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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. I believe most of us, if not all think about this from time to time. I know I do. I live in Florida about 40 min North of Baylensman. I know his area is congested and with speeders and people not paying close attention, things happen quickly. Riding n the end is a choice to some degree. For me it's my therapy. To think, relax and breathe. I know there's a chance of something happening but at this time, I am still riding...
  2. There's a guy I ride with in my town and he has a venture. He is known for trading in new bikes after a year. He states he's not trading this. Saw it up close and personal. Burgundy. Sweet bike, has a nice look and turns heads. Says it's a smooth running, easy turning bike. I guess a majority wouldn't call it a "venture" for many reasons but nevertheless, the bike looks sharp and seems to ride excellent...
  3. It's been a slow riding year for me, VERY slow. But I'm thankful for a few things this year. My health and the health of my kids and wife are good. My father in law is recovering from lung cancer, I went to Europe for the first time ever ( Paris and Amsterdam are awesome!) I didn't get fired from my job.....yet, the house escaped Hurricane Irma with just a big thick pine tree branch hanging from the tree, no car accidents and the purchase of 2 new vehicles replacing both toyotas over 220k each. When you write it all out and make a list, it comes across as perhaps bragging, but it isn't. It just shows you clearly what I AM thankful for, which includes all my riding buddies and friends on this and the GW forum. Stay well and ride safe...
  4. I was about to dive into reloading, and even have the press and die set etc. I just have too many damn hobbies and this is something that you need to focus on and take your time with. In the grand scheme of things,my out weighing your time to make and reload, capture brass, get the primers, and the whole shebang, and what that time and energy is worth VS. buying factory ammo. I shoot competitive and for tactical training for 3 gun and for ME, I would rather use that time at the gym, practicing knife and stick fighting, drumming, riding and shooting drills. If you have the time and desire, then go for it!! Just continue to ask questions and learn. Good luck!
  5. I've just read every word of this thread and I literally am speechless. Dan, I'm really deeply sorry you're having to deal with such incompetent, corrupt, unjust scum on the supposed "right side" of the law. Like a previous post, it sounds like a bad Hollywood B level script. If those that should take care of it wont, then what's you're only recourse. Lawyers are scared, people are corrupt. Maybe getting the FBI involved and at LEAST, have them try to see what's going on. I feel for ya and major prayers to you and your family. Nobody deserves this. And the way this world works now, you're always guilty and you have to prove innocence. Hard to do with non corrupt officials, let alone corrupt. I'm here for ya if you need me.
  6. 40-50% humidity!? That's amateur night here in Florida. We get 90% humidity before the sun even comes out. Even the sun doesn't want part of this. I'd LOVE 40% humidity...
  7. Kawasaki hit a home run with the Vulcan. Not the Vulcan Voyager, which is still more reliable than any hardley. My 2000 Vulcan 1500 is fuel injected with add on LED lights, air horn, VH long shots, kuryakyn waterproof speakers and more. I would challenge any HD rider, on any HD bike to go toe to toe, mile for mile with me. Those liquid cooled Vulcans ride smooth, have great response, good power and will run forever without losing any of the fillings in your teeth as well as not losing any nuts, bolts and parts along the way. Oh...no oil leaking either. PS: great looking Nomad ya have there
  8. Prayers up and speedy recovery Mike. Keep us posted as we would like to know how ya doing.
  9. That is an awful lot to deal with for anyone and any family. Deep condolences and extra prayers up for strength to your family.
  10. Cowpuc is like a walking, talking, breathing encyclopedia and museum of motorcycles. He should have his own TV show... as as for the next bike? I have 10 in my mind. How many will come home? 1 or less. The wing has 49k, barely broken in. My Kawasaki Vulcan has 38k. Wife says what the heck you need more bikes when you have these 2 PLUS.....access to my brothers 03 venture, his 82 supersport F 900 and his newly acquired blackbird. I guess she's right, but I still want a Vstrom 650, FJR-09, BMW adventure bike, V-rod, older ultra glide ( older bc I want more color options than black or.....black), ural with sidecar, Honda Valkyrie, New venture, Older Indian ( pre Polaris ) and I'm sure a few others...
  11. Thats a funny line right there. yes you will get ahead and beat that disease! PRAYERS UP!!!!!!
  12. I can't tell you enough Yammer how you make me laugh with these sentences, one liners and phrases. Crack me up
  13. Long time IBA rider and Florida resident Greg Rice has his motorcycle from 1978 packed to the gills going from Chicage to Grand Canyon. His motor is fine, no electric windshield or heats grips.
  14. Motorcycles have been around for a long time. Longer than the V-4 and Flat 6 have been around. What did bikers do before that? TOURED the country. With T bags, windshield bags, etc. They rode, and rode. People get caught up and lose track, that despite the motor, it's still fun to ride. From a purist point of view, the new venture should have had the V4 but it doesn't. Again, prior to that what did we do? We rode all around the country.
  15. bike looks bad ass. unsure why its air cooled
  16. Hey Dion, happy birthday brother. Hope your weekend was great.
  17. Just like the before me, wow and we are very glad you aren't seriously hurt. Speedy recovery
  18. J.T., we are also interested in what you and your significant other think and feel they want to go. Feel free to add your input.
  19. Thats funny. Great job. Should post that on the GW forum. As as for all those buttons, sounds scary but you get used to it and many buttons you don't use all the time
  20. Steve, my cooling vest is on loan from a very dear friend. I do not wish to hold it that long. I'll try it this weekend if I remember.
  21. Early works for ME and some simply bc I'm up early, also because by lunch time if can be 94* in June. However, early isn't everyone's cup of tea and we should be fair to all involved. As for Cracker Barrel, I propose we look to find places that are mom and pop or a well known place in the particular town we decide. That's just me thinking out loud. I am all for what we most can agree on : early or lunch, small place vs franchise, north, south, central, east, west As for you not knowing any place specific, that's where you can jump online and take a few peeks when time allows. Im sure Steve and Bluebeard and George may chime in...
  22. With the latest breakfast RTE turning out very well, I am asking those Florida riders to put on their thinking caps and see who would like to throw a meeting place and a day into the ring? Those who wish to attend can also post days they are not available ( weekends). I'm not sure if we can accommodate everyone and in the past there were times I couldn't go either. However, we have a nice nucleus and we can try to keep that and add some along the way. ok, so whatcha think?
  23. I use the helmet in the freezer trick told to me by a fellow, old school IBA. I wear LD comfort shorts and long sleeve shirt, they seem to work for me. Like you I carry the helmet if not in freezer. I've yet to know the BEST way to secure the thermos on the passenger foot plate for the water bit. Any suggestions?pics?
  24. I believe they are doing a K9 charity run
  25. Steve K, mentioned that there is a vintage MC event happening: https://ridingintohistory.org/the-event/ I am definitely going and heading up Friday evening and staying through Sunday. Not speaking for Steve, but to my knowledge he is going. So.... If there are VR members attending, please let me/ us know so we can maybe get a lunch or dinner with some spending time with those who will be attending. It's not that big from what I was told but still a nice place and a nice event. Keep me informed so we can perhaps coordinate to see y'all... ( I said y'all. What the hell? Florida and the south are seeping into my subconscious )
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