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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. anyone?? whats the thoughts people...
  2. maybe the nurse can accompany you on your rides? just a thought...
  3. Do not forget to cover it. this is to avoid dirt, and bacteria from getting it infected. Also to keep away from the sun as well as it rubbing on stuff. the link below is from the Mayo clinic. this may be a good idea for all of us to review and prepare to have items just in case. http://www.mayoclinic.org/first-aid/first-aid-burns/basics/art-20056649
  4. THAT IS FREAKING AWESOME!!! No kidding. The diamond cut really stands out more with the darker dog bone than silver. Mike did mine last year up there and I have to say, that guy is amazingly smart, caring, helpful and fun to be around. I am a big fan of Mike just because of who he is.. ( yeah Mike I said it ) Did I mention it looks great?!?!?!
  5. Thank you for the nice words about my bike and wife. Both look and sound great I will periodically put posts on about my adventures with the wing, but I wonder how many REALLY want to hear about my tales? That said, anyone who wants to know, can certainly ask here, or PM me or email me or better yet, come by!! Congratulations on the new ride Barry. Nice, clean bike you have there...Alan loves his Goldwing F6B. I would like to send my best wishes to your wife, KC, and hope she finds employment soon. Thank you Awesome Aussie Annie ( triple A or A3 ) She is doing better than expected considering the circumstances. It just is bad timing with us try to get the house pushed through. She is great at her job and already has things in position. cross your fingers from down under !! It was very tempting to get the FB6, but with many of them without ABS, and none of them with reverse, it seems a bit pricey. again, I will be open minded with this one and if I its not for me, then i will be first to admit. but I am the type of, I have to try and not say, if only I tried... Congratulations Barry !! are sure not going to miss the tape player ????? Wife priceless I almost kept the bike just because of the cassette Gaucho! Wife is very priceless Barry, give it time and you will find comfort on the wing. I too went from an RSV to a GW. When it was time to replace the RSV I just couldn't see buying another new bike with a 15 year old design. The RSV had better comfort due to the peg position. That can be mostly cured with some good highway pegs. The drivetrain performance and handling are far superior on the GW. Once you get used to the button placement everything is intuitive. It took me a while to get used to it but now 500 mile days are no problem. Enjoy it. Dennis Dennis, thanks for the kind words and vote of confidence. As we sit here I do have a set of highway pegs from P.O. but still had knees bent. So I added a kuryakyn set above it to add comfort for entire leg extended and feet on them. I ran 300+ mile day trips on RSV very often without any difficulties regarding seat time. My last "Florida" meet and eat, I racked up a grand total of 428 miles. just for a brunch...
  6. thank you grandpagak !!!
  7. so...where are we going??
  8. I realize discussions about tires and oil is like opening 500 Pandora's boxes here, but for ME...I absolutely love those Avon Venoms for the RSV. they handle all weather, and deal with rainy roads as if it was a sunny day at the beach. when time comes, I will get them for my wing...
  9. Wow! Thanks for the update. That new suggestion is fine by me...
  10. See carbon one about the bracket and wiring. He can help you. Some put it on the right side, above or near the wiring and original horn.
  11. Don't let warden get wind of that statement.
  12. It's a long trip for us floridians also...
  13. I might actually be able to swing those dates, providing I can accumulate more time off...
  14. Get well soon!
  15. Walt, There is nothing wrong with the RSV, and mine in particular was well cared for by me, and others thanks to these guys here on the site. I just wanted a few things the wing has. That aside, although people LOOOOVE the GW, it may or may not be the bike for me. Time will tell. I will say the RSV had me connect with so many great people and took me to states I normally wouldn't have gone to if it wasn't for the hospitality of VR crew. I rode the dragon, make full u turns 2 up, mountains and excessive T storms with the venture, not one issue. Starts every time, have learned a lot. I have not a bad thing to say about ventures, except the freaking cassette player....
  16. Before you order a hagon shock may I propose something? I ordered an OEM shock from a VR member off an '08. Has low miles. In fact it is STILL in the box it was mailed at. If you're interested, I can sell you this one and save a few sheckles in this economy. I do not need it as I previously sold my RSV for a wing. PM me and Let me know... Barry
  17. I am also open and available for that Sunday, June 15. Anyone can chime in on suggestions, as we know we can not get everyone together all the time. I missed a few from working weekends as well...
  18. Welcome !!! PS: These Canucks are a lively bunch, eh?!?!?!
  19. Puc, I am VERY fortunate to be able to call Kristen my wife. Not only does she put up with my warped sense of humor, my NY verbal venom and my nonsense, she is a FANTASTIC human and is usually extremely well liked by everyone. Doesn't hurt she is easy on the eyes also. Many people look at her, then at me and say, " how'd you get her??" My reply is, I don't know, but I'm glad she's with me. Maybe I am just more than eye candy....
  20. Steve, as you know I was back and forth on this since LAST year. it was not an easy decision, and was made worse when KC lost her job a day or so after. that said, I wont be rolling in dough anytime soon either. As for your GW interest, I must say, I believe you can and should do better with the pricing, especially since it is not even an ABS model. I think some on CL by me are selling same year for 12k... the jury is still out on the bike as I have not done enough riding in various conditions and length to objectively assess. However, will be getting some riding time in over next 2-3 months to start to put the lens in focus...
  21. This is the greatest group of people, bar none. Perhaps once you get yourself situated, we can make some road trips up your way !! Keep us posted and good luck
  22. no worries. I have plenty to do around here, including making sure my wife stays positive through her situation...
  23. Eck, thank you much for your assistance and expertise. yes, i received your item and it's being prepped to be sent to you. Very cool indeed. There is much to figure out and learn. i am spending time learning, but also want to burn daylight hours RIDING!!! do not worry about me not reaching out for your help. trust me, you'll be getting plenty of questions very very soon !!
  24. PM me periodically, as to not bog down this sight with my nonsense on the GW
  25. I agree on BOTH !!!
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