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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Pucster, My '08 is a caliente red, all one color. Anyone near me can tell its me by 4 distinct features. 1- my motoport hi viz yellow Kevlar summer jacket 2- my music is usually loud and plays anything from Tina Turner to death metal. I listen to metal a lot... 3- my head is usually head banging and or my foot tapping the pegs to the drumming or guitar work 4- my license plate reads :ROCNWNG
  2. Great choice going for the wing. Nothing against my venture brothers and sisters, just that the wing is a great bike and will pleasantly surprise ya with speed, power, reliability, handling, maneuvering, comfort. I like the V-4 and he looks of the RSV, but the wing is a different bird, and much more of what I wanted
  3. before I wrote this I spent 10 minutes laughing my a$$ off!! I pictured your face, your voice. that is classic Eck. Holy crap I am still laughing...
  4. Puc, was thinking same thing. that guy is LUCKY he didn't get flattened by the tractor and the other 4 wheelers... wow
  5. Both bikes I got the pic are sweet. Both happen to be Hondas ...hmmm... The white Wing in the back is a cutie
  6. Pucster, I have heard and read that Goldwings are tupperwear on 2 wheels. While not entirely wrong, and slightly amusing, I do miss some components of a "real" motorcycle. But not enough to rid of the RocNWing...
  7. As Puc would say, congrats on the new scoot. Those versys are fun. I actually was leaning towards one and then I rode the Vstrom and the dye went there. Didn't get one ....yet. wow both a such fun bikes. Congrats and don't forget the pics
  8. Isnt that place awesome?? We are meeting Steve there tonight. After May 4, my summer is free from school until some time early sept. I very much would like to get back to a monthly or every 6 week RTE. I miss the gang.
  9. Pucster, and the gang, I test rode 2 different Vulcan voyagers, one in Brooksville where the I was the ONLY test rider this gorgeous bike had after being a demo bike for 4-6 months and once afterwards in Tampa. Both will fry your right leg like a hibachi in little time. Honestly, I am disappointed in Kawi doing a disservice to the brand and model. My 2000 Vulcan 1500, up until recently has been nothing short of a baller. Bulletproof and maintainence free. New battery and starter brushes. That's it, after 16 years!! Reviews and forum from the voyager state radio and antenna issues, the trunk hatches were flimsy compare to Ultra classic( reviews and my own visual inspection) and the back speakers are extra and not standard. The "fix" from mother K was to install a KAWS type of plastic cowls system to vent the heat away. Owners balked on that 2 reasons: first, it never totally disappeared the heat and it made riders uncomfortable and 2, it wasn't something Kawi did as a free service or recall. The parts were close to 3 or 4 hundred dollars plus install. IMHO, I am saddened by the cheap, fast, overlooked, under thoughts of mother K to put a bike together that has capabilities of getting a foot In the touring market but shot themselves in the foot, and then shot the other foot to see if it would hurt any less. Kawi generally makes excellent bikes. Motors and trannies are right up there with reliability and low maintainence like your ventures and my GW and the Vstroms, although a different animal. they took a chance, why I don't know and it back fired. These bikes are selling cheap with some wiggle room. Not a good buy for southern state riders where the temps start frying your leg from March-October. Had they changed those issues and stepped up, my thinking would be you would see a heck of a lot more Voyagers around. Great look, clean lines, nice color schemes. What a waste... Don, just throwing it out there....There are PLENTY of used Wings that are a real treat and fun to ride. Low center of gravity, FI, reverse, etc. yes is not a "real" motorcycle based on thoughts from others, but it is an excellent machine on 2 wheels and these bike can keep up and at times surpass the RSV odometer dept. Just a thought. Many members on GW1800 forum have em up for sale and many have upgraded parts because there is a myth that Goldwing owners have unlimited time and money to upgrade. Just an idea...good luck either way
  10. Sorry to see ya leave altogether, but I understand. I enjoyed Gunterville and thanks for that as well as many RTE. Stay safe. Dion, either you, or Mikes lovely protege Karen can pick up the pieces. I certainly don't mind a joint commission , like in the justice league, however my schedule is pretty booked...
  11. I love Dan and his stories...
  12. Banjo music with my NYC accent has me running faster than a cheetah in the Serengeti... Eck, you just can't stay out of trouble . ��
  13. +1 there
  14. I havent done it, but Eck and Steve have. It's 2+ hours without any hiccups...
  15. since my last post from this thread I actually had to lay the bike down in my garage and remove the tire. Eck knows about my brake pad issue. Anyway, the GW cat told me about using a garbage bag to help slide it on. I must say it was spooky, but it went down and came up ok. Just make sure you use your legs and not your back. +1 on keeping it in gear, and kick stand out...
  16. Sorry to learn of your loss. Prayers and thoughts to you and your family.
  17. For me, it Depends on the date Tom. I'm in Frostproof this weekend on some tactical firearms training. Next weekend I work and the following weekend is Easter. What date and approx. location? I am up for something north.
  18. no worries Puc. Get well soon. PM or call me for further assistance if desired
  19. Tens unit are only designed for pain management ,not healing. I wouldn't recommend a tens unit for your hand. Neck, shoulder, arm, back yes. Hand, no
  20. Ground hugger, that statement of as long as they are away from the head, they safe is untrue. Your PROFESSIONAL therapist obviously didn't seem to take into account , or forgot to mention that it shouldn't ever go near the spine as it would warm of heat up the CSF, cerebral spinal fluid, as well stay away from carotid, and reproductive organs. On top of, I stand by my statement that without proper education on a professional unit, you can get internal damage. Oh, cancer, pregnant, those with pace makers etc should avoid using them in specific locations.. Something you should have been told by your professional therapist. There is a reason an ultrasound isn't sold at Walmart or target. But hey, everyone can do what they feel is right. I didn't say I condemn them, but without the proper education and guidance, it's should be avoided by general public. A licensed occupational therapist, who went through professional training and graduated, doesn't have the training and clinical hours to use an ultrasound out of college and need a specific course to be certified, but the public can just jump on Amazon and get one and that's equates to a smart decision? Doctors endorse regular people using them? Please provide me a list and I'll make sure to never enter their facility. Doctors in general have no extended knowledge of ultrasounds as they never use them. the one listed in the link is less than 50$ and THAT is what you're trusting because quite frankly it's a large fraction less of the settings and power a professional unit does. A basic Chattanooga ultrasound/estim combo can run $2500.00 and up. Those types are ultrasounds for $50 are just to make you feel good that you have one and MAY, repeat MAY do something after a long series of trials. However, in cowpucs case with the hand, it is in my opinion, and I happen to work in an outpatient setting from trigger fingers to reverse shoulders, fresh ACL repairs, rotator cuffs and other misc ortho patients, that I stand by my previous statement that it is not in anyone's best interest to use a machine designed for health, when they have no real clue how it works. Cowpuc, I wouldn't use an ultrasound on your hand without it being operated by a licensed and true professional. Lastly, I absolutely deny and contest your statement of protecting my income of me and other therapists. That is absurd. Since you don't really know me, I am interested how you came to that conclusion. I do not wave my professional flag and act or see myself as an ambassador for all therapists. I am going on experience and the fact you need to get a license to use,own and operate a professional grade ultrasound. I'm the furthest person to wave the therapy flag around That said, I am not interested in debunking ground hugger or anyone else who feel they have researched enough to make an educated decision. These are my thoughts, decide for yourself...
  21. Cowpuc, my friend, I will say this 299999999475635 times if I have to. do NOT, do NOT get your own ultrasound machine. There is a reason why a US machine is not for the public and can be bought generally by licensed professionals. Without proper understanding of the settings, frequencies, and W/cm2 setting, the exact spot your working on and the right diameter head, one can absolutely do harm to either soft tissue, tendon, fascia, bone or a combo of them. There are contraindications to using them in some places on the body. Now I'm speaking about the good ones and even low level versions. The ones that plug in and cost 69.99, I'm not sure if they even work. So, I say this once again. Do NOT get your own, especially for the hand. Too many small bones, tendons, ligaments to have a novice or beginner to use. I am not judging anyone who has it for personal use. As a licensed therapist, I won't endorse that and I won't ever endorse that. Damage internally due to misuse is not reversible...
  22. another blunder on top of the one the courts already made. The judge let you go because you brought up an excellent point. However, everyone in the judicial system has a buddy, a friend or relative that trade favors.mwhat he should have done IMO, is allow the previous record. Nothing ever happens to those that cause horrific DUI accidents. A disease or not, they wipe out people, turn lives and families into a mess and they hardly get so much as a broken finger. Careless, unnecessary acts such as this really make me angry and I have lost more than my cool plenty of times when I almost get T boned or head on whether in car or on bike. Some guy, an alleged adult chooses to drink, can't hold his liquor, and selfishly drives his car and tries to take me out or my family, or any other innocent person and I shouldn't wanna choke em out?
  23. I am stealing Yammer Dans famous line when he said: Prayers up!!!!
  24. That video with the stretching and exercises is EXACTLY what you should be doing. Quite frankly I'm shocked your surgeon didn't write an order for physical therapy. Why? Because the PT or PTA can soft tissue massage, flex, extend and even ultrasound an area where it's more difficult for you. Hmmmm why no physical therapy script? As for the exercises, do them as much as you can in a pain free range. It's ok to feel a stretch, but not sharp shooting pain. Make sure you do the wrist as well as the forearm because the tendons attach. If you are interested and can swing it, I would ask the surgeon for some out patient PT, so you can get the max treatment care. Either way DO THOSE exercises often. Get plenty of rest and proper nutrients to help healing process. Beer and hot dogs do not count...
  25. Glad to hear you're doing fine after surgery. If you, or tippy want to PM me your specifics, including what you are doing therapy wise, I may be able to help you out. Key thing is doing something daily and not over doing. Keep me posted. We love ya here my friend...
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