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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Bobby, While your at it, why not ask for a reverse gear also...
  2. I believe they were referring to the helmet shield, not the windshield. I use pledge on that face shield as well as the windshield. Caught rain from Vogel and from B2Moms place. Over 3000 wet miles. The plastics held up fairly well considering the hard rain and T storms I was in. I did at one point I did use rain X but immediately removed it after reading posts from here.
  3. I have had my OEM pillow top sent to Rick a few months after I started riding the RSV. I am fairly durable in the saddle, however this is a step further. I have been comfortable riding 7-8-900 miles easily with no soreness. But like the others have said, every backside is different...
  4. I wished I worked at a trim shop. Mike you're a real lucky guy... BTW, I believe it is called BUTT BUTLER, not buffer... And he happens to do a great job as well. Nice as can be.
  5. Yeah a typ-oh.... Sometimes I reply on the IPad and the keypad does not strike when I want it to.
  6. I like reading Ion Mikes posts. Has clever ideas
  7. Karen is a very friendly and easy person to be around. Kristen and I are very happy she passed. WAY TO GO !!
  8. Ah...I see my bad then. I thought it was aimed at my direction. Sorry.
  9. No need to get your feathers ruffled. I'm only having fun also...
  10. Surprised my neighbor and fairly new member would throw high and inside at the boss...
  11. We can load a second gen RSV but the stipulation is this according to the site : "Exceptions to these measurements may be loaded with a passenger-signed damage waiver". It is amazing that we can not just load our RSVs without signing a waiver.
  12. That's cool skid...mine is a plastic holder so no can do. But nice idea for future
  13. Depends on what type of antenna. Mine is the magnetic flat kind, used for automobiles. I place mine on the R side handlebars just next to brake fluid holder. No issues normally. And that has been the set up to and from TN and Vogel this year.
  14. Andy, Ya have two full years to get the budget back on trak and then you and your very understanding wife can come to Vogel. Just saying...
  15. Yeah Bobby, I should have been using 10/40 all along but had a brain fart. Thankfully, much of it was used to and from Vogel, where the weather was awesome(60-70*). I will be switching back to a 10/40 synthetic ASAP. Thanks to everyone who made time to comment and add your advice!!
  16. Annie and Al, It was an absolute pleasure to meet you and be part of your adventures here in the states. I enjoyed your conversations, comedy and warm friendliness. we will miss you !! PS: please do not forget to send me a Patch of an Australian flag Have a safe flight home !! Barry
  17. A real awesome job. the seats and the braiding look fantastic!!
  18. Whew!!!
  19. You guys keep picking on the bossman, he may change this site to a HD forum. He's probably close to doing that now. Just trying to find the best time to slip it on by us. KEEP THIS VENTURE SITE ALIVE BOSSMAN!!!!!!!
  20. +1 on the disappointment regarding its brightness. In the daylight, its noticeable at best...fair Add the 100LED bulb and the brake light bar with Steve K wiring harness to advance your brake lighting
  21. Congrats on a safe trip. I agree some of the roads in itself can be a challenge. That area have some of the best sights, roads and people. It truly is amazing. So is it too far in advance to suggest you'll make the next Vogel??
  22. Ah...I forgot to add,I am using the REGULAR Mobil 1 10/30. As many have stated the motorcycle version is simply to charge more money without significant gains. As for the miles, since the change, I am approaching 2000 miles. Many thanks so far to everyone responding .
  23. that was funny:rotf:
  24. I only really notice a big difference when tractors are blowing by me on the Highway. perhaps mine being lowered and the wind deflectors are helpful. +1 on brake pad's advice
  25. Hello again to all, This of course is the never ending oil question, but I want to narrow it down to just Mobil 1. My last oil change was the first switch to a synthetic oil. My bike is an '03 which had exactly 30K at the time of the new switch. I changed to a 10w30 Mobil one after reading posts by someone here who claimed after X amount of thousands of miles, never once an issue and that's all he uses. After doing some extra reading, it seems ALL 10w30 oils are "energy conserving" which claims to not be all that good for our RSV wet clutches. I changed the oil and went to Vogel and the deals gap. No problems up to now, No leaks, no slipping and decreased whine. As of now, all is well. And I am not looking for issues or problems, in fact I am reaching out to AVOID any unnecessary issues... Living in Florida, its more humid and perhaps the synthetic oil is helping. My question is this: Is it HARMFUL in the short or long term to my engine using or continuing to use 10/30 verses a 10/40 non energy conserving. I am strictly speaking of Mobil 1. I realize everyone is using different things and there are several hundred threads regarding oil. And many of you are more involved with these studies. I am just trying to see, and learn from you fine members if I continue to STAY with 10/30 or switch to 10/40 to keep my engine and MC in prime working condition. Thanks to all in advance...
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