someone says they know than i know its not going to happen when they say it is lol.. The way anyone is going to survive if what we are talking about were to happen is thru pure creativity.. The same kind of creative thought that our modern society has never really appreciated.. bluntly put,, a good example of this is all those people who drive around in or on vehicles without the curiousity of what makes it tick are going to have a very hard time..
  8. What a blast!! YOU GUYS ROCK!! I lived in Braunschweig while job training in Germany back in the 80's.. REALLY enjoyed the folks over there and like you,, found the food incredible!!! I LOVED the full grain breads they had and ohhhh that dark beer:rotf: Ick vas arbiten un deutsheland fer zix un twenzic valken. Ick leban das deutsche mention un das kinda.. been a long tme..
  9. BINGO! but paypal does practice some really screwy things.. I will warn all of you of something else concerning Paypal that happened to me, if you are a SELLER on E-slay and there is a discrepency Paypal WILL freeze your entire account, NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE PURCHASE WAS!!! I had accumulated over 30 grand one year in paypal and had my funds locked up for 45 days while they worked through a complaint about a 30 dollar item!! If you are a seller - dont keep a lot of money in there.. If your a buyer - Paypal is great!! Other than that, Paypal is no different than any other banking institution, if they can hack your PP account they can hack your account at your little bank on the corner - welcome to the new world
  10. Yea Brian but cha gotta admit, that fried right thigh (sounds like chinese cookin) is worth every bit of discomfort just to hear that potata, potata, potata sound while that great sense of freedom is rolling over your emotions as all the worlds problems just evaporate in the heat.. Windshield height: I have always cut and contoured my shields to my own standards.. This is what do: get by myself on a stretch of road where I can concentrate on what I am doing. While going 40 or so, take my hand and feel above my head for the air flow change coming off the windsheild while sitting in my "sweet spot" position (I have found that for me - sitting leaned back, feet forward, knees up and arms resting on my knees I can ride for HOURS - thats my natural postion and thats what I adjust my shield to). I get this airflow right above my head, on an uncut shield I have found the flow everywhere from 6 to 12 inches.. I then cut the windshield down to the point that the airflow is just above my head, by no more than an inch. I have found that this ends up giving me a good 6 inches of view above my shield.. Tell you what, you would be shocked at how, at speed, that airflow carries everything from rain to bugs with it AND all the roadglare, bug covered shield and other distractions associated with looking thru that shield is a thing of the past. The ONLY problem associated with what I do that I have experienced comes in the area of tossing on a passenger, they have NO coverage when you do this and are riding open air.. I keep two shields for this purpose - my cut single shield and one I have done the same thing with from the top of the wifes head.. I too have put a lot of miles on both Elite 2's and 3's. I personally liked the 2's better but I also have had really good results with the 404's and actually prefer them over the 3's. Stay away from Shinkos!! I have a buddy who runs a dual compound on his Ultra Limited and he is sold on the idea of a hard center tread for longgggg life.. He only rides a couple thousand a year (wienie) and his bike is only 2 years old so I am not completely sold on that approach yet.. Maybe others here do? Hope this helps Scott
  11. Wow,, thanks to all for the comments, they are all appreciated,, keep em coming.. Couple quick questions on the responses so far. Does the humidity factor change greatly in Texas from east to west, north to south? It seems like the last time we biked thru the lone star was thru the panhandle and it was more like Oklahoma - humid.. As long as we are going to pull the plug here we would really like to get into dry climate (both of us suffer the usual old age arthritis pains..) A very good prespective made about staying more toward town dwelling than in the sticks.. I totally get that!! A note of thanks and understanding to others sharing on our tough times, I feel your pain and share in it!! We really had some great years here in Michigan but times have changed. I still believe in America and the American way, just gotta go find the solution.. My great great grand kids will probably end up migrating back to Michigan to be Automakers, gotta love life
  12. After being in the used bike business for over 40 years my wife and I sold out.. It had taken me a few years to come to the conclusion that the economy, at least here in Michigan, had probably gone beyond that point of probable recovery within the working years I have left.. I discovered, much to my disadvantage, that even waiting the 6 years to do this cost us thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Instead of the .75 on the dollar we could have gotten on inventory 6 years ago we ended up at about .30 on the dollar.. Dont misunderstand though, even though I do have real mixed emotions about seeing all my bikes and inventory go I still am thankful that it sold.. This last season was a real eye opener for us.. Couple of quick examples, Had a complete 2003 anniversary Harley motor and trans - less than 4k miles on it, TC88, started at 2400 a year ago, went to 1800, 1500 (lots of offers to sell at 500) finally sold to a custom shop for 900. Another one was a good old 1986 Honda XR350 that was street legalized (pre 9/11 we sold a number of these converted XR's and never under 2), it was a gorgeous bike!! Started out at 1700, early summer dropped to 14, late summer dropped to 9 (I had almost that in parts in a complete top end - lots of lookers and people wanting to trade for cameras and boats and lawnmowers and on and on).. Finally a guy drove all the way from Wisconsin to get it for 600 bucks.. I am still gonna spin wrenches and buy and sell (wife says I have two stroke oil for blood) BUT at an extremely downsized rate.. So here is a question for you folks, I still struggle with the idea that this Michigan recession is really that bad across our country.. If we moved out of our beloved state and headed for a warmer, dryer (low humidity) climate - is there anywhere in the country that still seems to be economically desirable for bike resale - off road, on road dont matter.. Have you folks who live in these climates noticed a slow down on sales of motorcycles (or quads) you have seen sitting in peoples front yards? Are there any of you who have attended live auctions thru the years and noticed a steep decline in local auction prices for bikes and related stuff or is does your area seem to be holding steady? I welcome any input on the subject matter!! Thanks Scott
  13. The power to turn this country back around to being a truely great nation again is found in what you (Oldgoat) and Kings Tire in Laselle Ill did for that women.. God bless you and them for both of your actions - that is awesome!!!
  14. HOPE THIS HELPS!! I have had 5 back surguries myself and know how you feel, it aint fun.. Get well and enjoy the following good news (its a copy/paste). scott "Reverse gear now available for the Royal Star Venture Trike Hannigan and Triwing conversions. Hannigan has more room for the install and the cost is $1200.00.Triwing requires some fabrication and costs $1600.00. It’s your choice however the Hannigan conversion costs significantly more. Contact Paul Shott, owner and CEO of Misty Mountain Cycle in Heber Springs, Arkansas. 501-362-4044. Good Luck for now we have three wheels and reverse!!! You will have to get the trike to Arkansas or have him do the entire job. Vendors might arrange a trip to learn the install and conversion. Any way you look at it…it’s a win win situation."
  15. amen brother!!! No wiser words have ever been spoken!!!
  16. Years ago I had the great experience of drawing unempoyment and can still remember the lady at the counters infamous words "have you been able and available for work, have you turned down any work?" - answered correctly got me my check.. I cant imagine that rule has changed much but I bet Michigans way of monitoring what, when and where you are has become pretty easy for em.. My oh my how our world has changed.. Maybe calling and asking them wouldnt be a bad idea,, or have a friend do it so you can stay covert..
  17. PLUS you gave someone a JOB, no matter how small the amount is I believe in spending locally = everybody wins!!!
  18. Sounds like raising kids all over again Only with dogs they will probably never get to the point where they can get a job and move on!!! By sounds of things you have one that has great plans for you,, like someday this is allll going to be mine,, even the remote for the tv!!! CUTE PUP!!!
  19. I mean dangg, that was nasty.. hope our insurance companies dont see this,, we'll all be required to wear life jackets for riding if they do..
  20. Yea I think your right,, and that sound is also the result of ignition timing being out of phase, instead of firing every 360 degrees HD hits at 315 degrees giving the HDs that potato, potato potato sound.. What amazes me is that Indian was actually the original designer of the V-Twin.. I wonder if Polaris (rightful owners of Indian) may have legal access to that sound now.. Wouldnt it be something if HD now had to pay Polaris everytime a Harley was started:rotf:
  21. Glad she is ok and hope she she mends quickly! Intersections,, the most dangerous places on the planet...
  23. Actually, mine were all 8 speeds except for a couple real early models that were the four speed with dual sprockets..
  24. Indeed Owen, here are a few shots of my CB750,, compare it to this new 1100 and it is remarkable what Honda has done!! I also always find it amazing how the younger generation (pre 30 year olds) are attracted to this stuff!! I wouldnt be surprised that this 1100 becomes one of Hondas great sellers because of it.. Cant wait to see it on the showroom floor!!
  25. Freekin bagger riders get alllll the attention, life is just not fair!! Cheese with my wine please:cool10: THAT IS GORGEOUS, and at that pricing they will be competitive!! Yamaha FINALLY shows what what they can do!! I totally agree with you Brian,, makes me wanna run down to the local shop and beg for a test ride! I really wish they would shine some of thier talent on the Venture,, shoot, just the injection to boost economy would be great.. Toss on the audio and gps that thier offering here and WOW!! KUDO'S YAMAHA = NICE WORK!!
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