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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Cracked the top 10 list of the most violent correctional facilities. Seems like a treat to work or be housed there
  2. Dion, able to take a few"sick days" and join us ??
  3. Thank you cowpuc, and the rest for your thoughts and concerns. My home is fine and we have some streets closed due to flooding or trees down. I work about 40 miles north and much of that area is without power. The side streets have some flooding and much of citrus and Levy counties have been pummeled. Thanks for all your warm wishes. Parts of downtown Tampa, by the river walk were under water as that area is at sea level. Thankfully, no major issues this time. I'll be prepping and packing the GW for its Second IR trip in 3 years. Look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I will be introducing my Florida GW riding buddy Ali. Great guy, smart, funny. Told him the VR forum is a family. Let's give him a nice welcome. Steve K is going, so look out for Florida GW riders entering VR territory...
  4. I am offended by everyone being offended. Just saying. Now you'll hear from my lawyer.
  5. Ouch....
  6. When I had my 03 RSV, I noticed significant decrease in clutch whine when using Mobil1. I can't recall the filter, but believe it was a K and N. I did not have slips, chatter, leaks or issues while using Mobil 1. I use Mohil1 with the wing over Honda HP4 simply because of not only price and easily available in North America. I've bugged quite a few IBA guys on the road and in the forum and some of the low key guys who have racked 1 million or more say they use Mobil 1 I'm sure you will run out of daylight reading all the choices and responses. Just make sure you get a high quality oil and filter, pay attention to how it runs and change the oil and filter when necessary.
  7. I ride occasionally with a guy who traded in his Indian, brand new for a slingshot. I test rode all the styles at Daytona when they were out. The heat is awful ( and dangerous) beautiful bike? Absolutely. The heat issues is why Kawasaki has not moved many Vulcan voyager models. If you were to just ignore the heat, go get a Vulcan voyager. It's WAAY cheaper, liquid cooled, reliable as heck engine. I by passed on Kawi and Indian to get my beloved GW. Yes, it has its issues also( looks like Tupperware, blah blah blah) but the riding, the smoothness on this bike is amazing. bottom line is, me thinks Indian/Polaris need to fix that issue. Many people buy new bikes because of how it LOOKS. But how many miles will you be happy riding if you and/or the spouse are miserable?
  8. Sorry to hear about your tribulations. It is becoming increasingly difficult to watch society run amok and shrug their shoulders when caught doing something so egregious. People like him SHOULD be ashamed of themselves but the craziest part is, they are not ashamed and think it's a right. Amazing...
  9. Very sorry to hear of your dilemma and as a father of a young daughter I know where you're coming from. Try to seek out examples of people who didn't have the best childhood and yet made a difference to have some role models for her to emulate. I agree that the school officials should be notified should something occur on the premed is, they would be informed ahead of time. It's a fine line between what's right and what feels right ( what FEELS right is what puts us in jail) Let her know you support her 1 million % and that she has many years of happiness and love to share. Maybe talking to the parents may help? Hard to say. Good luck with such a delicate scenario. Keep us posted if you are comfortable doing so...
  10. Big, bad Bobby right you are!! The Vulcan is one of the most reliable underrated bike out there. I have a 2000 Vulcan 1500 and in the last 13 years it has left me stranded only twice. Both times thankfully real close to home. Both battery issues. I wouldn't hesitate to take this baby cross country. Your daughter should have thousands of trouble free riding!!! congrats.
  11. Awesome and congrats Steve!!! You'll do well, you have the right mind set and demeanor!!! See ya soon pal!
  12. Which Stinks for me BC I was a MOPAR fanatic back in those days. A bit younger to own and have one, but those cuda's, GTX, charger, challengers, road runners, cornonets etc all were just smoking cars
  13. I know this is about being focused on the driving. From the looks of the pic, you have a whole lot more to look out for My daughter is only 9 but looks like her mother, which means in about 7 years I am getting Yammer Dan to watch over her when she is out of my sight...
  14. Likewise and see ya soon
  15. I was going to watch my 1 fish swim in that small round bowl , but that would be too exciting, so instead I replied ( yawn) to you
  16. That is a great Buick. They made the GSX which was a very underrated muscle car
  17. Some of those first gens are in remarkable shape.
  18. Barrycuda is just a play off word on my first name. Some people believe my NYC personality ( aka - attitude) and verbal venom at times can be biting ( when warranted ), so barrycuda, to some seems appropriate. IDK
  19. When they sign up it says under the screen name TRIAL MEMBER. These people want full and complete access for 1 dollar? Complete and utter nonsense IF...you think you deserve full access AND were convinced by the bossman that was the deal. Geez, some people. As for the retired cop, well...I'm pro LEO as I have immediate family in that field, but come on guy...
  20. Stay well Puc, make some simple changes that will keep ya around for a long time. There's only one Pucster...
  21. I'm late to the party as usual, but I mirror some of those things Steve K brought up. You may not be comfortable with the slight lean forward after years of not having to. Your back and health may dictate yay or nay, despite the want. I've seen your bike and trailer, it's awesome. You are right about never worrying about the GW. At the Alabama IR, there was a guy with a BMW K1200 or K1600 which might be more of a hybrid of GW and FJR, as Big Lenny threw out there. I too drool for the FJR, but unsure how many hours I can stay upright before my back, and or neck and arms go numb riding many hundreds of miles a day. Like Steve, divorce is imminent if I get another bike without selling one or both. Overall, you do what makes Eck happy. Is there anyone able and willing to loan you one for the weekend. Ya know if I had one, you'd be riding it. Something to consider. Also, I do not think ALL models have ABS but could be wrong. RDL seat is a fan favorite for iron butt riders, although my backside has done iron butt on stock GW seat. RDL from all accounts is THEE seat to get for long distance riding. PS: I miss ya...
  22. Since cowpuc sent me the B symbol in the sky, I feel as if I should at least acknowledge. Some of the previous posts are correct when they say do your therapy, don't jump the gun etc. RTC surgery isn't really all that spooky, it's common practice now a days. Key is to get a surgeon who specializes in those surgeries rather than the General ortho surgeon. Once that's out of the way, immediately, get a script to physical therapy and by hook or crook, get yourself there. Depending on the medical history, tolerance level and will power of the patient makes the healing better/worse. Protocols vary, but stay relatively within a ballpark. No external rotation for first 6 weeks. First 2 weeks pendulum exercises and gentle range of motion by therapist. If you eat well, follow the therapy, don't get over zealous, you could get your self feeling prior level of function within 4-6 months. I would advise you do not do anything foolish, too soon to ruin the sewn tendons. Again, YMMV based on age, health, type of damage, surgery, protocols etc. hope that helps.... PS: do your therapy, never skip a visit, do what you have been told to do by Doctor...
  23. 3rd gen is a Goldwing...
  24. Eck, i have an LG phone with Verizon and otter box. Like GA stated, strong belt clip, otter box and clip will keep your phone from future ECK disaster. We all know another Eck story is coming to a forum near you :)
  25. The forum ADVrider has some great deals along with great people. I've done a few transactions including just coming back from Texas last week w Steve to pick up a sweet razor trailer. Matter of fact, I drove about 890 miles to Texas , bu this guy drove over 1100 miles to meet me from Arizona. I've had great luck w the people on that site. Congrats...
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