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Everything posted by Ventureless

  1. Head ad to the ZGGTR forum for any info. Just like this forum. Bunch of great guys and girls with tons of knowledge. I met and rode with some great people. And they still talked to me when I went the cruiser/tourer route!
  2. You our are correct. I was mistaken when I said ZX-10. Forgot they were still Ninjas back then!
  3. Nothing wrong with the originals. I had one go out on me and instead of buying stock I went with the stick coils. Wish I would have done it sooner. Bike started much quicker and easier. Seemed to run much smoother as well. Just one of the little upgrades that made sense over my 60k miles.
  4. Yeah probably not not hard to make them, but I am not very electrical and it was easier for me to buy and install!
  5. Not it sure if it is the kz1000 motor. I do know it was a detuned ZX-10 motor. Just as the concours 1400 is the ZX-14 motor detuned.
  6. Mine was the same when I got it with only 10k miles on it but sitting for a couple years. Do yourself a favor and just yank the carbs now and clean them well. If you do it now and keep it moving, you will never have to pull them again. I went through it and once I did a proper cleaning, I never had another carb problem in 5 years and 60k miles. Never even had to re synch. And while you have the carbs off, go to the zggtr forum and see if Tcro is still selling the stick coils. Order a set and install them. Bike will run much better! Well worth the cost which was very reasonable anyway if I remember correctly.
  7. The C-10s are a lot of fun. Plenty of power and handle pretty well. I put 60k miles on mine with no real issues. Just ride it often or treat the fuel if it sits. Pain in the ass doing the carbs. Lots of info on the Concours forums and lots of parts and aftermarket support as well.
  8. I am fine with the smoke for flavoring. I have done plenty of pigs on the big cooker now and also have a small charcoal and now a small electric smoker as well. What I am trying to do is to make the cooking process less labor intensive. I will add a firebox to the bottom of the cooking chamber with inlet tubes to let the heat from the charcoal or wood into the chamber as well as the smoke for flavoring. My thought was to add the oven elements to the interior sides of the cooking chamber to help regulate the temp easier. Not that I am lazy when it comes to food. I just want to be able to walk away for a couple hours to go to my kids soccer games or whatever and not worry that temp will drop to low.
  9. SO I have a big trailer mounted cooker that I got for free. I have used it for several pigs and they have turned out great. I want to start upgrading the cooker and then I will sandblast and give it a nice coat of paint. I recently bought a small electric smoker and it makes life much easier. So here is my thought about what to do with my whole pig cooker. Any advice or feedback would be welcomed!! Just to give an idea of how big the cooker is, the pic with the pig inside shows a 110 pounder and it only takes up about half the chamber. As you can see in the pic (when I first pulled it out of the weeds at my buddy’s shop), it is basically a huge propane tank mounted on a rolling frame. No firebox so I just pile up charcoal in the ends to cook with. Works good but a pain in the a^^. At one time it had a pipe burner for propane running up the center. It would need all new components to make that work again. So I am thinking of welding together a small fire box with 2 good sized tubes coming out from the sides. I want to mount it in the center bottom portion with the 2 tubes coming into the sides of the bottom to let heat and smoke up to the cooking chamber. Then I would like to get either 1 or 2 cheap or free working electric kitchen stoves and pull the oven burners and control boards out and install them in the cooker. That way I can use the heating elements to help regulate the heat better and keep a more steady temp. The cooking chamber although only singe wall holds heat pretty well as is so I think with 1 or 2 oven burners and a small fire box, it would do the trick and make smoking for 12 hours or so a breeze.
  10. Sena an is great and simple to use. I have the smh5 and since I don't have a smart phone of any kind, I use one of my wife's old android phones and just downloaded all my music to it. Works perfectly. Also works great bike to bike when riding with another buddy who has one as well. I would buy it again in a heartbeat.
  11. What do you mean by music share? You mean 2 people can listen to the same say iPhone or iPod at the same time? If so, the 5 will also do that. I have synced to a buddy's phone while we were on different bikes and it worked fine.
  12. You made the right decision. The R without the jog dial is a pain in the ass. I would not get anything without the dial now. Depending on what you needed it for, you might have been ok with the 5 as well. I have the 5 and it is great. Works perfectly. I don't think you can conference with several people at one time and I think you can only connect with 4 other people in total. It works for us with no issues when going person to person. I use mine mostly for music in my full face helmet. I can even take phone calls (only if I feel I really need to) and the person on the other end has no idea I am on the bike. I know the 10 has more capabilities, but I just didn't need it. I think you will be happy. I have also been caught in a downpour with mine on and it is waterproof. Never an issue.
  13. I have been brewing for over 10 years now. My wife made the mistake of getting me a Mr Beer kit. I did one batch and decided I needed to make more and better beer. So I started buying large pots, glass carboys, bottling equipment, propane burner to cook it outside, and on an on and on. I would make 3 5 gallon batches at a time. The first few I had some disasters!! My lovely wife was not to happy when we got home one day and she walked into the spare, never used bathroom where I kept the carboys to ferment and everything was covered with beer and foam!!! One of my airlocks filled with foam and got clogged and then it built up pressure until it blew the airlock right out and beer everywhere. Running down the walls and dripping off the ceiling. Talking about the airlock, use vodka in your airlock or whatever you use. It is more sanitary. You said you were going to get a pot. DO yourself a favor and pay the price for one with a built in valve. It makes it much easier to transfer to your carboy. Buy a wort chiller. Makes life so much easier when cooling your wort to transfer to the carboy. Your wort must be cooled before pitching the yeast or you will kill your yeast. Also make sure your yeast is warm before pitching. It is best to make a yeast starter. If using the dry yeast, just mix with some warm water for an hour or so. If using the liquid or smack packs, make sure you take them out in plenty of time to warm up and start activating before pitching in the wort. You can also mix the liquid yeast in the vials with warm water before pitching. Definitely use the secondary fermenter to clear the beer some. If not you will have a lot of sediment. Not that it is a bad thing, but the only beer I make that I want sediment in is a good wheat beer. And as has been said, make sure everything is sanitized well. If making a yeast starter, make sure whatever you make it in is sanitized. When transferring wort or bottling, make sure all tubing is sanitized. If you use a spoon for stirring wort, keep a small pitcher of sanitizing solution or diluted bleach water to keep the spoon in after each use. After a few batches of the extract brewing, you will want to try partial mashes which you can still do stove top or propane burner fairly easily. Really only a few extra peices of equipment needed and the taste will be better than extract. Then from there, full mash!!!! You should also go to some of the recipe calculator websites to make your own recipes and buy loose ingredients instead of kits. I like barley wine style brews and now make my own recipes to try new things. If you like strong beers, you can also take a say 5% ABV recipe and use the calculators to get the same taste but twice as strong. I make 10-14% barley wines and let them sit for about a year. I try one every month or so to see how the taste changes with age. Then after about a year, we drink them all!!!! You can also get a hold of me if you have any questions!
  14. I was a little worried about taking it on the highway. But I have been riding to and from work every day on the highway both ways. 80MPH so I don't get run over and no issues at all.
  15. I came to cruisers from a Kawasaki Concours sport tourer. Started with a Vstar 1100. Then to the Venture for a couple years. Then a RSTD. After only 6 months or so with the RSTD, I decided I wanted something smaller and lighter for a while again. My wife rides very little with me so no need for a big 2 up bike. Also on week long trips even with a large touring bike, I would leave the house with saddle bags and trunk empty and a duffel bag strapped to the back seat. So I figured why have all that if I am not going to use it. So I sold the RSTD and bought this 08 Vstrom 650. Plenty of power for just me. ABS and FI. 450 pounds!! So far 55mpg. I see guys on the Stromtroopers forum hitting 100K, 200K, and even over 300K miles with no major maintenance. So nice proven reliable motor like the Yamaha V4. So I think this will keep me happy for a while!!!!
  16. I agree, but think you will be hard pressed to get a lower center of gravity with the big a^^ cylinder of the beastly V4 sitting up top!!
  17. I agree with the MPG of the Harleys. When I started taking week long trips with my buddies, I was riding a Kawasaki Concours sport tourer. Myself and our Beemer 1200RT friend used to laugh at the guys on their older Harleys every time they would fill up twice to our one fill up. We were both getting over 50mpg. Then 2 of them bought newer (2010 and up) Harleys with FI. One of them averaged right at 52 MPG the entire week long trip. Pretty damn good I thought. I don't think the Venture is under powered. I think it does great at what it is for. I will say though I wish it was lighter and not as top heavy. Now I am a big guy and have no issues handling my previous 99 Venture or my current RSTD. But after tooling around on my father in law's Vstar 1300, I will say I might be in the market for something lighter with a lower center of gravity. Now I realize the Vstar is 200 or so pounds lighter and only a 1300 Vtwin, but it was so nimble compared to my RSTD. And power wise it will blow my RSTD away at any speed. Plus it has FI!!!!!!!!! With that said, the Vstar 1300 is a tad small for me because I am 6'4" and 312 pounds (bring on the fat jokes while you have a chance as I am losing towards a goal of 250!!!). But if a new Venture came out with a FI 1900 Vtwin, I think I might be a player since teh weight would likely be distributed lower making it at least feel like it handles better.
  18. I do these all the time and they are delicious. Even use the same pepper shaped rack in the pic. Only difference is I usually use small sweet peppers so my wife doesn't complain about the spiciness of them if I miss a seed or 2. And the kids will eat the sweet peppers also. Sometimes we also use a little ricotta cheese as well. Or maybe a tad bit of BBQ sauce or one of your favorite sauces mixed with the cream cheese before hand.
  19. I know there has been several handlebar discussions and many have gone with Flanders. Well I am a big guy and don't need more pullback and I could go a bit higher. I found these pics. The bars are Krome Werks 2+2 Wide Sweepers. They look to be about perfect for me for my RSTD. Anyone else maybe have these on their bike? And I do have a fairing on mine and do plan on getting the black bars if I do get them.
  20. If it is fact true, I am glad I didn't buy something else already. I love the look of it from the 2 pics.
  21. I did the same kind of thing about a year ago. I had 2 loans. A car payment and a personal loan I had gotten from our Credit Union for a new mower and a few other larger items. Well we had a bunch of money saved up and I decided I was paying one of them off. I was going to pay the personal loan off because of the much higher interest rate. But the more I thought about it, even though the interest was higher on the personal loan, the loan amount on the vehicle was much higher per month. So I paid the vehicle off and for the last year I have been paying down the principle on the personal loan with the money I was spending on the vehicle loan. Now I have only a couple months left to pay the personal loan off as well vs the couple more years I would have had. So even taking the higher interest into account, it kind of evened out.
  22. I think everyone is different. I have diabetes because my pancreas does not produce any insulin at all. I am on an insulin pump. I generally try to stay around 100. The few times I have gone low, at 70 I was sweating profusely, so disoriented I didn't know my own wife or 2 kids, and I could not walk. I crawled on my hands and knees to the kitchen where my wife found me and immediately knew what was going on. When she tested me I was at 69. She immediately hit me with a glucose shot and gave me some milk. 2 hours later I was feeling back to normal. So I think the low level depends on the person.
  23. Right around $900 for everything. Even with having to drill the extra holes, it took maybe a half hour at most to install and wire it with the included quick detach harness.
  24. Sent you a PM about the solo fender rack!
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