I just wanna say thanks to all the wonderful individuals, members and their families for not only showing me how great y'all are, but accepting me, and for all the great help, knowledge, tips etc. I have learned by all of you, even if it's not pertaining to me personally, that all of you have a warm heart and are always willing to help, give advice etc. I am very happy to be associated to such a giving, caring group. Because of you fine folks, I've tackled new jobs on the bike, discovered new places and met so many fabulous people that I wouldn't hesitate to have over my place for dinner. Hopefully, I can at some point return the favor to someone that asks me for help over a repair, a part number, a small town diner, or just ride with. Where I grew up, we don't see that type of camaraderie from complete strangers. It's refreshing, rewarding and I want everyone to know how wonderful you make it to be a VR member.