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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Please tell me who finally won??!! I've been out of the loop and want to honor my auction contribution...
  2. people who have them are saving them fand not riding them, making them more of a collectors item more than anything else. Nice bike for sure!!
  3. I test rode one a few years back at Daytona, WOW !!! is all I can say. An incredibly fun bike to RENT, but not to own. When gas prices go up, you'll be crying for a Vespa !!
  4. I most likely will swing by for the day and be off the next day. Dates for me aren't in stone. I have much to do regarding work and now school...
  5. Prayers UP UP and away and best wishes my friend!!!
  6. I read all of Yammers posts and each one cracks me up... You're awesome Dan! And let's not forget.... Prayers Up!
  7. sounds OK, but do we really need more people hating us GWers
  8. if I'm not mistaken, yellow wolf has a traxxion suspension and perhaps a mod here or there. I remember reading somewhere about his bike on the GW forums. Try there to get an idea. The forward sitting after a long trip on a FJR would bother me, but that's what makes the world go round...
  9. We have a time share, directly across from Carnegie hall. looking at these pics, it seems they cleaned up a bit for the event. Thankfully your daughter looks like her mom...
  10. Puc, next time I'm in NYC, I'll bring ya with me. We can do it the old school NYC way ...
  11. Traffic, weather, psychos, congestion, construction, parades, protests, police barricades, bomb threats, police escorts, U.N. Meetings, horse and carriages, delivery guys flying on bikes, messengers, roller bladers, tourists stopping, people watchers, drug dealers, drug users....other than all that, should be a breeze!!!
  12. Red, born, raised,worked in NYC my entire life minus last 7 years. Here's my thinking... To SAFELY keep your motorcycle safe as well as taking the train you have a few options. 1- stay someplace on Long Island. Nassau county is closer to NYC than Suffolk county. You can then take the LOng island RR takes you straight into NYC. You can park your bike and lock it in the area where vehicles park for daily commutes to and from NYC. Generally safe but is outdoors. I would be comfortable if this were my bike there, again depending on location. Some areas are just magnets for issues. Many areas on Long Island are VERY safe and VERY clean.From there you can walk, navigate other trains and or buses etc. personally I never take the yellow cabs. Dangerous, rip offs and overall just slimy 2- settle down In Queens, which is REALLY close to manhattan. You may be able to find a parking garage for the bike. They may be pricey and no guarantee on the safety without really seeing the area, but it is doable. 3- travel a bit more into NJ, or upstate NY and take the trains into the city. I'm not very familiar with what is best and available from that side of things...it's been a while since I was there. I would advise not to ride in NYC. The area is impossible under the best conditions, which I've not ever seen in my lifetime. Even if you know your way, parking, traffic, the congestion and construction would drive you to pull over and weep. I do not recall any snow in April. It may happen you get some ice or hail, but again that's far and very few also. hope this helps, and if anything else I remember, I'll chime back in. Have a safe trip and keep us posted...
  13. Although many are VERY loyal bummer fans, I for one am not for this reason you mention and the following: who the heck can correctly fix that thing? There are far fewer dealers as well as QUALIFIED wrenchers,which I am not one of them or an electrical engineer. I would not want just anyone touching the BMW. I will say they are or at least appear to be the ultimate driving machine. About 8 years ago I had a BMW M3 convertible that was a screaming demon. But when, not if something goes, the BMW stand for Bring More Wompom....I like the electronic center stand and all the electronic windshield. A rider I know rides them everywhere and has good success. However, I can't afford to buy a bike then be stuck someplace forever waiting to get the bike fixed. Research also shows certain years and models like all others have their problems too. It's has the potential to be a deep pockets ride. Like I mentioned, they are a sweet bike...
  14. Continue to follow your wants and dreams but please don't sleep on the wing. It's considered a sport bike with a trunk. It has a lower center and can keep do all the twisties and keep running like wind. The back seat may even appeal to the Mrs. The FJR is an awesome looking bike with many features. The wings are no slouch either. No matter what ya decide its a win-win. Keep us posted.
  15. Steve was generous enough to bring over a cutting board and trivet board which he made for our house warming gift. These things are VERY. Nice and look fantastic. He has an amazing knack for woodworking. Hope this gets resolved quickly Hope to,see ya soon buddy. happy new year...
  16. Hello everyone and almost Happy new year! I have been doing some research and reading up on safety gear, and such and. I have the alpine stars, the olympias, the heavy leather and such. Seems like Motoport is getting a lot of good/great reviews regarding their kevlar suits, pants and jackets. Now they are not cheap by any stretch, but testimonies from others on various forums and site seem to swear they are the top banana in safety wear. Lately, I have been more concerned with the good or poor choices of my gear in such an event happen. So....I wanna here from you guys and gals. Anyone have personal or know anyone who wears this kevlar brand? Here in Florida, the heat can be brutal, yet many a Floridian who wear the mesh kevlar have not experienced any overheating. From all accounts the customer service is excellent and the pants and jacket are custom made for your body, so they want specific measurements. Let me know what ya thoughts are. Right now leaning towards the purchase, and it will be my final purchase regarding gear. Thank you kindly for replying and have a fantastic and safe riding new year!!
  17. Eck, I am real sorry to hear about your friend. He sounds like a great guy and seems to have a great family. Prayers and thoughts to you as well as to his family...
  18. Prayers and wishing the best are sent
  19. I spent all day at work today and will do so again tomorrow.
  20. Yammer Dan is a prayer up kind of guy! More prayers up!!!!!
  21. Attach a go pro and let her rip...wanna see some thrills. Good luck Larry and be safe out there.
  22. Florida riders who have collision, comp and no fault will be slightly higher due to many drivers in general do not carry insurance. Truly amazing. Angelo, PM me your wife's info. Doesn't hurt to compare.
  23. Beautiful car! I love those buicks. The GS editions rule!
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