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About headdoc

  • Birthday 11/01/1954

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Somerset - Rockwood,, United States


  • City
    Somerset - Rockwood,


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Golf, Riding my bike
  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Venture

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  1. Do you sell the brackets for the TD?? Mark (headdoc)
  2. 12-15-12 to 12-21-13 18,360 miles.
  3. Sorry to hear this news. If you need anything Earl, just give me a call. I hope everything turns out fine. Jean and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. From one hand to another...that's the it always is. I know what you're saying about "getting tired" I feel the same way sometimes.
  5. That video should be put on the Tech Forum.
  6. That's why I wanted to keep the OEM pump + on and off is very easy.
  7. http://www.dollartimes.com/calculators/inflation.htm And it's not done yet!
  8. I fired the bike up the other day just to run it for a while. It ran for 30 sec and died. Tried to restart it 3 or 4 times with no luck... Just cranked until battery started going down. I didn't hear the pump working so I pulled the side cover and checked the pump...no clicking and no fuel. So off to the VR site I went to read up on what others here had posted. It didn't take long to find the fix. I ordered a new set of fuel pump points from Powersportswarehouse.com. The item number is 18-4615 made by TourMax High Performance Equipment. The points were $33.95 plus $21.58 for shipping. Much better than $250.00 to $300.00 from the aftermarket or dealer. It only took 15 Min to install the points after the pump was removed. One hour for the total job start to finish with a little break in there too. Works like new again. VR does it again...I LOVE THIS SITE!! Mark (headdoc)
  9. Hi, Mike You are 182 miles from Somerset, Pa. May be too far to meet and get any riding in. Mark (headdoc)
  10. Hi, Charles Did you have a particular destination in mind? It looks like you are about 80 miles from my home in Somerset, Pa. 15557. Have you visited the flight 93 crash site in Shanksville, Pa? It's about 70 miles from you.
  11. From Somerset, Pa (zip - 15557) to wherever. If anyone is going to be out and about and would like to meet and have lunch or just ride let me know. Mark (headdoc)
  12. Hey, Don My brother in law and I made pretty much the same trip two weeks ago. The weather was nice down and back. No rain at all. The only problem was the heat from Charlotte to Clearwater - New Port Richey area. The only bad road was on RT 26 W on the way home. They have that side of the road milled down for a new surface. It wouldn't have been too bad on 26, but between the rough surface and the 115 degree heat index it started to get on my nerves after a while. The RSV ran and road great down and back without hiccup. I was actually a little disappointed when getting closer to home that the ride was almost over. Total miles on the trip was around 2,300 miles. Have a safe ride, Don Mark
  13. VERY nice! Good luck with the new ride.
  14. Thanks Guys. I talked to Chuck tonight. Thanks again for your help! Mark
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