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Everything posted by Ventureless

  1. I am another one who does not get the flu shot and I have not been sick in 10 years or so since I started avoiding the shot. My wife and both kids have been sick since getting their shot this year. My wife (along with the doctor) jumps on me because supposedly with diabetes I am at higher risk and should be getting mine. I try to tell my wife the reason I stay healthy is from riding no matter how cold it gets outside. That and spending lots of time outside in the winter wearing as few of layers as I can stand. All the time I spend in the cold must kill all the germs. May not be true, but for 10 years plus it has worked for me.
  2. Bike was feeling kind of sluggish and sloppy in turns so I check the tire pressure. Rear had 45 PSI and the front had 35PSI. I am running Dunlop Elite 3 front and rear. I am about 320 pounds. So a lot of weight on the tires. I know the front sidewall said 41 max. I ran it up to 40 and it is a whole different feel. Almost like it is to much and the front tire feel like a teeter totter on a point now instead of a rounded tire. So my question is with my weight, what should I be running in the tires if the sidewall says 41 max. And this is unloaded and just my body weight and the bikes weight. Thanks
  3. I also ride all year long. I finally bought my first item of heated gear a few weeks ago. Heated glove liners. Other than that I wear a couple thin but warm layers and some fire hose style pants to cut the wind. Coldest it has been when I left the house at 3:30 AM was about 8 degrees. I was as warm as could be. At 45 and above I really don't wear much more than I would in the summer. The older I get, the more I like the cold. And we don't get much snow here outside of Washington DC so teh riding season can go all year.
  4. I am wondering if anybody who has a a Corbin also has a sheepskin cover? I have been looking but haven't found anything.
  5. I am a pretty big guy. 6'4" and 300 pounds. I have been riding a Kawasaki Concours (old C10) for the last 6 years or so. I love the bike and it is so reliable I will probably never get rid of it. I also bought a Vstar 1100 from my father in law about 3 years ago. Not bad but very small and crappy handling in my opinion. I had been looking for a bigger touring style bike and loved the Goldwing but not the prices. Harleys surprisingly enough are to small for me. Then I sat on a Venture. Fell in love with it and started searching for nothing else. I picked up a 99 from someone on this forum and have been riding every day since. I has lots of power even for a fatty like me. And unlike a lot have said on here, I think it handles great. (At least it is 100% better than the Vstar) Even in low speed parking lot type maneuvers. That might just be because of my size and ability to manhandle it pretty easily. And in the curves, I think it handles almost as well as my Concours. I did put highway pegs on it to stretch out on for long trips, but even without them, I think I would be perfectly fine. If/when this one ever craps out on me, I will go right out and buy another one. And as far as the tape deck and that kind of stuff, it can all be changed out.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I have decided to buy Bumblebees. bike. meeting him next Saturday. even with the high miles, I feel confident that I am getting a well cared fir ride that will last me another 70k miles.
  7. Thanks for the responses. I am feeling a little more comfortable about possibly buying a bike with 65K miles now. I do have one question after reading the responses. Why do the clutches need replacing so often? I think about the one in my Concours that has about 60K miles and teh clutch is like brand new. Different kind of clutch maybe?
  8. It appears to be pretty clean. It has about 65K miles. New upgraded stator put in within last 5000 miles. Needs a rear tire. Clutch rebuilt at same time stator was done. I am wondering what else I should be looking for with the miles it has on it. I am sure I will change all the fluids. Probably get the valves checked/adjusted. I also know there were some rear shock problems. Is this something I shoudl plan on changing, or just ride until it is needed? Anybody know approximately the cost of having the dealer do the valves? The price is $4799/OBO. Is that a good price and if not, what should I be trying to get it for? Thanks for any advice. Zak
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