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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. Michael, I haven't heard or seen you on any forums lately and was thinking bout ya....everything OK?
  2. Maybe we can try 3rd weekend of May? I'll be in Daytona first weekend and working second. If y'all wanna come to Daytona.... Steve is just a stones throw. It's not central I know. Perhaps we can go to linger lounge in Bradenton? Nice ride, decent food. Again, anyone who missed Daytona in bike week can still come out, LOL..... Just throwing out ideas. Think about it and let's see...
  3. thats exactly why it works for the Wingers, because they are retired and that's ALL they seem to do. It's all good. Just wanted to gauge interest. No biggie.... dion, i know what ya mean. Just a thought.
  4. What happened to the quarterly meet and eats? I know everyone has a busy schedule, myself especially. However, can we give thought into relaunching our meet and eats? Anyone interested, not interested, too little time, not enough people, etc? I haven't seen any postings for it and was wondering if we can make something happen perhaps some time in May? Any thoughts for or against?? Gez, brake pad, Karen, capt. D, Dion, steve k, gaucho, Don Vito and anyone else?
  5. excellent description and spot on. As for Facebook, don't waste your time. Just focus on riding and your nutty comments here. You're not missing a whole lot. ( minus diamond guy stuff)
  6. You should immediately stayed at a Holiday Inn, and cured cancer. That DMV conversation here would have went something like this: Sorry sir, but WE screwed up, and for us screwing up and making us look bad, we will not only charge you full price, but add a penalty charge on top of that. How dare you.....
  7. Rick certainly does a wonderful job!
  8. Do MC. Plates count? I think I have at least 2
  9. I'm sure you'll do fine Gunny. Just make sure you don't put self in harms way regarding weather and speed. You can always turn back and try another day. That said, go for it and keep us posted. Sheeeet, riding in Texas alone gets you a SS1000
  10. Prayers and best wishes for him and his wife to make it out of this situation in a positive manner
  11. Looked to buy one before the RSV. Was going to go side by side w my 2000 Vulcan. Test rode it when Barney's of Brooksville had the demo model. Looks gorgeous. I also do an OCD amount of reading, research, reviews etc. here are the PROS: liquid cooled, reliable motor and tranny, reputation( overall), easy on maneuvering and turning at slow speeds, color fit and finish w LED lights are awesome, can get one fairly low miles just about anywhere. CONS: and this is a big one....HEAT!!! I'm talking cooking your legs to the point of crying. This may not be the case to that extreme up north but down here, even with pants on, you are VERY uncomfortable. Kawi KNOWS of this and their cheap asses tried to add some KAMS? System. Basically a plastic cowl and hose to disperse the heat away. Major fail. Many people do not have an issue but many more do then do not. Oh, and BTW, that kit is $399 and guess who picks up the tab? Guess...it's NOT kawasaki Next, radio interference from bad/faulty ground and or antenna. They do not come with stock rear speakers, but of course you can spend your money getting that as well. If indeed I were to purchase the bike, which I have seen around here and all over the country, my personal suggestion is that you buy one from an owner that maybe added these to save some coin. As for the heavy mileage, I do not doubt these can run forever if maintained. I have no doubt mine can go cross country and it's 15 yrs.old. I recently saw on the iron butt pages somewhere one heavy duty rider, who is still active have those kind of miles on his 2009 Vulcan voyager. Hope this made some sense...
  12. Yes sir, I'm on it. And good tip about waiting till riding season. Thanks. Steve K
  13. awesome tips and info. thanks everyone. back to the lab tomorrow for some good ole batter charging/testing...
  14. Big Mike, I realized that and double triple checked the kill switch. It's not that. I will check the RR. slowroll, you might be right. I'm gathering intel. Thanks bud!!
  15. I am asking for some brainstorming, ideas and things to consider regarding this latest dilemma. As some of you know, last year my brother bought my 03 RSV and he even rode it to the IR. Because he is lives in NYC, the bike, which used to be held in my garage is now in storage close by. I go over periodically and start up both his bikes, take me out for a spin, etc. I bought a house w a 2 car garage vs. previously renting w a 3 car garage, hence to storage. Without a battery tender, I go and start the bikes like I mentioned. This winter has had some really cold( florida standards, not national) followed by unusually warmer. The battery has not been charged or keeping charge, so I jump start it with antigravity battery tender. Kicks right over always. Except 2-3 weeks ago, it blew a fuse or two. Nothing would work, no lights, horn, fuel pump clicking , nada. Today, I went to check it out. I replaced 3 fuses. The main one and 2 others. Connect the anti gravity, a bit of fuel gurgle from sitting and whoom... Starts right up and stays running. Not misfiring, no up and down rpm, she's running quite nice. heres the issue... I put her all back together and take her around about 1-1.5 miles. Shifts fine, no stalling, power etc. once I shut her down and try to restart, absolutely nothing, just as if fuses blown. I attach the charger and kicks over instantly. I shut her down and try to start...dead as a door nail. Since I do not have the bike with me and there's no electricity to keep her charging right now, what are some suggestions on what might be the cause? I'm not as suave as some of you electrical gurus and wrenchers but will do what I can. Could it be just a dead battery, a RR, a stator? Please guide and advice in Sesame Street terms so I can try to get to the bottom of it. Once started today she stays running. Immediately after turning off, nothing when trying to start. No lights horn, etc. thank you in advance for any and all suggestions.
  16. Make plans to do it Chaharley!! It's invigorating and tests yourself. When you are done with that, you might be planning your next one. I know I will be. Now riding 150-200 miles someplace will seem easier...
  17. Thanks you Gez...I'm not going to feel accepted until it's confirmed
  18. Patti, this may happen after all. I originally booked hotel, then had to cancel with my wife's brother getting married during that time frame. The cost of flying the family and staying was nuts so we may not go. I would LOVE to ride up that way. I'll keep ya posted.
  19. I noticed you said ONCE...
  20. Texas is certainly a long ride. I appreciate your well wishes and thoughts. Steve K will tell you, I'm a cold weather rider
  21. Corbin seat!! I would have preferred walking instead Dan
  22. When I had my venture that was my set up. I am full helmet year round. No exceptions
  23. Doesn't Mike G live in SC? Is he still on the forum?
  24. You go Dingy!!!
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