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Everything posted by orlean1

  1. De and Vince
  2. We are very sorry about your loss De and Vince
  3. Hi All I have a 2011 RSV. I brought a digital gauge with a longer hose for the tire air pressure cheks. When I check the suspension levels on both a manual and digital gauge I don't get a reading. I've tried to make sure i've pressed firm and equally to get a good seal but no avail. I do get readings however when I check the tire air pressures. My question is do I need a certain type gauge to check the suspension air pressure, or am I possibly not getting a good seal, or is it possible i have little to no air pressure in the shocks and need some. The ride feels loose in the turns on the front and the rear seams low (i don't know, new to air suspension) and sometimes lose. Im running dunlop 404s with 40psi in both the front and the back. Are there any ideas what I could be doing wrong. Thanks in advance. Vince
  4. Hi BMCCK Like some others have said I would strongly suggest riding the bike first before you discount it. You have to remember a lot of information on this site is great but it must be relevant to you. For example, there are a lot of comments on here that the bike is top heavy. At 6'4' and 250 i find the bike far from top heavy and dont even notice the weight difference from that and other bikes that I have ridden. As far as the whine. reading all the comments initially scared me but you have to understand everything about the comments that you are recieving. Was that bike properly maintained etc. There are some that have whines that may be induced from factory and OEM parts but it may not be every bike. The question you have to ask is does the specific bike that you want whine and/or is the whine loud enough that it bothers you. Goldwings have whines also but on their site you will see that the main complaint about that bike is not the whine but the suspension and comfort. That dosent stop people from buying that bike nor should these comments for this bike. This is my first experience in the V4 arena. i have been vtwins and inlines all my life and I am pleasantly happy with the RSV. My personal thought is the RSV is a very good bike but in order to keep it that way this bike may required that you are more conscious with your periodic maintence to ensure happy miles. My vtx had steering bearing problems but that did not make it a bad bike. This site and the Venturers are outstanding sites as far as support for a specific bike. just remember when you seek out information give everyone as much information as possible about your issue because that aids in getting you the best solution.
  5. The OTHRWMN here
  6. orlean1

    Riding events

  7. After six months of studying, polling and PM's to the numerous motorcycle forums, (Honda, Yamaha, BMW, Triumph) Bright Powersports out of Lincoln MI delivered my 2011, blue Royal Star Venture to my front door in snowy Avon Lake, OH last night. Thanks everyone on this forum that I polled, started threads, and got feedback through PMs about the RSV. Vince:cool10:
  8. Have you replaced your fuel pump on the RSV
  9. Have you had a fuel pump failure on your 2nd generation RSV I actually meant replace the fuel pump. I cant seem to get the thread into editing mode.
  10. How many have had fuel pump failures with their 2nd generation RSV DELETE THREAD
  11. Thanks everyone for the feedback
  12. Hi all I could not find is there a common cause of all these fuel pump failures is it a bad design, just a short life span of the product, or letting the fuel or pump get damaged. I'm trying to understand especially when I hear some of you just cruising down the highway and bike shuts off with no notification Thanks
  13. Thanks guys for the information. vince
  14. Hi All Has anyone compared the smoothness in ride of the RSV or the RSTD to a VTX 1800, If some can you describe the two bikes in ride smoothness. Thanks Vince
  15. Thanks everyone for the information.
  16. Hi all I'm new here to the site and looking to purchase a 2009 or later RSV. Im coming from a VTX but wanted more of a full dress tourer. I usually run in the winter heater jacket, pants, gloves, gps, and charge my phone. With the RSV in addition I wanted to get a heated seat and grips. From the readings on this site it seems to make that combination work I have to upgrade the stator and and R/R. My mechanical knowledge is limited to brakes and fluids so I would probably have to take the bike in to have this work done. My questions is are there any downfalls to have this done, will the dealers know how to install this R/R or will I have to take it to a different motorcycle mechanic and finally after this is done will I have any other problems associated to the upgrade with the bike. I see some people have gone through several stators but I'm not sure why they go through so many. Im very interested in the bike and appreciate any education you guys can provide on this Thanks Vince
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