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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Buck Roy welcome. I am a brand new owner of a 2003 RSV. Had the bike literally 2 weeks. Never had a yamaha before. I was a trial member and converted instantly to a supporting member even BEFORE I bought the bike. This is in part of members like freebird, tx2sturgis, M16A1MECH, and others who were very instrumental in me choosing to get the RIGHT bike based on their time and vast knowledge and the willingness to help me, and more importantly which ventures NOT to get. Ok.... That said. I currently have the stock windshield. It sits WAAY higher then I am used to and would like. I am more comfortable with looking over not through. Like the others mentioned, air, fog, moisture, night lights etc just make it harder for me. I do not feel comfortable. I checked my Vulcan. It's a Memphis shades with the top of shield just about nose level. It still protects from debris, but I can see clear. I have heard of F4, but also Steve K, has on his and mentioned clearview shields. They come with and without vents. They also have a slight discount on some Barely scratched shields... The tires I currently have AVON venom X and some here on the forum like them. I have not nearly the experience to add my 2 cents except a times , especially in turns, they feel a bit squirrelly for me. The Vulcan has the Michelin commanders. Those tires have been awesome and tested with 2 up, full gear in at least 4 tropical storms ( little to no shelter on the backroads of Florida ) The avons are fairly new and will ride them out. Afterwards I will absolutely get the commander II. I just ordered a utopia backrest from one out beloved members and awaiting that, as well the custom dynamics LED taillight. Sometimes you just have to order things one at a time in order of priority. Safety vs. comfort vs.style and bling. I wish like others, I had unlimited funds and time to ride. I am also not as vested (yet) as some of these guys, due to still having to be a family man. Good luck with your ride.
  2. Thanks to everyone for sharing your stories and experiences regarding my question. I am taking my first overnight this weekend w the venture. Since its just me, wont be too bad. Headed to Hilton head, SC. Approx 350 miles each way. I noticed some have saddlebag liners that's zip. Anyone suggest best place to get them ?
  3. That was incredibly funny as well as enlightening. Thank you so much for your post.
  4. Hello everyone. I have spent some time reading older posts regarding what everyone brings on the road. Naturally, people bring or leave things depending on the type of trip ( weekend vs. week, solo vs. 2 up, weather etc ) . This leads me to asking you savvy riders this: 1- where and HOW are you putting all this stuff in ?? The RSV has the presence of a lot of room, but it seems like I may have thought it had more then it does. I mean after the wrenches, tire compressor, rain gear, misc stuff such as flashlights, screwdrivers, oil, etc. what room is left for food, water and clothes. 2- at some point I will be taking a 2 up over night journey and again, where and how am I putting up stuff including spouse ( she doesn't think it would be fun stuffing her in trunk ) the rest of the general packing list and clothes for 2. Maybe it's just me, but I do not throw away socks and shirts after a trip. On the kawasaki , we use a T bag which fits behind the passenger backrest. This left both saddle bags for gear. I am trying to figure out the best way to pack this bike, for longer trips ( to me it means 200+ miles) and overnights which was the reason I picked up the bike. ( sadly time and responsibilities with the little ones do not allow me longer journeys w the wife) I learn so much from this sight, and many thanks to those that take the time to respond and reply both on the forum and through PM. I eagerly await your replies....
  5. Yeah, I would definitely welcome the luncheon. Lets touch base after the holidays. I would be glad to meet half way.
  6. I have seen them in a home that I was treating the home owner. They had 2. Idk what brand, but seemed to work fine and produced some nice heat, without any excess noise or odor.That said...there are some people that seem to have pros and cons. As always, one persons pro is another persons con. Found this link that may shed some light on helping you make a decision. If you can, before purchasing, see what the return policies are and the time you have. http://reviews.costco.com/2070/11658672/golden-designs-inc-dynamic-infrared-quartz-heater-reviews/reviews.htm.
  7. Today I finally met my first VR member. I have been receiving very nice PM and thread replies from a lot of you. Want to thank Steve K. Aka M61A1MECH for taking the time after his bike run to meet with me in his old stomping rounds of spring hill. A couple of things. First off his bike looks awesome, has a lot of nice add ons and modifications. More importantly was his personable, friendly demeanor. He was eager to answer all my newbie questions and add his vast knowledge on things I would have never guessed. I asked him to ride the bike and give me a feel. Came back and was happy as a clam with my bikes handling. After the holidays I am headed his way on the other side of the state to have him help me w a cool light bar set up. Over all I have not had one bad experience dealing w anyone on this forum and wanted to let you know I appreciate it since I feel like I am running a marathon with my shoes tied together and my eyes closed. If anyone has any questions regarding lights /LEDs etc, trying reaching out to him. He has some good ideas. It's nice to be surrounded by people who are genuine and not Butt heads Barry
  8. I appreciate all the input and for sharing both sides of the coin.
  9. Where can I get one of those air horns? I wanna see Florida drivers drop their phones and beer. Also how is the install on those lighted mirrors. Lastly, do those Rico mirrors have a part number and are they large enough to function well. ( I like big a$$ mirrors)
  10. Playboy seems to have jokes. Touché .
  11. Ultimate goal should be 0- flat and 120+ or more bent. A lot of people settle for 100-110. And some doctors tell you anything over 90 is good. Don't settle. Now is the time to start pushing, before the scar tissue settles in. I have seen some knees reach 135+ degrees. That is where you want to be if at all possible. Glad you are doing well first day out. A therapist SHOULD want that knee to have active range of motion (AROM) to and beyond 115*, at least 125-135 would be golden. The knee needs at least 90* for sit to stand and for steps. The "normal" range of a knee is about 135*. If your knee never went that far before and the "good" leg doesn't get to 135* don't despair. Usually 135 is when you have a knee joint without any restrictions or trauma. I do agree do NOT SETTLE for just 110*. Keep in mind, pain and swelling is going to be a factor in how much range you get initially. As the swelling subsides, the increased range you will get. There is a window of about 9-12 weeks where the immature scar tissues is pliable before it matures. That's why it's critical to get the therapy in full swing to break up and / or align the scar tissue in the flexing and extension position. Many components play into the final result including your anatomical structure from the start. Keep up the hard work . Good job. ( finally I can contribute SOMETHING to this forum )
  12. Hello everyone. I am curious to know how many members are part of or were former members of AMA and or ABATE as well as any other organizations. I am interested in knowing your take, your experience both pros and cons. I am pretty naive at this point regarding the benefits and or pitfalls of these organizations. So if you can comment please do so as to why you like or prefer to no longer be associated with memberships. Just for the record, I am not a covert spy or deep undercover in a sting operation Just some newbie trying to make sense of all the options. I have never been part of any organization and was wondering if I should rethink my position. I am sure you guys/gals will not disappoint with your replies. Thanks again.
  13. If you head to Florida I can loan you my RSV and you can enjoy yourself riding without the 0.001% chance of snow. I will join you with my other bike, show ya round
  14. Does your state have anything protecting you, such as a lemon law? I do agree with wrench and blue venture87, do not wait another minute for them to stall and postpone. Be the squeaky wheel. Can you get your money back? How bout a trade. Are you able to take it to an independent shop for a complete look over? Over the years I have had many struggles with dealers and sales folks. Wife and I were burned when she went without me a few years back? First and last time for that. It's tough to stay calm. I would still be a pest. It's not like you haven't PAID for quality care and service. Listen to your gut. Good luck.
  15. True on all fronts. I would love to be able to get a chance to meet up and do some riding with you guys. It has been on my mind as well regarding the parking in tight spots, in a crowd and or on an incline. If I am riding to an event, I'd like to be able to park the bike w confidence. Any tips,or advice ( other then practice, which I will be doing ). Worse then looking bad, is damaging my bike and possibly someone else's. That, makes for a bad day.
  16. Florida is known as a right to work state. However, it should be renamed "right to get canned" state. Breathing the wrong way is reason enough to be let go around these parts. Thankfully, this time I have a degree to keep me employed.
  17. I guess at some point I will do things such as oil changes etc. I do them now on the kawi... But when it comes to lowering suspension, I'd rather be around or have someone with WAAAY more knowledge hen I do, hence joining the forum and reaching out at the expense of looking foolish or just not involved in my own bikes care. Where I go, they have taken excellent care if my kawi and expect upfront no BS with this one. I just wanna know things. After some time out and about, being better acquainted should help out as well.
  18. You are correct playboy. I do need to get some flight time with my ride and to see how she feels and learn the nuances of the bike and ahold have more info to go with. Guess I am just excited
  19. I appreciate all those who were able to add valuable information. I will see how she rides and go from there. I haven't even had the bike long enough to see and just had it returned from an oil change. As of now , with the changes as they are, I can touch the ground with flat feet. I have not had the pleasure of riding 2 up and with gear. Heck, right now riding 1 up has been tough with my current schedule . Any and all pics regarding the triple tree, maybe a stock vs.modified wold help me see better. Also, I realize I am about to open 400 Pandora's boxes, ( apologies in advance) but most of you guys/gals run synthetic oil. I was told by my shop here in hot Florida that regular oil, if changed at 2500-3000k intervals will be sufficient. And pros and or cons to switching or staying. Ultimately it's my decision what I ask the shop to do, but want more scientific evidence or feedback from those who really know. I just want to RIDE the bike, not spend forever over thinking or trying to get the perfect "set up". Whew....I need an aspirin
  20. Good luck with the knee. Unlike in the past, knee surgeries are extremely common. The KEY for helping speeding up your recovery is to do the physical therapy. I work on knees all the time. Going to take some time for swelling and over all a knee can take 6-12 months of total pain free, which intensity diminishes accordingly. Take your pain meds BEFORE (45-60 min ) you start therapy. ICE the knee afterwards. Hopefully you get an assertive therapist. Those are the ones you can not stand during, but love after you walk out. Contact me if you have any questions.
  21. Appreciate the time you took to reply. With a name like WRENCH, there is little doubt you are mechanically inclined. I on the other hand can do very little which is why I not only ride the 2 bikes I have, but joined the forum to make sure I am doing all I can to keep the machine running well. Last thing I want or need is to be stranded in bum f*ck Egypt not knowing how to get it rolling again.
  22. Thanks for the reply and sorry for YOUR confusion. The bike was already lowered using barons kit. Allegedly 1.5 inches. Previous owner was short as I am, but he had way more gut and girth. My feet do touch the. Round and that was important as I usually ride solo ( not always by choice). Great idea on pump. Everyone has been extremely friendly and helpful. I do not have any interest at the moment in doing any of the tech work myself, but also do not wanna be raked over the coals by the shop. Will continue to post and read the discussions, although some of my questions and such are on older posts pushing 3-4 years. Thanks again
  23. Glad the foot is dong as well as expected. As a therapist working in various settings, I can try to put in my 2 cents. Listen to doc, regarding weight bearing status, even if it feels better. You should not ignore any Physical therapy ( when you are allowed to go ) , where it will help speed up recovery and give you the ROM ( range of motion), proprioception, strength and proper ambulatory patten back as quick as possible. Good luck and happy holidays....
  24. * this post is also on 2nd gen.venture forum , bc I didn't see THIS forum when I posted, MY BAD * Hello everyone I am interested in learning more about my 2003 venture which was recently purchased. I have ridden a total of 30 miles on it, but has 24xxx. I am confused and concerned about things such as the lowering kit, how it's on and any advice on what to look for. Was there any adjustments on the front end? Tires, brakes, electrical etc. the shop says all is good, but I feel weird not knowing much. I live in spring hill, and some that were on the left coast have expired memberships. I am willing to ride down and meet with anyone who is available and willing to show this newbie about RSV. Perhaps anyone in the Tampa / St. Pete/, or anyone near hillsborough, pasco, Hernando, citrus, counties. Heck, I will even trek to Ocala. There are some nice roads by me and some nice little beaches and bars / eateries if some want an excuse to ride this way I would appreciate all input and your time as well. No rush and perhaps there may be more free time after the holidays. I am open to suggestions. Thank you all. Barrycuda.
  25. Glad that your loved one is safe and not seriously injured. I came from NYC to Florida, and down here, there can be a 5 car pile up just because. Never seen anything like it. And thats coming from a noo yawker. Ride safe
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