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Everything posted by indianriverjack

  1. Reminds me of the time I loaned my car to my brother for his high school graduation party.
  2. Yep, managed to get the Big Black out yesterday here in southeast Ohio and it felt really good, there were several other bikes out, it kind of reminded me of a Mayfly hatch coming off. And that also reminded me that it's time to start getting ready for Trout Fishing over in the West Virginia mountian streams as well. Yes, Yes, Yes. :cool10:
  3. They work just fine on the RSTD's , there are several tips on mounting them on this site. "Happy Holidays to All from Indianriverjack in S.E. OH"
  4. Me Runnum All Time..............
  5. I ask the mechanic if he used any sealant on the rims like they do in tire shops and he told me that they didn't do that on motorcycle rims as it was a liability issue, he said that he does use a light coating of silicone lube on them. I guess I will see what the look like the next time I change out a tire, I just havn't decided yet if I am going to put Ride On Sealant back in them, I like the security it provides for punctures. Thanks for your input, Jack.....................
  6. > The rear tire that I replaced also had a White Buildup on the tire where it contacted the rim, I ask the mechanic if he had seen the same on other alloy rims that were not using the sealant, he said that he had not, maybe it was something in the Avon Tires reacting with it. The rims just had a chalk like buildup on them but were not pitted. I don't know, just looking for some ideas. Several of the other members speak highly of the Ride On Sealant. Jack..................
  7. > I developed a slow leak in my front Avon Tire this Spring and have been adding some air about once a week. This past week I had my local dealer replace my rear tire and had him take a look into my front tire leak, what he found was a white corosion on my rims, he polished them out with a rotary wire brush and that seems to have taken care of my leak. I was sold on the Ride On Tire Sealant untill now, but I am not planning on putting it back in my tires because of the corosion problems. I was wondering if any other members are having the same problem........Jack " Keep The Shinny Side Up and the Rubber Side Down....."
  8. I have recieved and viewed the Ride Like A Pro DVD and will be sending it on shortly, I believe that anyone who rides reguarding of riding experience can learn something from it. I will be contacting ,1sttenor and if no response from him then Condor is next on the list. Jack..........
  9. Did you get the message I sent you on the like new Utopia Backrest that I have for sale. It has the optional pouch. It is off of my 2005 RSTD and should fit your bike. I changed out my seat with a custom one from Diamond Seats and had to use the backrest made for the new seat. If you or anyone else reading this needs a seat contact me at sgroves1@roadrunner.com , Price is $100.00 + $10.00 Shipping to lower 48 states.
  10. My son and I rode it summer before last, however it reminded me of the many secondary roads in " Almost Heaven West Virginia". " Keep your face in the wind and the rubber side down............
  11. Chrome Trim Lines, Visors on all Lights, Passing Lamps, Dash Tool Bag, Tank Bib, Highway Pegs, Modified Road King Mufflers, Luggage Rack, Chrome Radiator Grill, Studded Cusom Diamond Seats, Chrome Fender Tips, Lower Wind Deflectors, Avon Vemoms, Cup & GPS Holders, Various Other Chrome Goddies.
  12. I have been using the RAM Mount that I bought on EBay on my RSTD and have been 100% satisfied with it, they offer it for just about all of the GPS units. I am using it for the Nuvi 200W. Good Luck, Jack................................... P.S. I use a Ziplock bag over mine when the weather is wet, when its not wet just unzip it and slide it down out of the way.
  13. Please add me to the list and I will not copy the RLAP video and I will gladly send it on post paid to the next requesting member............................................................
  14. I will be there if the dates allow..... Keep the Sunny Side Up and the Rubber Side Down................
  15. I have not been able to find out any more details other than it was reported that the tire did in fact blow out. If I find any additional details I will post them........................
  16. I don"t do a lot of posting but I thought this accident may get you checking your bike a little closer. This weekend there was a couple riding 2 up just north of Marrietta Ohio heading south on I-77 when their rear tire either went flat or blew out on their HD Glide. The bike flipped and the couple were thrown into the guard rail. Neither survived the crash. I don't know any other details other than the local news said that excesive speed or alcohol did not appear to be a factor. I don't know about you folks but I am going to check my tire pressures more often and not push tire wear further than I should. So if you are wondering if you should change that tire yet maybe you should.
  17. If you are interested I listed a Utopia Backrest for a RSTD yesterday in the classifieds on this site price is $165.00 + $10.00 to ship anywhere in the lower 48.......... I don't think Diamond R makes a backrest for the RSTD.
  18. I also use R4 Mobil 1 10W-40 and change it between 5000 and 6000 miles, some of the Walmart stores carry it. I didn't find it with the other oils but where they had the helments and other bike acessories. It is pricey but I feel that it is a good investment............. Keep the Sunny Side Up and the Rubber Side Down......
  19. My son and I also rode the Dragon this past Tue. then rode the Blue Ridge Parkway from Cherokee N.C. to Fancy Gap on Wed. Home Thur. via WV Turnpike and I-77, we had a great ride and good weather as well, only problems was the rain that we rode in most of the day on Mon. through Kentucky. It was our first time for the Dragon I think there are several rides in WV that are similar only with chuck holes. Any safe ride is a good ride, we are blessed................. Keep The Sunny Side Up and The Rubber Side Down........
  20. I'm 65 and been riding on and off for the past 40 years still trying getting use to the weight of the 05 RSTD.........................
  21. Thanks for hosting Maint. Day it was the 1st one that I have been too, actually it was the 1st event of any kind that I have attended. It was great talking with all of the good people and being able to put faces with the handles on the web site, a Special Thanks to Muffinman for syncing my carbs. There were more big Yammies in your yard than there is in within 100 miles of here., it was good to see what different people have done with there bikes and sharing ideas with them. Thanks again for all that you do. INDIANRIVERJACK...............
  22. I changed out my mufflers with a set of RK Slashcuts that I got off of ebay, drove a sharpened 3/8" x 32" steel rod through the center of them several times ( best to do befor mounting on bike ) I removed the heat shields from my origional mufflers with a small side grinder and put them on the RK's with a couple of small sheet metal screws. I mounted them to my saddlebag mounting rails with a couple of steel coundit c type clamps and 1/4" x 1" x 4" steel flatbar ( per muffler ). The sound on my 05 RSTD is a deep throaty sound especially on a pull, louder than origional muffs but not overly loud. I had about $50.00 and about 4 hours labor in the change out. I hope this helps...........Jack Keep the Sunny Side Up and the Rubber Side Down.................
  23. I am still planning on stopping by Sat. AM, but looks like I will be by myself and will have to leave by noon as I have to be back in Marietta Oh Sat afternoon. Good Lord willing I'll see ya then.............Jack.
  24. I have been looking after my wife as she had hers done in mid Jan.. She it coming along, off of her walker now and uses a cane most of the time, there is a fair amount of pain that goes with it but all in all she is doing OK. I am hoping that she will be far enough along by mid Apr. so that I can get away and do some trout fishing in the mountains, and my bike is making a growling noise every time I walk past it. Good Luck With the Ole Bones. Keep the Sunny Side Up and the Rubber Side Down......................
  25. Thanks for your replies, the M & E sounds like a good idea, also will try to make Maint. Day at Freebirds, my son rides with me when he can and lives in Canton OH., it wouldn't be that far from there to Freebirds. Marietta Ohio would probably be a good spot for a M & E historical town with some good rides from all directions geting there. Keep the Sunny Side Up and the Rubber Side Down.............
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