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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Mine is is just a play on words as an extension of my first name.
  2. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to ALL of you wonderful people and families of this fabulous VR site!!! I have been thankful to be part of and accepted into the best motorcycle site of all time !!!!
  3. I will try to add to the bidding. I have a set of mirrors that I will gladly include with Mikes generous offer. Winning bidder to either have them delivered to Mike and he will ship as one, or directly to your home. Please keep me posted as I am going crazy with 1000 things going on.
  4. Thats what I had to do. It wasn't a perfect fit out of the box, but turning the rod handle to a certain spot and wiggled it in with some oomph. But once it's in, it's golden
  5. Good for you Eck!!!
  6. Barrycuda

    Hey cowpuc

    Share with the rest of us, what is the tin foul routine. That looks great
  7. Big Lenny, if you have the kawasaki voyager itch bad, may I suggest a 2010, 2011 model? They are all over the place with really low miles and can probably get one fairly cheap. This can offset some of the add ons. For me, in Florida and the heat, it's a no go. And yes, the do make a fantastic motor, and the colors and lights pop on the bike.
  8. Good for you guys!!! I see on your map, you do not have Florida filled in. Perhaps a chance to swing by. Florida and hang with us???
  9. Stay clear of those Vulcan voyagers, Puc. They produce an unwanted and dangerous amount of heat coming from the exhaust. Cheap ass kawi tried but failed to rectify by adding a KAWS system which is some plastic cowl system to reduce the overbearing heat. In fact, not only did it not really help, kawasaki would not cover the $399 price to save your sizzling leg. Kawasaki really dropped the ball because they could have had a very good machine for entering tone touring market. They do not add rear speakers, CB and these are all add ons. From what I heard and remember, the saddlebags and trunk are not as strong, or durable. Another factoid...my goldwing purchase was a result of the P.O. and wife fell in love with the voyager red/ pewter color scheme and bought a brand new one, selling the GW. A few months later I checked in with the chap. It seems his wife isn't very keen, and they don't ride as much and the wife down right hates the bike. So much so, that she refused to meet me for a friendly lunch bc she didn't want to see the GW.... barneys of brooksville had an '11 model to test ride. I was the ONLY one who took it out in over 6+ months. It was easy to maneuver at slow speeds, shifting smooth, and lower seat for my short legs. The heat was unacceptable, and current owners also complain about the radio antenna and reception aggravating them. The colors and style look really cool and sharp, but they short change you in other ways which I can not have. i can't, endorse the voyager, but can and will endorse the Vulcan Classic, 1600, 2000 etc... once again, companies like kawasaki and yamaha refuse to listen to those who RIDE motorcycles.....
  10. Ok...I was on the official site and here is one of the answers regarding its product and why it "works" : Since postural “habits” – usually bad – have been part of our spinal mechanics for most of our lives, it’s almost impossible to correct them at the conscious level. It must be corrected at the subconscious – or behavioral – level which is the result of this Bio-feedback. A Harvard Medical School paper found that a “curved and firm surface”, pressed against the spine, was the best way to create this risk-reducing “dynamic”, and the reason why only BAL can use the term. I disagree with The Harvard paper as it's the BEST method. Here is why, while I DO agree poor posture Times X amount of years you have had poor posture certainly contributes to a bad back. So does poor sleeping, sitting, no stretching or strengthening, poor nutrition. They all contribute to some way shape or form. We CAN over time, consciencly retrain the neuro muscular to improve our posture. While it is not a cure for the already damaged area, it can prevent further damage to the area and subsequent areas surrounding. Bottom line, can it help?? I would think it most certainly can. But please keep in mind my previous posts of the extensor muscles relying on it, and not pulling their own weight. A good doctor and or physical therapist can give you techniques and strategies to help alleviate your pain to some degree, although results vary from person to person.
  11. Dion... what exactly is wrong with your back? Bad discs can mean a variety of possibilities. Let me ask, do you NEED the back brace? Reason being is over time, your back muscles, the extensor a that keep you from slouching, become weak as a result of the brace doing the job. However, as a stabilizer temporarily as you work to strengthen the back, the pain may lessen up. Without really knowing what's the target problem, it's hard to say in my opinion as I do not know anything yet about a back a line brace. But I am going to look into it. In the meanwhile, stretching the hamstrings and lower back may help you to some degree if not done aggressive.
  12. Prayers are sent!!!
  13. Ok, Yuck here is my 2cents and I have a Vulcan, albeit a 1500. Unlike Puc, who can give from a mechanical point of view, my Vulcan is a 1500, bought as my first bike in 2003( bike is a 2000 year model). I still have, ride and love my Vulcan. It doesn't get as many miles over the last few years with the addition of the RSV and then the new GW. However, I've ridden it in the coldest ( New York City)and hottest( Florida summers) of temps and it never once left me stranded. It's also liquid cooled. I've been on over night trips and backed it to the gills with my wife for weekend trips. Always there for me. I don't have the experience as Puc suggests regarding oil, because mine does not leak, drip, sputter, spit or sneak excess oil. My one and only issue was last year it would sporadically not start after being out. A new battery fixed it. In fact, the battery was the original Japanese battery from 1999! I went almost 15 years on original battery, 8 in Florida. anyway...see if you can test ride it. I know those vulcans, almost all of them prior to the 09 Vulcan voyagers are reliable, comfortable, and you can modernize and accessorize...if you want the hard saddlebags, perhaps the kawasaki nomad would be up your alley. For me and MY experience, I am pro Vulcan. I change brakes, fluids and tires. Over time I added LED lights, kuryakyn speakers, an MP3 player, highway pegs, and I would go anywhere in the USA with confidence. Hope this diatribe helped in some way...
  14. Rotors, seats and mirrors look pretty clean
  15. a clean shaven Pucster!!! you certainly have lived a fruitful and interesting life. Mine is quite boring by comparison. Wish I was born in the late 50's. I could have been around for all the cool stuff.
  16. In the end, one rides what they like. People change their tastes as years roll by. Any way you slice it, as long as you are a VR member, no one really gives a hoot what ya ride, as long as your safe and are a good decent person. This even includes our HD members
  17. Youre re gonna love the wing, and especially the ABS. First time you'll need it, you will thank your lucky stars. Coming home from the IR, a mother and baby deer just bolted out of the blue and was on pace to steamroll me. I hit those brakes and the ABS basically helped me stop completely before getting T-boned...good luck with the wing
  18. Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels to all of out VR family and extended families...
  19. That's is simply amazing. Automobile companies do not even produce that number. Wow...
  20. Prayers are being sent right now. We hope and pray this VR family member receives as much love and strength as needed
  21. Puc, go pro has accessories for extended arms and such...
  22. RAM mounts can be used for a go pro as well. They also make a clamp with an extension ( which comes off if you want to just use the to pro and clamp only ) that bends, and can be placed on the crash bars, rear passenger handles or even the luggage rack., or they make a suction cup that brags about sustaining up to 130MPH. I have the suction cup but haven't used it yet. I have used the clamp and it hold well with no excessive vibration. They also make straight poles and other crazy accessories. It doesn't zoom, but it's pretty cool to use. At the IR, I believe it was. Joe, who had one zip tied to an modified aluminum block on the luggage rack. You can mix and match to experiment and try what's best.
  23. Just like with the RSV, the GW, has many modifications, including seats, and highway pegs to spread out your 6'4 frame. The handling, the slow riding and the perks of a reverse as well as ABS are very much a great thing to have. I'm not that tall, however my RSV was lowered by P.O. And I did the tail of dragon twisties etc. I like the uniqueness of the RSV, the fact it looks bad ass compared to the GW. However for my height, my general so riding short and long distances, I'd rather not have a top heavy bike, and have a reverse. I love the look of the RSV, but I wanted a change. The jury was initially out after immediate purchase but the GW and it's features came in handy this years IR.
  24. Congrats on the milestone. Certainly makes me wanna do some coast to coast runs. I have a long way since my ride is at 33k
  25. Congrats Eck and Konnie, you folks are 100% awesome. Eck, you're a lucky guy.
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