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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Capt D Lightsey Fish Co & Seafood, Florida 78, Okeechobee, FL. I think it's at 1pm. Brake pad and Karen kind of set it up, I take no real credit. If you're there, I have one for you Dion... The remaining guardian bells I have are not for sale!! They are free, so keep ya money in your pocket my good man
  2. Thanks Puc!! Love to you and Tippy!!
  3. That's what I did after seeing Eusa1 with them in Tennessee., he even helped me by phone! Mikes great. I ordered them and installed and soldered them myself. They are bright and will a good enhancement. Dion, these are awesome additions and should be really looking good on your bike...
  4. Sure thing. Thanks for replying.
  5. I have about 7 VR guardian bells and if anyone would like one during the meet and greet in lake okeechobee, please let me know so I can bring them. Thanks
  6. Crazy gaucho , If you do indeed decide to partake in dec 7 meet and greet in lake okeechobee, I will be more than happy to sync the carbs for you. I learned from Steve K and I have the CarbTune pro. It'll take 10-15 minutes. Just let me know, so I can bring it...
  7. +1 on that. Although going to Harvard is just a bonus I suppose LOL
  8. Likewise and thank you
  9. Which model do you use? I had the J&S jack but returned it because although it did go up and it was very easy to use, it did not seem to go up evenly and I was having some difficulty knowing exactly where to place the arms. Can you please PM or email some close up pics of how you set it up. My bike has a rear lowering kit, and that may be also the reason...
  10. A lot of things are involved in Dealing with a joint replacement. I may not know much about electrical components and fork bearings, but this.....is a subject I DO KNOW. I am a physical therapist. Anyone doing any joint replacement should consider the following: Experience of surgeon. Is he a specialist in that joint replacement or knows a bit about many things? Traveling a bit further for the more experienced or an expert is highly recommended. Your health. Can you strengthen your legs pre surgery to help with post therapy? How many medications are you on? Do you have. 2nd, 3rd opinion? Are you eating right? Poor nutrition aids in poor recovery. Are you committed to physical therapy immediately after. It is and will be a serious issue with pain initially as it heals. There is no way around it. Any surgeon who does not order physical therapy after surgery, I would NOT go to... Knees typically have some component of pain or discomfort for about a year afterwards. The more you bust your ass and deal with the therapy early on, the better you will be, feel, walk and get back to normal activities. Joint replacement or joint resurfacing? Like most places, even joint replacement companies vary. Top joint replacement companies are :STRYKER, DePuy, Smith and Nephew and more. Ask questions such as complications. Osteoarthritis, infection, etc. knee replacement surgery takes 45-75 minutes. Hip replacements and knee replacements almost always have some weight bearing status depending on the physical condition of the patient. Knee patients where I work are usually 50% weight bearing to weight bearing as tolerated. We want you up and moving ASAP. I am pretty assertive w my knee patients bc I want them to have full angle of motion and to not walk w a limp. Bottom line is do your homework on who is cutting you open, sawing your bones and hammering a new component. Ask 500 questions, do research. Sorry for the excessive rant, its rare I can give in depth info on this site...
  11. I bought mine from a member some time ago and have had ZERO issues with it. Surprised your are having this much trouble.
  12. Mike, we both win here because I did gain a friend and no cash was lost in the process .
  13. My father wasn't man enough to be around. He left my mom when I was 6 months old. My mom died 2 years ago, major health issues at 66. It never feels good losing anyone. baylensman, you have many a memory to be proud of. Also, we are not too far away, perhaps sometime we can meet and go for a ride.
  14. I know many of you are either camping or staying in cabins on the premises. I am wondering how many, and who if any have decided to stay at a motel/hotel?? If so, please post where you are staying. I am on the slow end of things regarding booking and would like to stay at a hotel where the majority of VR members will be... If I don't get a cabin.... Thanks everyone.
  15. I myself would agree with this concept as well as TRADER, as far the prizes could wind up a longer, drawn out process= less time to meet, greet, chit chat and ride. Almost all of us know how to spend cash, as well as we are spending time and money to get there. Perhaps making it as nice for as many as possible and to not hurt anyone's " prize" feelings is to do either cash, gift card etc. quick, easy and all will use and easy to take back...
  16. +1 on the towel or blanket. This will protect the fender and paint, and avoid a silly mishap.
  17. reality is I love my era of cartoons, being silly at Disney, singing out of key, and making my wife smile
  18. You and your wife are amazing people and we are sad for your recent loss. Getting to be around you both, I know he is proud of you and how you overcame adversity. When my mom died 2 years ago, some wise person said, no matter what, the one thing that will never be gone is the memories. Keep those memories of him alive...
  19. Brown Sugar trying to figure out if the new addition will eventually take over all major riding duties...
  20. Sorry to hear about your brothers accident. prayers, and thoughts of a speedy recovery from down here in Florida!!!
  21. nice!!!!
  22. Mike and Cherie are awesome people!! They are so willing to give of their time and of themselves. I always like speaking to and seeing them.
  23. Yammer doesn't love the 2nd gen like you do, and he rides it less, knowing he will love it. That said, perhaps you can convince him to part w it...after all, no good just sitting in garage.
  24. Another 250 millions dollars wasted by our feckless, discombobulated government...
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