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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. In a state that does not have a helmet law, which I think that's plain bizarre, I wear a full face shoei R1100. I have the Troy Lee design of the court jester. Even though it can be grueling dring the summer, I feel my head is better sweating and still intact. I have a skull cap for bike events where the speed limit is down to a crawl. No extras. The wife has a zox which she seems to like. Heard the shoei is a bit heavy, I had only a HJC for a bit.
  2. Looks like a giant armadillo with a windshield and light attached. Some people have way too much money on their hands if they dropped $23,000 for this thing. Wonder if its considered the 3rd generation?
  3. Gee whiz...I did that myself one of the first times and wasn't going to admit that d'OH moment. My Vulcan is FI and after cursing and pushing it back to the garage, looking and feeling dumb, it dawned on me the reason. Hasn't happened again.
  4. My two cents is probably worth less but here ya go... Before I even thought about coming on this forum, I looked all over the country for a bike and any information to help make a choice. Then I came on this forum and was asking ( more like bugging lol) questions. I find these guys to be of utmost knowledgable and helpful. If you can not get any if not all of the accessories to work, to see if there is a shortage, etc. I would pass on the bike. You should know everything to work as it should, period. The dealer, if he is on the up and up, would do all he can to make sure you are satisfied. Bottom line, turn over all stones, if you have any reservations, leave it and look elsewhere. For the price you are willing to pay, you will be able to buy a great venture without worrying about what works etc. for me , I waited for my 4 th bike and it came with a barons lowering kit, trunk racks, foot pegs, trunk light etc. all stuff I would have bought on my own. Good luck and do not let emotions drive you JUST to that bike.
  5. Congrats. I know how hard it is to juggle a family and graduate, with honors no less. You as well as she, should be extremely proud of her perserverence. She has a lifetime of job security. I do not know her, but anyone who acomplished what she did, will make a fine nurse indeed.
  6. HotRodYJ, one of the things many of s smaller guys have done and have yet NOT done, is reach out to Rick Butler, who is on this fabulous site. He modifies the seats to take the pressure off your back side by removing padding in specific areas. This brings the bike a bit lower. From all accounts he is excellent and has many people very satisfied in the comfort as well. I have a second generation, and was lowered prior to purchase by a BARONS lowering kit. Me being almost same exact height and with 30 inch inseam, I can already stand flat foot. That said, there are gurus of first gens that have many tricks. Hope this helps somewhat Barry
  7. Have a safe trip and ride often as the Florida weather is in your favor. Depending on your riding schedule and location, feel free to reach out to me, perhaps we can get some road time in together.
  8. :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  9. Thanks everyone for all your great help and advice. The weather here has been quite warm and nice with no rain,so it's riding time in between work. After the weekend, I will swap out and see what's going on. If everyone else's tabs line up, and Don says he has never seen that problem, then chances may be it was just me. I will keep everyone posted. Thanks again.
  10. What was making me curious was the fact the rear didn't lock in under the post, but everything else looked amid lined up OK. Steve...I am still on board for our project and have to speak with you about dates and such. Stay tuned... I will also look at the trunk positioning, and see if it needs to be moved forward. ( even I can do THAT....right) ????????
  11. Even if that piece doesn't latch under the backseat post? Over time couldn't the bolts be loosen by road vibration, and time causing a problem?
  12. Sorry that I have to do this in the most painful way possible .
  13. Ok, when I purchased my 2003 RSV about 6 weeks ago, the guy stated the previous owner was a female. True or not IDK. The bike came with a Corbin seat, that the guy claims he doesn't know if it fits, but came with the bike so OK. A few days ago I removed the seats and installed the Corbin. Here's the dilemma ( with pics to help): the rear portion of the seat seems too short. The little stem that should slide under the back seat post doesn't seem to reach. I was able to bolt down the front and it didn't seem to move at all. I just don't know enough about the bike or Corbin seats to see if it indeed is the proper seat. The sticker on the back says Corbin VENT-DT and the number next to the barcode reads 2303449. Can anyone help to determine if what I have indeed fits, or I have a $475 paperweight. It looks as if the end of the back seat is a bit further forward or "shorter" then original seat, but I would say not by very much. I am also showing some of the front, to see if thats the normal position. Any and all advice is appreciated. *** I can not seem to add more then one pic*** grrrrrrr
  14. Nice to see and read about stories like that. Congrats to riding and arriving safely. He rode 9000 miles in 10 days. In comparison, I rode 8600 miles in the last TWO FREAKIN' YEARS. I have some catching up to do
  15. My 2 cents are similar to the others. I have trained in MMA for quite some time. A good friend, Erik Paulson, who teaches globally taught his students to mix 50/50 water with pedialyte for electrolytes without the increased sugar. I have found after training a few hours hardcore, they have helped with any dehydration, cramping etc. I agree with apples and peanuts but would also add bananas for the needed potassium. Living in Florida, the humidity is a killer and I also carry on trips a water cooler, usually all ice and frozen water bottles. Another technique is I place 2 water bottles, frozen in each front jacket pocket. My bandana and shirt get rinsed and soaked again upon fueling at local station. One of the keys which everyone notices is to drink plenty BEFORE and cover up. Diabetics should check blood sugar prior to a long ride and have stuff readily available. I always have a full face, jacket and boots. Just added air glide 3 pants. I may be a bit hot, but I will still have my skin. Main thing is to use common sense. That, or just copy what we all just said.
  16. Thanks jfoster for tHe info. Will look into it some more.
  17. I appreciate reading all the input bc I thought it was me ( still might be me). My 03 RSV has Avon venom X and I get the feeling it doesn't want to stay on the road, especially during turns. I am not a heavier guy and ride solo 98% of time. The front is not at 40 and will try MIles' numbers, since he has about 1.8 million more riding miles then I do. I have not had any squirrelly feelings with the Vulcan which has Michelin commander. I ride2 up and full T bag on the back and had zero feelings of uneasiness. Was even caught in tropical storms with 2 up + gear and she was fine. With the RSV, I am a bit apprehensive of my first rain storm.
  18. I too have been riding, however not as much as brake pad has. Since I too live south, might as well rack dem miles while I can. djh3 , please think about contacting me from time to time for a day trip or a ride. I am more then happy to join you if and when time allows.
  19. Indians look so awesome. I had the pleasure of riding one in New York. However I just started with riding so I had nothing to compare. They had some at a dealer at Daytona during biketoberfest. I don't wanna say they were expensive. So I will say they are a tad up there... :mo money:
  20. I am going to try these stations out . Are they regulated in regards to cost per gallon?
  21. I am lucky enough to have 2 just in my immediate area. Question: how do they get ethanol free fuel?
  22. We were brave souls, walking many miles in the rain/sleet mix and did it again last night as well. We hit the mountain top, where the kids made snow angels and slipped on the ice. A good time had by all. Today was the longest trek back to Florida. I didn't wanna leave....
  23. I have a couple of hand guns, and I purchased a sig AR15 with scope just prior to the Connecticut incident. I never grew up with guns, so I have no longtime loyalty. I have had zero issues with any ofnthem. However, I do like the Springfield armory XD 9 mm which comes with 2 mags holding 16. I also have a Kimber ultra aegis II 9 which shoots nice. My main carry weapons are my SIG P229 .40 and my smithe and Wesson M&P .40maimly for size and feel in holster. The Kimberly would be a main carry piece if I wasn't so anal about scratching it. The SIG has the reputation to hell and back. I personally do not like the glocks, no safety and no decocker. Unless they changed. Had a Bersa 380 which was nice, but they wear frequently on the rail. My Sig AR is now almost 2.5X more to purchase then I paid. Maybe I should sell. Never been fired and still in box. Even have 100 rounds. Anybody interested?
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