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Everything posted by luke000

  1. The (only) Ex girlfriend...the one who cheated on me with the def kid while I was away at school.
  2. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/08/30/usy4u9a6.jpg
  3. Good job! What is next?
  4. Haha, alright, in the spirit of having started my semester on Monday the next target is You, your MOTORCYCLE, and a College/University GO!
  5. Found one! I was mountain biking in northern, mi and on my way back and saw this on the side of the road. Pulled over and snapped a few pics. The bike is my 2013 Trek Stache 8, let me know if this works. Photo is in Petosky, Mi http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/08/17/9a8aza6u.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/08/17/u3y4aty2.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/08/17/ypu4uqu4.jpg
  6. So much for an all ages target, looks like I will leave this one for the 21+ crowd haha Maybe I can find the a ROOT beer factory!
  7. :moon: . . . . . . As for the OP, I fully support this law! Here in MI I got my endorsement two years ago, I was 17 and just had my basic license at that point, took the MSF course over two weekends with my buddy (would have done 1 weekend class but my friend had no idea how to ride so he wanted the longer less intensive class) and then when you passes that class went into the sec of state, took the eye test and a 9 or so question multiple choice test and I was endorsed with my full MC license.
  8. Got mine too! Look great!
  9. Yeah, I would say time for a new target.
  10. I have a Contour. I bought it because I could get a deal on it and not the GoPro
  11. You will get even better offers if you haul that down to wherever the local hipsters ride their fixies, wear the skinny jeans, and drink their fair trade coffee. They have driven up the value of anything that is old and 2 wheeled 2-4X. ESPECIALLY SCOOTERS and half baked "cafe" "builds" HIPSTER BIKES
  12. 19 here on my end! Bought the MKII last year @ 18. WooHoo!!! I'm in the %.5 exclusive bracket!
  13. When all else fails, get a bigger hammer..........WD40 and just keep at it is about all I can say.
  14. That's what I was getting at
  15. I say have him repaint it, On my last custom build I painted the gas tank, and side panels and there was bad orange peel. If worst comes to worst, wet sand it down with a block and then use polishing compound on a buffer to bring the shine back (its what I did on the previously mentioned bike here) Also did you or the painter wax or put some sort of protection on the paint when it was done?
  16. Sounds good to me!
  17. Alight! I might be down that way in a few weeks. Whats the next mark?
  18. I was coming out of class three weeks ago at my college, I rode the MKII in. As I was walking out to the parking lot with my helmet in my hand another guy carrying a helmet walked up to me and goes "hey is that your Yamaha in the parking lot?" I tell him yes its a big touring bike and asked why, he responds "Oh its not an R6, one got crashed into in a parking spot and got knocked over", at the time my mind did not pick up R6 so I run out and saw a campus police officer and a kid standing by a tipped over bike. I walked up and started talking to everyone there and someone appeared to have whipped into a parking spot, thought it was empty, crashed into the R6 and drove off in a hurry. The R6 was not totaled but not ride-able, it was VERY scratched up and a body crack or two along with the right clip on bar snapped off. Long story short, hit and run, called a flatbed, and I gave the other kid a ride home on a real bike, and gave him my number if he needs help fixing it. I about had a heart attack when I though my brown baby was hurt.
  19. It should be a metric O-ring (although I do not know the size) I have metric specialty places around me where I go for that stuff. I have heard that some of the big box hardware stores carry them.
  20. Quick edit: this is also able to be "Then worlds _________ _________" so for that first blank it can be something like longest, biggest, heaviest, most pointless, loudest.......etc.
  21. Have you seen the stuff they put in PG movies these days???? And I was referring to the Chinese takeout joint delivery time...you have a dirty mind
  22. Yeah well at least I know its not my ex...she never said that
  23. Nope not the youngest, that would be me @19 (as far as I know) Welcome to the site. Everyone is very friendly here and will help out with any problems.
  24. New mark is You, your, Bike, and the worlds largest ___________ keep this PG
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