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Everything posted by jeffdownes11

  1. Hi, thanks again for your input. I think it would be wiser to go for the 2009 engine with the the proven miles that would fit in without any issues, it could be a problem getting carb and ignition parts in Thailand as these bikes are a bit rare over here.Once again,thank you for all your input,you have probably saved me a lot of heartache in this matter and it is an absolute pleasure to deal with people who know what they are talking about, these forums are spot on. Jeff
  2. Hi, many thanks for all your input, I will try to give more info about the bike.I bought the bike in Thailand and I believe the model is a boulevard, the registration book in Thailand only gives the year of import.When I was back in England I ordered a part from the main Yamaha dealer and gave him the frame and engine numbers and the guy put them through the computer and told me it was manufactured in 1997.The frame No. is JYA4NKE0XVA024536 and engine 4NK-024191.I do have the choice of a 1999 or 2005 engine at similar costs but for obvious reasons would prefer the later model.Many thanks. Jeff
  3. Hi, I am a new member and my name is Jeff, I am from Manchester, England but live in Thailand in the winter and have the pleasure of owning a Royal Star over here. The problem I have is that one or the conrods broke and one piece went through the crankcase and the other into the cylinder wall so you can imagine the mess, oh, and it bent the crankshaft as well. I have sourced a second hand engine in the States but before shipping it over I need to make sure it will fit in my bike. Mine is a 1997 model but the engine is off a 2005, can anybody help me here or has had similar experience with this problem, thanks Jeff
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