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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. You have a 2003 venture? So do I. Maybe we should ride together some day since we live really close to one another. Love to ride with another Florida venture owner...
  2. Rick is the man. Had my modification done a short time ago and he was nice enough to toss in the thumb screws. This weekend heading up to Tennessee, I am looking forward to a great, relaxing seat all the way to and from...
  3. Patti, I do not wish to offend or seem to arrogant. That's not it at all, just poking some fun...as for the frog legs, YES I am gonna try them, no doubt. What's the sense of riding 850 miles to have the same thing I can have here. The "CRAP"pie was just something I couldn't resist not writing. I will be a great guest and be just fine with whatever is there. Hey, I lived in NYC my whole life. Ya think that is chicken when I order from the take out menu? And ya never know, I may ride down with a twang and a recipe for frog legs.... See ya real soon..
  4. +1 on the cd changer taking up half the saddlebag. Music has been my life forever and I Also have the MP3 player. There is something to be said about just popping in your own discs and riding. Now if only yamaha can see see the light on installing a CD player where the ANTIQUE cassette player is........
  5. It never really crossed my mind to check before, so today I checked and tightened things front to back. Nothing was over the top loose but it now is in my head to be on the lookout...BOLO
  6. Alright Patti, what did I get myself into? FROGS LEGS? CRAPPIE? This city slicker has not had either one of those. Should I just bring a sandwich from Subway?? Something about the first four letters in crappie that has me wondering...
  7. That's a hilarious statement....:rotf::rotf:
  8. I haven't ( yet) dropped my RSV, however the PO did drop it, so perhaps that's out of the bikes system. I also practice at stop lights etc, to balance the bike, and use Miles style to lift feet off immediately. It was reinforced 30x with the ride like a pro class. I speak for myself when I say I am always drop preventive mode X 50, but sooner or later, it'll happen....
  9. Thanks for the info guys. When I looked on the Georgia DOT, it shows road closed just about 5 miles from I 59 off SR136. That's a bummer because it looks like a fantastic ride. Ugh... Always something... Anyway, thanks for keeping me posted. I will ride that someday soon.
  10. +1 on no issues in 5th once engaged. Haven't figured out mileage yet, however I do notice the fuel gauge isn't exactly always on the up and up. A little nerve wracking if you ask me...
  11. I have the 100 LED brake light from custom dynamics and I simply plugged and viola...nothing else needed. Took 1 minute and that's because I was extra slow that day...
  12. If you you tube: motorcycle police rodeo, you'll see some crazy videos. One guy basically keeping the bike straight up, another down in Leesburg, florIda was doing crazy things, with the roads wet from the rain. I saw one video a while back where I think it was a cop from Connecticut, that was making these stupid 90 degree turns from almost a dead stop. That was by far the sickest. Of course all these guys are fantastic...
  13. Thank you for your info, as I want to avoid Atlanta as much as possible, but not take forever to get to my destination ...
  14. Hello gang: I am traveling next week to Tennessee through Georgia by way of Florida. The normal "easy " route has me up 75 through to I 24. However, I see where I can branch off through SR 136 which seems to take me to some interesting terrain. Since this is my first ride through and I will be with my RSV, wondering if anyone can reply in regards to the terrain, travel experience, lanes, speed, any issues etc. SR 136 seems to go a ways through and I want to come out on the other side to I 59. I would appreciate any advice, cautions, tips and words of wisdom from anyone who has dealt with this SR136. Thank you Barry
  15. :rotf:
  16. Thanks Bossman. I appreciate it... Barry
  17. For ONCE, I am NOT TOO LATE !!! I have missed out on so many things. Pipes, bars, etc etc... Amish, we need to get together at some point...
  18. Barrycuda


    Being directly involved in that tragedy, I feel the process has taken WAAAAAAY too long. Here was a gaping hole forever and it just kept as a reminder. I am glad it has been finished
  19. Hi: I am interested in trying out the windshield, if there are no takers, especially the size, as mine is way too big. My contact info is in the forum and let me know the shipping and such. I appreciate your generosity. Thank you Barry
  20. Looks really nice...good luck with the bike .
  21. Prayers to you and your family. Paypal has a message for you. Stay strong through these tough times. Barry
  22. Wow... Take a bow Bill! Marvelous. Next time I need something new,I am calling you for some tips... Well said.
  23. Surprised she didn't blame it on her brother!! No cats in this house. Dogs, fish, heck event hippo... Anything but a house cat. I'd rather have a leopard or a big game cat. House cats, are not for me
  24. Dion, that's exactly one of the major deterrents to why I haven't bought one. The heat on the right side is unbearable, even with the deflector. Southern state voyager owners have balked and even said it can be down right dangerous, because they have burned themselves. That said, I still" want" the voyager. Just not now. I test rode one last year for about an hour. Handles great, looks great, but I was fully aware ofnthebheat blasting through my R leg. Oh, and kawasaki has known for a few years and hasn't really addressed the issue properly, except adding what amounts to an exhaust port to take the heat away. Hasn't worked from the posts I see and some owners are wrapping their pipes. Not what I want to do after dropping premium cash.. PS: got your VM, my 6 year old's fish died last night and that was a whole situation... I'll call you tonight
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