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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Previous post did remind me : I stopped a few months back near the home in my truck when a Vulcan had the brakes lock up and was not able to safely get off the road. Since it was close to the house I got some wrenches and orange safety cones. Soon others on crotch rockets stopped and eventually off he went. There is nothing that stinks more than being stranded with no where to pull over and cool down while other bikes and people ride by...staring at you.
  2. Condor = Macgyver.
  3. Good point Don, didn't think of that. Wouldn't it suck to buy the JS lift and have to add the adapter...
  4. One of my favorite colors. I flipped over the Raider. Nice...
  5. Thanks for the great pictures!!!
  6. Squidley, Like the others state, 2-3 days is normal for the pup to get back to somewhat normal. My girl was 6 months old when we fixed her and it was about 2 days. I wouldn't be overly concerned until perhaps day 3-4-5 if she isn't eating, drinking and moving about.
  7. Good job Amish, we all need to remember that we all can use help at some point. It pays to be kind and generous.
  8. Thanks everyone for all your advice, links and words. As of now, I am leaning on either the big red from Home Depot along with the adapter from Larry, or just bite the bullet on that JS lift Iron Mike turned me on to. If I go the HD and carbon one route,it will be about 100 less than the JS all by itself. Rockerfeller I am not, but would like a stellar jack. I guess I can not go wrong with either choice...
  9. I met Bob and his wife at B2mom and dads BBQ. What an awesome bunch. Bobby is always smiling, loving everything. I was very happy to meet him.
  10. Yeah that's a crappy thing to do. Sadly, you are right, many copy cats will do this.
  11. Squidley and Iron Mike: thanks for the info. I agree it would probably would help save me a few sheckles. Just get a bit anxious not knowing what goes where and which washer and bolt goes here, twist left not right, push not pull. I am getting braver, I change my own oil and the windshield switching from long to short. I am tackling new front lights soon and go from there... So, the Home Depot jack will work and be safe WITH carbon 1 adapter?
  12. Iron Mike, this video is insane!! How does Carbon One adapter work. I kind of like this jack, but a bit pricey. how would Larry's adapter fit or be used with the Home Depot version. Sorry, I feel like a dope not knowing these things.
  13. I have never used a MC lift. What's the best way to stabilize bike once in air in order to remove rear tire for instance???
  14. Barrycuda


    Cowpuc alone is worth the price of admission.
  15. No real issues with 2nd gens Jeff, unless you count us being hit with 1st gen parts that have rusted through....
  16. You folks were awesome!!!! Ride safe.
  17. I have had the same air hawk ortho over 3 years and never leaked or had a problem. It's air, so it would really deflate, vs. " leak". Over time the knob may have gotten loose, so just tighten with a quick check before a ride.
  18. Ok Randy, thanks.
  19. is there an approx. month and date y'all thinking of?
  20. Can anyone give me/us the actual dates, unless they have not been decided just yet...
  21. ever try an air hawk? its a ROHO style cushion that is VERY good for pressure areas. material is used for those with wounds in nursing homes. Not cheap however, but the material is superb and it works.
  22. I would recommend the BUTT BUTLER seat modification by Rick down in Texas. I just rode almost 600 miles on Saturday from Vogel home, and there is ZERO soreness. so much in fact I put on another 200 miles yesterday and again today
  23. Wow!!! That is amazing Lewis. And was done with less contributors. maybe next Vogel, we can get to the $10,000 mark?!?! yeah, I said it
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