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Everything posted by luke000

  1. The local carnival is in town! And its time time for some junk food! http://i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu29/luke000/P1030519_zpsd1bfd1fd.jpg
  2. WOO HOO next target please!!!!
  3. I am installing my Markland hitch on my bike and (other than electrical gremlins) I just need the new bolts for the muffler hanger (M10X1.25). Does anyone know what length I need? I think 100mm will be plenty and I just cut them down, I know i can not have them too long or I will crush the swingarm/ drive shaft. And for the nuts, should I get flange nuts or nylon lock nuts?
  4. Yeah....+1
  5. Awesome, name your mark
  6. I want at least one of these! Or something similar. What is Bobs user name? Sorrry I only know a few peoples first name (still a little new on here) And this is what I will use when I can get the studds. SS Cup Holder. I work for a bicycle shop who sells this brand so I can get a good deal on it
  7. Anybody? I know you can not do your own target but I did it for the fun of it and keeping the thread going. Is an old fashion drive in restaurants that hard to find? Should I pick a new mark?
  8. http://i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu29/luke000/this_thread_is_worthless_without_pics_zps1d01202b.gif Just sayin
  9. RIP possum. This is a scary thing to think about with today's "country" but: [ame=http://youtu.be/xi3GgoLtlWk]Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes?[/ame]
  10. OK I did all my work today, swapped out the springs and fork oil, re-attached my spedo (fell out of the gauge while on the road), fixed left turn signal idiot light bulb, and somehow inadvertently fixed my cruise control. All in all a productive day. I am very happy with the spring swap so far but have yet to take it on very windy roads of the highway.
  11. Nevermind, I got the top cap and all it was was the pinch bolts on the crown were not loose. Info on oil drail and capacity still apriciated. And new question what parts from the old system do I keep or toss in the SHTF parts pile?
  12. I am going to swap out my front springs for the progressives today and I have gotten to the point where I need to remove the aluminum top cap (the one with the big allen key) and I am just wondering if there is a trick because it does not want to budge. I forgot to loosen the stanchion clamp for the upper crown, is that my problem? Also is the Philips screw at the bottom of each fork leg the oil drain plug? I will change the oil while i am in here. Also how much oil with my new springs, same as the 403cc as the manual says?
  13. I have shipped bicycles before, never to the great white north but look into greyhound like others have said. IF they cross borders.
  14. Thank you and that is over a year old so there is a lot of new and better stuff. And I agree, those 30 year old tools are probably very good and just need a good sharpening. The old tools are the best, my current lathe is a 1953 Delta rockwell 613. By far my favorite I have used so far. A word of warning, woodturning is very addictive and expensive. I am happy to share any tricks or give advice if anyone wants, or at least as much as a 19 year old can. A good way to keep cost down and get some kick a$$ wood is to watch for logs cut down by landscaping company's.
  15. You, your bike and an old style drive in restaurant. (sorry had to steal this mark from another forum)
  16. I doubt you have a bent shaft, The end grain is always harder to sand and cut. Like I said SAND SAND SAND SAND and when your done SAND AGAIN
  17. Well I am a big wood turner and I can tell you like others have said its your wood and not the shops smith. To get a good finish you must use the proper tools for the type of grain you are working, I suggest a finish scraper and a bowl gouge. Also I like to work the wood green right after I cut down the tree. Make sure the blank is orented properly because end grain is a PITA to make a bowl out of. And sand sand sand and then sand again. For anyone interested here is some of my older stuff on another motorcycle forum I posted from back when I was building my CB550. here.
  18. I think I did it!!!! BOOYAH Does this work??
  19. That is what I do and It works great.
  20. Ok I think I will grease my steering bearings and re-torque everything and see if that does anything. I am also very tempted to do a progressive spring set. How hard is it to do the springs? Keep in mind I am a mountain bike mechanic and I am used to working on some of the most advanced suspension on 2 wheels. I am just wondering how much of the bike needs to come apart and is it a matter of just dropping in the springs or do I have to gut the system of some sort of air spring cartage?
  21. I am stuck It might just be wind that day or something else. I never took the bike on the road what so ever before the new tires. And I think I mentioned before anything under Highway speeds is sooth as a Swiss watch.
  22. I did not mount the tires my self, I had a guy (usually does very good work and have not heard a single complaint about him from myself or anyone) mount them and he told me he balanced them.
  23. I just took my 86 on the highway for the first time ever and there was a very pronounced wobble in my front end to the point where I would not let go, I could control it but not let go. I have brand new tires on the bike and properly inflated. I did notice that my front fork seemed soft, could this have possibly reduced my head tube angle resulting in the twitch? The wobble was about 3 times/second give or take. And it was much more pronounced the faster I went above what I would guess was 70 (my spedo cable fell out as I left my driveway). I still have my original steering bearings (did not SEEM loose when I had the bike apart) and stock fork brace and stock air springs. I might just be a hypochondriac but tell me what you think.
  24. Today I sold the first "real" bike I ever bought, my 1982 Yamaha Virago. I bought it 3 years ago when I was 16 the day I passed the MSF course. It was a great bike, lots of "First" memories on that bike but I bought the Venture at Xmas and got it plated and registered last friday so this bike had to go. I miss it, and loading it on the new owners trailer was a little sad, but I got money and made a nice little profit at the same time (thank you hipsters for raising the price of used 70's and early 80's motorcycles) http://i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu29/luke000/IMG_0106-1_zpsaef6bc37.jpg On the new owners trailer http://i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu29/luke000/0402131621_zpsf304e6d9.jpg And I now had just enough money for my new 2-wheeled ride that I ordered today at work:whistling: http://i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu29/luke000/96807_zps0fde5d21.jpg
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