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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Might as well just buy a car for that matter. Why are we getting away from MOTORCYCLES????
  2. I like that idea. I'm going to try that method out. First I need a headset...
  3. That is a scary story, but thankfully with a happy ending. Here is to a speedy recovery.
  4. I was thinking about you recently, Tom. The shop over by me has the voyager XII for sale. So naturally I thought of you. Since your bike doesn't wobble anymore, maybe you wanna mosey on down this way??
  5. The only way I can see Puc behaving is when he's sleeping. And even then.....
  6. There is talk about the first husband with a gun. I am not hearing anything about the 2nd or current husband. Where's he hiding??
  7. Not that it matters because we all love you guys....no interest in renting bikes?
  8. Don is correct, this stuff is pretty good....
  9. That's a cool jeep! They look like a vehicle you can always enjoy riding. Good luck!!
  10. Larry, That is one bad ass ride!!! Looks like the batmobile! You and Joyce already know you couldn't leave the forum even if you wanted. Too many people would be parked outside you're front door Congrats on an amazing piece!!!
  11. I change mine every 4000 miles. Like some said, it's personal comfort. I don't mind spending the extra few dollars for piece of mind. In Florida, besides the heat we have long stretches of areas that have dirt roads. Not that I aim to ride on those roads, but with wind blowing some of the dirt and sand as well as the non stop humidity and heat and the like, I just sleep better. I also use OEM or K&N oil filter....
  12. All of those replies are quite humerous...
  13. The bad: Rear shock. Occasional fights with spouse over who you are spending more time with. Not enough time with either. Occasional relay switches bad. Cassette deck, but some people prefer them. top heavy and can be challenging on gravel,as well as slow speed parking. The good: As Mike stated, yamaha mechanics are rarely seen, why? Motor is bulletproof along with the fine folks here can and have done just about anything and everything known to mankind and beyond about fixing, repairing and modifying. Chrome and accessories, smooth shifting. VR members on this site can and have been known to rescue a stranded rider, sight unseen. The many events where you get to learn about your bike, and meet great people. Decent on fuel for such a large bike. Can and will pull a small camper or carrier. Riders have been known to travel virtually coast to coast without any worries or concerns about breakdown. This includes, back roads, rural, small towns and deserts... Enjoy:cool10:
  14. Bernie, You rock, eh! Oh btw, nice ride yourself...
  15. I can't comment on the questions, but certainly someone will. As for your road trip, when you hit Florida, let me know. Depending on date and location, perhaps we can meet up...
  16. Happy birthday you crazy guy!!!! All the best and have a fantastic day BOBBY-O!!!!!
  17. Took the words right out of my mouth.....:rotf:
  18. Put all of the previous posts together and you have a sure fire way to change oil and filter. It really is not that difficult, once you start to see how it all goes together. If I may add you may want to bring some paper towels, and wear some gloves if you wish so you can make the job as clean as possible. Good luck and keep us posted!
  19. Great to know!!! I'm looking forward to trying mine, both on the GW and with Sunn's RSV
  20. 1 billion % true...
  21. Dion, I am open to either avenue. It does not matter
  22. I am not finding any difficulties
  23. I realized that although I managed to lead a group of 8 out of the Barber museum from the IR and then a group of 4 back home, ( lead= I was the first bike, I wasn't "the leader") I was at a disadvantage to communicating to the trailing bike(s). i could hear them, but not relay that I hear them and ask questions etc. I usually ride with a shoei neotec helmet flip up full face. Can anyone give me some directions on what brands, styles and where to look? it does NOT have to be super fancy. Doesn't have to play songs or answer the phone. But on those occasions where I may wish to talk with another rider in the future or my wife. Many have more experience with the latest and greatest. I would appreciate any input, as well as any PROS and CONS. Thank you in advance
  24. Speedy recovery and prayers sent your way.
  25. Gary, I am a PTA and work with knees quite a lot. Do not be discouraged. Here are some main points to remember. 1- range the knee, multiple times a day, at home, away from therapy. Try to bend it and straighten it as much as you can. 2- you will have days where you feel like you are not making progress. That's normal. 3- it is also normal to have some pain, discomfort of stiffness for at least 6+. Months. It's still healing underneath 4- strengthen knee with walking, exercises even after therapy( use common sense and pain and fatigue as your guide) to keep up the progress you've made 5- when sore, use the ice, or frozen veggies. Get excited! You have a new knee with 0 miles on it!!!! Hope you get to ride ASAP!!!
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