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    so cal, United States


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    so cal


  • Home Country
    United States
  1. .22lr and .223 is pretty hard to come by around here.... Hope it comes around soon
  2. Big Sprint car/ Midget fan here... If you like racing action its a don't miss race....wish i could make the trip from Cali. I don't think its on pay per view this year so i am Bummin...lol
  3. Wow That had to be a Tough Decision , So many Great Storys Everyone, I enjoyed Reading them, Thanks.....
  4. Everyone who ordered Twinky covers , they will ship tomorrow, thanks 2 ballmilled sets left from this lot..will have more next week,
  5. Yes im working on them today, will come in Ballmilled, Smooth and Slotted for Eusa1 to Diamond Cut
  6. yes, sent you an email back....will look into those flames
  7. $69.95 a set to forum Members.. 10 sets to polish shop tomorrow jason email me your idea of inferno flames
  8. was not sure if i wanted to make them or not, but alot of guys asking made the decision easier Sorry Man, at least you got a set, thats all that matters...
  9. Yes Sir...Powder Coat or even Engrave on them Thanks for your help Mike, Saddlebag Hinge Inserts on the Docket next
  10. Ballmilled Twinkies Coming Soon... <a href=http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/4650/imag0353i.jpg' alt='imag0353i.jpg'> Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img]
  11. Look good on there..
  12. No ..we have not made any yet..
  13. Very Nice Don...
  14. are these from the 1st Gen bikes..? if someone would help with sizes we would love to add them to our Lineup, that goes for any part too Brian
  15. Thank You Peter.. I will post a pic when they come back from polishing shop...
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