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Everything posted by Barrycuda

  1. +1 on above post and Dions kits. He has them down to a science and well worth the time and money....
  2. Kawasaki shouldn't make anyone buy speakers, if it's being touted as a touring bike. Harley's , the RSV and goldwing a have REAR speakers. I ride alone 98% of the time, and I love Vulcans as I still have mine, but if you claim to be a touring bike and want to nudge your way into the competition, then stop stepping over dollars to pick up nickels. That's all I'm saying...( meaning Kawasaki as a whole)
  3. Cute Eck...
  4. Nice job Puc. Look at her smiling... Btw, does this model come with a cassette player???
  5. Cade's cove is an amazing place. My In laws are from TN, love it there. Some great riding, especially for RSV folk...
  6. Yammer Dan, we are all saddened by this news but also grateful it is not more serious in nature. That said, I echo everyone else when I say please get well soon, heal up, and don't hesitate to ask for any assistance. You're a good egg and I'll be having ultra prayers up for a speedy and full recovery...
  7. Those voyagers are sweet and handle well. Mother Kawi knew about the heat and looked the other way, shame on them. If they didn't cut corners with that and a few other touring things like rear speakers and a killer radio, the voyager would be a top touring bike. That said, it's a great bike and if you keep it more than 30 days, you should have a lot of trouble free miles...
  8. Very funny Eck, I'll make sure to spook you at Halloween.
  9. Get the bike so we can all make a list of extras and chrome from the whopping savings you'll have from buying the bike!!!
  10. Speedy recovery to Mr.Butler who has done great work for all of us and many more. Health comes first. Mods can wait...
  11. Nice bike! You'll love it...
  12. The Indian road master, the one Mike G turned us on to is the EXACT color and model that a guy I ride with periodically has. It is an eye popping bike, which has an eye popping price. Not to mention it is not a V4 nor does it disappate heat so well, from what I've been hearing. The colors and the leather are amazing. However for such an expensive bike, it does not have some of what newer bikes are equipped with. Does it look amazing and make one drool? Most definite. Is it worth the steep price tag? Idk, I'll never have that free money floating for an Indian. Test rode 3 models at Daytona last year and they are SAH-WEEET
  13. This site is home to many people from as far away as Australia and Iceland. I've dealt with both people who live in those countries. I've ridden roads and tried new places because of this site. I've learned some mechanical things and met people who put their own personal gains aside for the greater good of being a decent human being. This site has THE BEST PEOPLE BAR NONE, and I'm not just talking **** either. When I was announcing my iron butt run, several said to call on them if an issue. When I first joined the site, Don was instrumental in helping me find a good RSV. Patti and Don opened up their home to complete strangers every year, and made me and others feel welcome. Mike the diamond cut guy showed me how to replace my bulbs with LEDs and did this via telephone! When there was a major MC accident in my state, and it was my style and color bike, Yammer Dan called to see if I was alright. OTHER SITES do not go out of their way like we do here. I am not on much, life has temporarily side tracked me. I would tend to believe there is an ebb and flow to the amount of people posting.With the weather getting warmer, people are itching to get out and ride, to meet those people I've talked about. Life changes and sometimes there really isn't a whole heck of a lot to say. Bottom line, this world will of course continue to spin if the site went down, but I would be along side many many others that would say, it would SUCK if it did. So please, everyone. Stop panicking and relax and enjoy the site and the people on it. I mean, do we ALWAYS talk with out nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles etc who live elsewhere? Not always but when we do see them it feels great. That how I feel when I meet you VR members. I feel great and blessed to have the site.
  14. If he tried that in NYC, some guys would take him off the bike real quick. Then steal the bike...
  15. I had the barons lowering kit on mine and went to Vogel and from there we did the dragon, without any issues, despite the lowering kit...
  16. Rural King has these hunting/shooting gloves that are waterproof and easy to wear. Mine are camouflage which isn't my first choice but then again, its 100% waterproof so.... I also have a pair of seal skinz that fit over or under the normal gloves depending on what size you get. No issues there as well.
  17. This morning I wake to an email from Mike Kneebone, stating they are honoring my ride. That said, I wanted my FIRST post as an IB member to be on this site. Thanks to all those who read my IB last post. You are now reading a post from new iron butt member 60622.
  18. Hope you start feeling better soon my brother, but not allowing them to heal, by RESTING SOMEWHAT only stressed them further..... Keep us posted
  19. +1 on butler....
  20. Sweet ride and an awesome color. One has to do what's right in their heart... Have fun and stay safe
  21. puc, I wont deny, it's quite tempting to see how things turn out on the road w me and others. But you're not going to get me to challenge any of my good VR friends on this site to a race. Besides, if anyone's feelings get hurt, mine included it makes for a crappy night ...
  22. Michael, May is a wacky month for some of us, myself included. That said. I am not opposed to heading Yoders for breakfast, or the linger lounge in Sarasota/ Bradenton for lunch. Steve K mentioned the event up in St.augustine on the 23rd. I am totally up for that and IMO would be my first choice. Any ideas guys? Gals?
  23. Who cares how fast they go against one another in the grand scheme of things. Bottom line is 2 excellent touring bikes, that munch miles and either bike wins in their own specific categories...it's a win win, since I don't ride at such dangerous speeds and I like to blast my radio on super heavy metal while passing old folks here in the blue haired state....
  24. been to Yoders a few times and the food and the ride down are wonderful. It's a place that I certainly don't mind returning to. However it's kind of small and always packed. Better to go earlier than late to get a seat. That aside, it's a wonderful spot to go, and then continue riding down tamiami trail
  25. Looks nice. Is it up in Jax? Might be too much of a hike for some of the south riders, but I won't speak for them. I would be very interested in heading up there on the Saturday. Can't make Friday...
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