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Everything posted by Ventureless

  1. I put on a Hagon as well and love it. Cheapest aftermarket one I could get (including a stock shock. stock shock quotes I got were over $600 with shipping). Paid under $600 total for the HD Hagon. I like a stiff ride and it stiffened it up quite a bit.
  2. Well hopefully I will get up there tomorrow to look at the RSTD. With my cold and the crappy rain, I decided not to go today. I am still going back and forth about it in my head. Pretty sure I am leaning towards the RSTD though. As far as top heaviness, I am a pretty big guy and can pretty much man handle any bike with ease. Hell some have said that I even make the RSV look small. So pretty much anything less than the RSV seems like a moped to me.
  3. I love the RSV, but have realized the only real reason I needed it was for the radio. I don’t care about the rest of the fairing. As big as I am, I honestly get as much protection from wind and rain with a tall, wide windshield. The fairing also seems to make any maintenance on the front end more of a pain in the ass. And as far as the trunk goes, it is empty 98% of the time I ride. If I really need more storage for the 1 or 2 trips I take each year, I can get a luggage rack and mount an aftermarket trunk or get a used RSV trunk to use. And I usually ride solo. My wife rides occasionally but it is just into town and that is about it. Same with my son. So a passenger backrest is all that is really needed. I love the motor on these bikes and want to stick with it. My RSV is a 1999 with 80K + miles. I found a 2008 RSTD with 19K miles for $6K. It seems like a good deal and is a good looking bike form the pics. I can add an aftermarket radio for some tunes like I did on my old Vstar 1100 and I should be good to go. Any thoughts on going in this direction? I am sure most people go the other way from the RSTD to the RSV.
  4. I have had the same Hi-Point 9mm carbine for 3 or 4 years. I love it. Have never had a problem with it with stock mags. I got mine for right at $200 brand new at a gun show. We have sent several thousand rounds through it and no complaints yet. I will say though that I hope you have better luck with the 15 round mags than me. I could not get the 15 round mags to feed right. Tried several of them and never got a whole mag to feed. I went and bought about 5 more 10 rounders instead. I have never had one problem with the 10 rounders. People complain about Hi Points and say they are junk. I have several of them and love them. Never had a problem with any of them and for the price and warranty, you can't go wrong. I have several supposedly higher quality pistols, but I honestly enjoy shooting the Hi Points just as much if not more.
  5. Ok so 1 month and roughly $620 from me starting this thread, I now have a Blade Scout (coax), MSR, 120SR, MCPX V2 (but not the BL), a 450 3D, and a Spektrum DX6i. I am done for a while now. I have plenty to keep me busy.
  6. I love my Savage .17. One of my favorite rifles that I own. The rounds with the ballistic tips tear whatever it hits apart. We were shooting it one day and had it sighted in pretty well. We put up some wood bowling pins to put some holes in. I shot 3 or 4 rounds and looking through the spotting scope couldn't see any holes in the pin. Couldn't figure out why on paper it was dead on but missed every shot on the pin. We walked to the target and realized I had hit it every time. The entry holes were so small you could barely see them. But the entire back half of the pin was gone. The only thing I wish was that you could get a semi auto .17. I think it has been tried a few times, but never worked out because of the dirtiness of the round. It would jam the semi auto mechanism before a full magazine could be fed through.
  7. Is that a Proto X ( I think that is the name)? I almost bought one at my LHS the other day.
  8. Over the course of the last month, I have bought 3 (or is it 4) rc helis. I guess when you are Santa, you can get yourself whatever you want. Amongst some other small items, my wonderful wife bought me some new brewing equipment. I have been out of it for a couple years and really missed it. She knew that (and whenever we are with friends they bug me about starting again) so she figured I would be happy. I am. Other than that, I got the pleasure of building my daughters new big girl bed and setting up the kids new trampoline with my busted up ribs. Hurt like hell, but worth every second of it to see the look on their faces. I love Christmas time.
  9. I will say that as dumb of things I have done I have never drank and rode the bike. I can honestly say that I have never even had a single beer and ridden. Even in the car I have always limited myself to just 1 before driving. Now dirt bike and go cart/dune buggy is different. But never again. And thankfully my 7 year old son wasn't home to witness my antics.
  10. It is not the BL. The link below (if it works) is like the one I am getting. http://www.bladehelis.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdID=BLH3500
  11. Wife and I usually throw a Christmas party each year. We did not plan one this year and last minute Friday we decided to throw an impromptu party Saturday. Well things were going good. Everyone enjoying holiday brews, blackberry shine (not the weaker store bought kind) and some Maple whiskey. Well one of our friends always rides his go-cart/dune buggy around and happen to ride it over. Well the more we drank, we decided it would be wise to go for a ride. We did good until we got to the cul-de=sac and started doing donuts. That is when we rolled it. Should we have been doing it to begin with. Nope but to make it worse, were we wearing our seat belts. NOPE. Luckily another good friend lives in the culdesac so we pushed it into his driveway and walked back to my place. We were hurting, but didn't think we needed a hospital visit. So this morning we ended up at the ER at the same time. He walked out with a sling on and a separated AC joint (I think AC is right) and a surgery in the near future. I walked out with a fractured rib and a still swollen knee and 4 fingers on one hand. SO here I sit not being able to move and knowing how miserable Xmas will be. Stupid guys doing stupid things. We learned a lesson and at least we came out much better than it could have been.
  12. Just to prove you right, I have already mastered the small fixed pitch MSR. So I now ordered (won on Ebay still new in box) a Blade MCP X and a Blade 450 3D with a Spektrum DX6i transmitter. Both collective pitch! One small and one bigger. They are I believe discontinued models so I also ordered several replacement parts as well. And the fun begins!!!!
  13. I am sure someone could, but I am not that man. I just want to buy it and have it installed when they do.
  14. I just want to keep my 99 and have the motor rebuilt or a new one installed (not that there is anything wrong with my existing motor), all new bearings installed all around, and some genius to design, build, and install FI. I will then put another 100K miles on it and do it again.
  15. Seat is spoken for
  16. Got it. Replied.
  17. I haven't gotten any PMs. Try again.
  18. You just got me thinking of how I could convince my wife and work to let me go.
  19. Take the tank off. Take the engine braces (I think that is what they are) off. Then plugs out. The front plugsvare as easy to get to as the rears once the braces come off.
  20. The beads are a beadrider set of seat beads. Didn't need them on this bike for my big butt, but my back was sweating against the backrest. SO in came the beads. No more sweaty back. The backrest is the same height as the newer Corbin I got from Bluestreak.
  21. I must be lazy in my old age!! I started wearing pull on boots. No laces at all. I used to wear my cowboy boots all the time, but the bottoms are pretty slick and don't do well on oil and sandy gritty roads. Mine are similar to these. http://s.stpost.com/eccstorefront/product_images/4208k/f_4208k_1.1.jpg
  22. I have a well worn Corbin seat. It is free to anyone that is willing to pay shipping. Shipping will be roughly $55. Another member, Bluestreak and I swapped seats. He was looking for a stock seat because he didn't like the Corbin at all. I offered up a trade for my barely used stock pillow top plus my old worn Corbin for his excellent Corbin. We made the swap except I waited to send my Corbin until I got his so we could both continue to ride during swapping. We are both happy. He said he wouldn't use the old Corbin and I don't need anything else taking up space at my place. So Bluestreak suggested we put it up for the cost of shipping. A pay it forward type of thing. So here it is. The seat is no gem, but for $55 in shipping, someone might be able to make some use of it. I will add pics in a while or you can email me in the meantime and I will send some. Backrest included, but the beads stay with me!! Just shoot me a pm or an email. I am also going to go to the meet and eat in NC next weekend so if you want to come or are near there, maybe we can save the shipping costs.
  23. Any of you RC guys have or have flown a Blade SR? Not the 120 SR, but the larger CP SR. I can get a pretty good deal on one ($100 RTF brand new). I am not ready to move back to the CP yet, but for that price it might be worth buying now to have for later. The problem I have is the mixed reviews. Some good, some bad. And the bad ones are pretty bad so I am not sure what to believe or if it is even worth getting it. So I figured I would see if anyone here had any experience with one. http://www.e-fliterc.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdId=EFLH1500
  24. Big kids toys!!! Glad my 7 year old son is into it as well. He has one of my old trucks and his coax heli. He does pretty good with both.
  25. This isn't my first go around with RC. I used to have cars and trucks. And I am talking the big trucks and buggies with weed eater motors. Also had some smaller street cars and dragsters that we used to race. I have had some gas planes and several electric foamie planes. I also had a large scale gas helicopter (roughly 4-5 feet long). It was a JR Vigor 90. All carbon fiber. American flag paint job on the canopy. I could fly it but it scared the crap out of me thinking about what it would do to a person if I ever hit them. I have been out of it for a few years and I have been screwing with my son's small coax heli and caught the bug again. Not ready to jump back into CP heli yet so I figured a 4 channel FP would be perfect. Was looking at the Blade 120 SR, but went with the MSR due to the deal I got and it is smaller and easier to fly indoors (from my research). I am sure in a month or 2, I will be looking for another CP heli.
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