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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Miles, you are one smart fella. I guess with me living here in Florida, I have the option to ride 6-7 days a week. I do not "store" it very long. I do ride, albeit not like some of you guys, but that's based on where I am at in my life. That said... I will be looking at my tires more closely and more seriously then before. I have both bikes in the garage and it not heated per se, but it gets quite warm to sizzling here. So...for a rider that does not go through tires like yourself , once purchased and broken in, how long ( miles and or time stamp) should they be strongly considered time to change?
  2. Thanks for the answer Kevin. Appreciate it
  3. After watching the video, it definitely is an interesting bike. I guess it depends on where one is at in their life. Meaning, age, fitness, finances etc. not everyone can drop heavy cash on a motorcycle. At least I can not. I am keeping the venture about a year to feel it out and to see how comfortable I am with the bike.
  4. Are there any methods to help prolong the shelf life of the sidewall of a tire?
  5. C'mon now Swifty...you wouldn't be tearing at the fabric that makes this one of the best MC sites around would ya? The gen 2 can't help it if they look like Harley Davidson. At least the RSV won't be riding on the back of a truck. That said, give the gen 2's some love and stop being silly
  6. I wasn't taking it all that serious, to be honest. I was just curious as to your number. Now I know pi for you and pie for the rest of us.
  7. Donation sent. Get well soon....
  8. Just curious Miles.....how did you get 93.1465% ? Where on Earth did that number come from. Oh...wanna pick your brain about a ride for me in march. Can I PM you? This way I won't bore the rest of the forum.... :cool10
  9. See if you can reach out to MILES on this forum, I am sure others have been to Alaska as well,but if I am not mistaken, he did that trip.
  10. I agree with the others. Her technique, grip, anticipation and reaction may be a large portion, especially if it does not happen to you.
  11. get well soon !!
  12. I also carry the electrical cover. strong and wide enough to support the weight.
  13. I read a lot of Yammer Dan posts. Why does he (or why do you if YD is reading this) dislike 2nd gens so much?
  14. Almost dropped this thing a few times, mainly trying to make a tight U turn but so far no. I think the combo of anger and embarrassment would have this bike up in a jiffy. seriously, I would use the leg muscles to "walk" the bike back up. do not use your back and for me, I would not shy off any good Samaritans trying to help
  15. wow... what a read. Can someone convert that to an audiobook?
  16. the debate on oil and Tires can take you down 1000 different avenues. I recently asked a few of these similar questions. Do some research on oils and the tires etc. A lot of people like and prefer Avon tires. I have Avon venom X on my '03, which came with the bike. I am impressed with the handling on grass. However, I do NOT like the way it handles on turns. the bike "vibrates". Make me feel uneasy. As for the oil, I have been using the Yamaha stock oil and will be using the purolater filter. As a new venture owner and new to the forum, I have been told by my pals here ( take a bow guys) that the stock oil is fine as long as the oil is changed regularly. Finally speakers...There are some great reads here about speakers. Polk I believe is one of those that the more knowledgeable guys have mentioned. Check the threads here, because I was reading that about a month ago, so it should still be here on the site. these guys are great at helping. I know bc I am a royal pain in the arse, and they still answer me. Safe riding !!
  17. Jeff, try here: [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Honest-Technology-ARD2M-Recorder-Deluxe/dp/B001B5LAMU]Amazon.com: Audio Recorder 2.0 Deluxe: Software@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/21Ik6KVf47L.@@AMEPARAM@@21Ik6KVf47L[/ame]
  18. Once again, all you guys are great and thanks for the insight. I noticed on the link to the lifesaver page, the owner or creator/ alleged stealer was getting hammered on line. Does not seem to have a permanent page except that. also, freebird, any of these maintenance days ever gonna be hosted in Florida?
  19. Was reading some older posts and a few times the Rick butler brake mod was mentioned. Can any of you explain, post a pic etc on what is the mod, how does it work, has it helped and are you happy, or not since having it. Easy, or hard to install? Any pros vs cons to have it or not. Thanks all...
  20. That seems to sum it up pretty tightly....
  21. If it weren't for Don and the forum and its great members, I wouldn't have pulled the trigger on my venture. Thanks Don and Co.
  22. Amen to that. It was a story that we are all glad had a reasonably happy end. You shared some good tips in the story such as adding to first aid kit, spreading valuables about yourself and bike, remaining calm under life threatening scenarios, and focusing under adversity. You are awesome! Get well soon.
  23. Excellent transaction Toby and welcome
  24. Please do not check the temps down here....you might really be upset.
  25. Karl, that STINKS! Is there a way to find out if those cheaters have been on record doing the same to others? Is there some agency that monitors outfits like that. Thank goodness I haven't had those issues. Perhaps your attorney can recommend a tax attorney for a consultation. Good luck....
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