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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. +1 on that....
  2. News such as this is chilling. Lots of thoughts and prayers sent....
  3. Steve will start having those warm and fuzzy feelings for the GW, if he hasn't started already...
  4. I'm already figuring out a way to get off work to get up there. I'm excited for this...thanks. Bill,Madonna, Mike, Don and Patti for your tireless effort...
  5. Been there, done that. Especially since my brother is the one riding it around getting all the oohs and aahs... May sting less if I didn't see it all the time. However, I am fully enjoying the wing, and plan on meeting Donvito tomorrow. The wing definitely rocks....it has to the license reads ROKNWNG....
  6. I have been fortunate to ride with Brian on several occasions. Stand up guy, class act and a good guy overall. As a therapist, and one who used to work specifically in a neck and spine center, I won't go into my philosophies etc. Getting the surgery done at an earlier age is a bit beneficial. With today's advances in science and medicine, there are so many more things we can do to help our bodies. Brian has already helped his own cause by dropping excess weight. Good news there! For those who do not know Brian, he is a valued member of the VR site, at least IMO. There are plenty of post surgery things that all are encompassing related to your successful recovery. Make sure you go through every available option/ treatment. This is a new chapter. You have my number if you need anything, and if you can't call or text, ask the lady.... Keep me/ us posted.
  7. Jonas, you did an amazing job my friend. That 2 tone Corbin looks awesome. You really did good my friend.
  8. Tom, I believe everyone was on board with the date and location so, we need to make sure we can connect with you Saturday for meeting place and time. Perhaps even a Saturday night or Sunday morning to or from breakfast. Everyone one is encouraged to pitch any ideas...this is OUR meet and eat, not just mine...
  9. How can we find out which models??
  10. +1 on the bike and color
  11. It's bittersweet Brian. I am glad the bike sold, especially since you had it up for sale. I'm not glad, you are selling it but I understand the circumstances. This certainly doesn't mean we won't EVER ride again. Just means right now, this is what needs to get done at this point in your life. If you are ever ready to ride again, when that time comes, just let me know. You are a good person and a good person to ride with. Please stay well during and after your procedure. Eat well and follow the therapy. You'll now probably have to make some life modifications. Just know I'll be sending prayers your way. Please do not stop keeping me posted and informed. I and those who met you would like to be updated on your progress. Call me if you have any questions. Just because we aren't riding, doesn't mean we aren't friends....:080402gudl_prv:
  12. Ok gang here we go... The Marion motor lodge...I spoke with a guy named Hank. The number is 904-829-2261. Easy going guy. I gave him an estimated arrival of 1pm, and he knows we are riding up from all over. Told him Venture riders, so perhaps mention that when you call. I also inquired about any cancellations due to weather etc. he said 24 hrs, no worries. He mentioned Saturday is the busiest day, so please call ASAP so we can book and keep as many of us in one spot. Let me know how things develop...
  13. Gez, ok do your thing... Michael, do you happen to have the lodge phone number ?
  14. In NY, occasionally I ran into The angels at events and other times the Pagans, the HA rivals. No issues if you just maintain common sense. In Florida, we have a few. The outlaws, iron coffins, etc. again, just be polite and mind your bees wax and all should be good. One time, I was catching up at the light to about 5 outlaws. The lead rider thought I was a bit too close so I backed up a tad. However, because I was playing some heavy heavy metal, the guy at the end, gave me the universal "head nod"..... Still wakes you up a bit
  15. Thanks to this post and the amazing people on it, it opened me up to this. Last night I purchased on and awaiting its arrival. Glad to know it has great reviews and so portable. Thank you for turning me on to this....
  16. That's pretty awesome!! I'll be riding with Vito, sometime soon and would love to see that bike!
  17. The time share is out for us, so....we will be staying near by all y'all.... Gez, I'm not too sure about camping, I'll look into it. It's more tourist/ beach / coast line area. But I'll see what I can find and send it your way...
  18. So......brake pad , Dion, Karen, gaucho, Steve and Marilyn, Donvito, TuffTom, gez, and anyone else I missed. Are we leaning and sticking with Oct4, st. Augustine?? What's the consensus? It's up to you guys/ gals...
  19. That's why Dion, I was trying to shoot for the 4th preferably, but the weekend before BikeWeek as a secondary plan. My target date weather permitting is OCT 4
  20. Prices and lodging through your contacts. Kristen reminded me we have a time share not far from where you said. We may go that route if it's available to save some coin.... This is, if everyone is on board with the date and location....
  21. Keep me posted as soon as you get wind. For me the 18th on, I'm kind of tied up. However, if that is the majority can go, then I'll just sit this one out...
  22. It took me this long to reply because I'm slow to develop thoughts!!!! Well I can't blame you on your reasons. I found them to not be a problem. Chalk it up to beginners luck??!!
  23. I won't get to technical, because I'm not technical enough. Besides, Goose kicks ass in that department. I will agree with the speed and odometer variant. I have found when I had mine, and sold it and rode to the IR with my brother, we were always off on mileage, even though we left the same spot and took the same roads etc. the GPS, always was showing 5 mile difference from stock odometer. So when on the highway for example, I knew I can run odometer 83MPH, which GPS showed 77-78MPH and never altered the speed with HWY patrol. Never got a look from the troopers. As for MPG, I was doing roughly 33-35 mpg . Usually one up, but loaded. Freebird... I am happy you are giving AVONs a chance. I had 2 full sets before selling, and had no regrets with sidewall and breakage. They give you a lot of stability and confidence in rain storms as well as curves/ turns. Mine were always 41/41. Nitrogen. They stick to the roads like glue. I know many people dislike avons from previous breaking and splitting however without specifically confirming, I believe Avon caught wind of this issue and they at least seem to be fixing this problem...
  24. I love cowpuc!! He always reminds me of the one family member that's just so cool, mixed with just a tad bit nutty.. Never any problems dealing with him, but ya just know, he may one day just drive a Sherman tank down your street on Halloween, just because. He's a great guy to be in the family, but if you never knew him,you'd say he probably works or better yet owns, the clown Motel..... All love Pucster!!!! The main thing is he wears his heart on his sleeve and that's evident by how much he is liked by all of us here. And how he can put a 57 room house on his bike when riding....
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