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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Thanks djh3 , phoneman1981, and the rest of the crew for replying. I will try the 50' test and see. I believe 12 inches is too short and looking between 15-17 inches. I also see on my Vulcan, the top of that shield is about at my lips level. Will see what happens .... Thanks gang!
  2. Don... This is an excellent description on how to take off the windshield and get inside. Looks easy and will try. I am sure some have broken off those tabs. If so, what now?
  3. I feel honored that Dan would take the time to razz me a bit. thanks Dan..... Yes, there would be a bit difference, I want to be able to see over the shield. May take the nestea plunge and try cutting it. If it works great, if not, it'll force me to get another one....
  4. Hi again... I tried to find the thread in regards to how to properly measure the windshield. That said, if anyone can send me the link to the thread or be so kind to add here. I have what I would consider a tall windshield, I have to see through it. A member is selling an OEM 12 inch and interested in seeing how it would look, along with getting the correct measurements of my current one. Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks Barr
  5. Thank you for the answer I wish they did. Why wouldn't they just do that !!!!
  6. Ok, I am confused. Why wouldn't you run commander II both front and back? What's the problem w/ that?
  7. Marvin is a newbie at this. Everyone knows you have to have a speed loader as well as a second piece with the serial scraped off. the names are funny.
  8. Manners, correct phrasing and proper etiquette have left the planet at a dizzying pace. Today, the world doesn't need to remember, we have auto correct, spell check and text abbreviations and the "me first" attitude. I always have my manners, because I want my kids to not be void of civility. That and because I do not want to disappoint my beloved mother (RIP) who busted her backside to make sure her children treated people right and spoke with decency. This is my opinion. I tend to have a few that some disagree with. That's OK.
  9. I have been to several bike weeks/ biketoberfests, and it is a MUST to snap some photos of the women there, whether it is because they are really sexy, really stupid or early hammered, there isn't one in the bunch that you won't remember...
  10. This is what I found on eBay. Perhaps this might suit your needs. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-Venture-1999-Up-Wide-One-Piece-Regal-Studded-76259-/190687653427?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2c65deae33&vxp=mtr Passenger seat only- http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-XVZ1300-Passenger-Rear-Seat-A-/160961397274?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item257a0c021a&vxp=mtr Pricey - http://www.ebay.com/itm/Wide-One-Piece-Regal-Studded-Driver-Backrest-Yamaha-Venture-79619-/140767484779?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item20c6655b6b&vxp=mtr Good luck on your search
  11. I thought I was the only one that happened to. Glad it's not just me.
  12. Thank you to everyone who was kind enough to reply. The initial post was about my Kawasaki Vulcan and not the RSV. That said I appreciate all the fabulous input.
  13. Thanks for the reply. If I wasn't so lazy, or overlooked it ( readers choice) I might have looked in the manual to find that out. Thanks djh3
  14. Hello all once again. I found a non ethanol place not too far from the house. It's 87 octane. Great. However my kawasaki Vulcan takes 93 octane. My question is, will the non ethanol 87 be as good as the 93 ethanol or worse? The kawasaki never had anything but 93 in it, and do not want to ruin the fung shui of the bike itself. Can any of you terrific members give me some information to make an educated decision? Thanks in advance....
  15. Don, can you tell me how and where to send payment. Oh and how much plus shipping...
  16. What are you asking for the air horn? I am highly interested. Please PM me. I can not answer on the forum from work. Thanks.
  17. +1 on the above quote. I too drove over the road and those are some of the worst spots to be in with a tank, let alone a 2 wheeler. I live in spring hill Florida, about 40 miles from Tampa. I use an overpants in the cooler and wet weather. For just win gear in he hotter months I have a set of FROGG TOGGS. I get them larger so they go over the jacket and pants. Other things to consider: hidden spare key, some phone numbers, a camera for great pics to send to us. I am sure others who have more knowledge will continuentondrop in, as those others have already. Safe riding!!!
  18. What are the chances the "new" 2207 model still has the cassette player?
  19. That's crazy.... 310k.
  20. Does it come with its technologically advanced cassette player? Makes ya wonder if Yamaha really cares about growing in the motorcycle dept.
  21. Don, put me down for one please...
  22. Black Owl, are you going to be the official proof reader to make sure Squidley isn't embellishing his own escapades of yesteryear ??
  23. I know it's not in Texas, nor is it dinner, but in Ocala, Florida, on US 40, heading east, just before hitting the Ocala national forest, here is a breakfast/ lunch place called Al and Jan's . The most hospitable, nicest people you want to meet. It is biker friendly, the decor is old fashioned with a family atmosphere. The breakfast and lunch dishes are huge, amazing and affordable. A must if you are in the area.
  24. Glad you are progressing Miles. With your time off riding, we kind of caught up to you in road riding miles. I only have 3.14159 million miles to surpass the mileage king. See how I threw your favorite formula into this post?
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