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Expired Membership
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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. I don't know you, or why you left. However a bunch of great people are glad you're back. So I am glad also.
  2. Dan, I am real saddened to hear this. My sincere condolences and prayers go out to you and your family. We are all here for you.
  3. One of my biggest regrets is not enlisting when I had the chance. Thank you all who have served.
  4. Mike, I read ya loud and clear. perhaps at some juncture I will experiment in asking Wild Bill to drop the front and reset stock rear height. if he wasn't so gosh darn far. not THAT far, but based on my limited free time, he is. I will say P.O. had the rear lowered and there is road rash on the stock pipes. but that is the trade off for being flat footed when I need to be...
  5. I bought the book when it first came out, and it was an absolute phenomenal read. Marcus Lutrell wrote it as if you were there with him. I have yet to see the movie, but from all accounts its should live up to the hype. I am not one of those " the book was better" guys, but I will say again, the book is outstanding...
  6. I know some others have not endorsed lowering kit. I have one on mine and have found no real handling issues. In fact, I took a riding class last year with ride like a pro guy, and did fine. Now, I have nothing to compare it to in regards to stock height in rear with front lowered as Mike has been vocal on being pleased with this method. I am just saying I don't have any issues with it lowered from rear.
  7. Prayers and thoughts sent to you, her and her family.
  8. That's amazing. -58 windchill. Even Bison and Buffalo are looking for cover....
  9. Thoughts and prayers for her and a speedy safe recovery.
  10. they are playing tonight!! GO Seminoles!!
  11. I'm with you BIG TOM. It's unbearable where I live. Tomorrow is supposed to be high of 30, 80 by weeks end. Geez, when can I catch a break ?!?!?! who can live in these awful conditions
  12. I just wanna say thanks to all the wonderful individuals, members and their families for not only showing me how great y'all are, but accepting me, and for all the great help, knowledge, tips etc. I have learned by all of you, even if it's not pertaining to me personally, that all of you have a warm heart and are always willing to help, give advice etc. I am very happy to be associated to such a giving, caring group. Because of you fine folks, I've tackled new jobs on the bike, discovered new places and met so many fabulous people that I wouldn't hesitate to have over my place for dinner. Hopefully, I can at some point return the favor to someone that asks me for help over a repair, a part number, a small town diner, or just ride with. Where I grew up, we don't see that type of camaraderie from complete strangers. It's refreshing, rewarding and I want everyone to know how wonderful you make it to be a VR member.
  13. Last year was the most I rode ever!!! Before 2013, my max mileage was 4,300 on my Vulcan. Between my work, raising a family and misc hobbies, I am very happy and proud to announce my mileage... 2013 totals RSV: 9,102 riding through Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky Vulcan:1,350 miles 1982 cb900f supersport: 85 miles ( storing for a buddy) Grand total: 10,537 NON TRAILERED glorious miles. For many this is no big deal, but for me this is awesome....
  14. I am so sorry to hear about your wife, Earl. Prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery.
  15. He already HAS a 2 seater!!! Knock some sense into him will ya!!
  16. Sound advice. For me I do not run blue tooth and such. Just a map, GPS as an emergency, the radio and off I go....
  17. +1 on newegg. Great place
  18. Happy new year awesome Aussie Annie and super quickstep !!! P.S. Thanks for the mail, I was very excited to see the stamps that had MEN AT WORK band on them
  19. Larry and Joyce, Wishing both of you a very safe, healthy and happy new year. I am honored to be associated with such an amazing group
  20. Congrats. Venturefar on your accomplishment!! I will most likely hit an IB run this year. I practically made 2 last year with Vogel and patties BBQ, so I am prepping for one this year. Good tip on " your normal time".
  21. That's the catch with HD, you buy the boxed trailer as per yammer, and get the HD for free...
  22. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
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