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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Excellent project. Nice job. Better get this patented, before HD add to there line of bikes. The Milwaukee 1
  2. Many goldwing riders over at the forum are keeping an eye on what mama Yama has in store. Many already understand Yamaha has been in the top 1-2 for reliability and are on board if they can come up with something that rival or surpasses the GW. Guess we shall see in a few weeks....
  3. I was very, very happy with today's event. Only bummer was my beautiful wife wasn't available. The weather tricked me, which is why I set the time early. Last week 95*. This week 70* That aside, good food, great conversation, laughs galore. I really missed Dion, Bluebeard ( and wife ) and met some new folks in George and his lovely Tammy(?). Steve and Marilyn are dear personal friends so it's ALWAYS MY good fortune to spend time with them. I give this first meet 2017 an A+. Glad I took a chance and got the ball rolling. I don't think I'm speaking out of turn by saying,new would all be happy with another meet and eat next month if everyone's schedule cooperates. Im not the ringleader so feel free to come forward to the table with ideas, places, times and dates.
  4. My 17 year old Vulcan 1500 is water cooled, doesn't shake and rattle and will make it coast to coast without any troubles. As for those who "how hum" a V twin; you've asked Yamaha for a new model forever and now it's here, yet without XYZ, it's not worthy? Cmon guys/ gals. You would rather keep an aging V-4, that has a cassette player than upgrade to a potential fuel injected, GPS, LED light , upgraded styling, reverse etc etc etc? If that's the case, and nothing wrong with that, then no one should complain about Yamaha not doing squat for ions. They, as a business have to consider what's selling, cost efficiency ( for them) and other factors. There is not a major company will make everything you and I want. The fact Yamaha is coming out w a new bike at all, despite dropping sales should be a good sign they're finally trying. Just like some folks on the wing forum, I guess we can ( myself included) find something to complain about if we look hard enough...
  5. Just a friendly reminder that if anyone is interested in joining the meet and eat or RTE( ride to eat) this Saturday morning at 9:00( ish) at Der Dutchman restaurant in Sarasota. Ride whatever wheels you want, just show up and have a good time. The weather is supposed to be fantastic for riding, which really means it shouldn't be too terribly hot. Hope to see as many people there as possible. Ride safe everyone!!!
  6. I have had chilibeer in the past ( during my drinking hey days) and it's a great tasting beer.
  7. Tom, thanks a "tuff" call on your end. Either way I understand. Hey, take the car if you want. Steve, sounds good. I always love seeing you and M ( you know that already ) Dion, and Blue Beard, so it looks like confirmation for next Saturday. VR riders first M and E of 2017.....woo hoo Saturday May 6 Can we do about 9:00? ( was there last time before 8:30 and it was getting packed). Disclosure: I prefer earlier but will take group overall census Der Dutchman restaurant ( and killer bakery) 3713 Bahia Vista St. Sarasota, Florida, 34232 (941)955-8007 bring anyone you wish, if anyone is in favor for earlier or a ride afterwards through and near Sarasota that's an option. keep an open mind. Thoughts and ideas welcome
  8. Rick, first I will say I am envious of your MM series Venture. It's a great idea Yamaha had, actually caring at one point about the model. As for the riding, definitely get in touch with me when you get settled. There are a lot of back roads I travel solo through here and would love to share.
  9. Sounds good Blue Beard. Let's wait till end of weekend to see abut who is available and go from there. Riders...Are you interested?
  10. What's everyone's availability Saturday ,May 6???? Due to the incredibly warm weather already, I am thinking how about a breakfast meet? There is a fantastic Amish place called Der Dutchman in Sarasota. Excellent food with a great buffet. Good atmosphere and perhaps a ride for almost all of us. Thinking 9:30? I am up for other suggestions, dats, times and places, but let's try to figure this out so we can start a new run of VR meet and eats. What do y'all think???
  11. Nothing set as to location and date Mike. Keep checking back if your interested and available.
  12. Hey ragtop69, had I known you were n NPR this whole time we could have done some nice riding through Brooksville and citrus. Are you coming back down here? I would assume we aren't meeting this weekend. Sorry. Have a safe trip and when you come back down, please LMK.
  13. It's been a very long time since we had a real group of Florida riders get together and share lunch and stories. Been emailing Dion and have been thinking about he and I getting together and we will too since we have always been friendly/friends. That said, how many newer,older Florida riders would be interested in having a meet and eat? the bike you ride means nothing. We used to do this every so often and with decent turn outs. Last few just fizzled. Life happens and people get caught up, myself included. So.... How many of y'all would be interested in attending. No pressure and we try to meet at a more centralized spot, although that is always a challenge. Either way, Dhj3/Dion and myself will be making a trip which the date depends on the reply here. Any interested parties?
  14. +1 on the safe return. Your line which I isolated was one of the best descriptions I've seen in some time. Thanks.
  15. Apologies for the delay. prayers up and hope the Lord helps him through this rough time.
  16. Not sure if we met at a IR or a Vogel, but you're part of the zany close knit group here. Wishing you are very speedy recovery to what ails you so you can get back doing the things you love to do. As Yammer would say...PRAYERS UP!
  17. Glad he is home as hospitals are a scary place. Major prayers to you and the young man for a speedy recovery and a long healthy life!! We all love ya Dan
  18. I love when Dan goes crazy with a sentence then Prayers up. Cracks me up every time. Thanks Dan for making me laugh out loud. My wife is looking at me like WTF. more from Dan. Prayers up!
  19. Be safe on your journey. This is a great site with great people. Take care.
  20. I met cowpuc, yammer Dan, Australia Annie and Al, Patti and Don,Larry, BongoBob and all the others with that pic, as that was one of my 2nd VR event. The first was the infamous B2Mom BBQ in Tennessee. My first Vogel. Loved every minute I was there. People made me feel welcome. I'm very interested in returning if I can get off work. My work situation is volatile at present time. If it's on, and I can have the time, I am there. Miss y'all... BTW, in the picture,ni am standing right next to my now good buddy Yammer Dan, whom I have seen recently in WV. Initially wasn't sure what to make of him, now he's 100000% awesome
  21. Prayers up to Terry and your family.
  22. Dion are you attending? Rain most of the day near me
  23. Ron, PM answered
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