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About bill4you502

  • Birthday 05/28/1943

Personal Information

  • Name
    Bill Edwards


  • Location
    Louisville, KY, United States


  • City
    Louisville, KY


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Bikes, model trains, music
  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 Yamaha Royal Star Venture
  1. ...My sentiments exactly Big Lenny!!!!!......
  2. ....I only have one thing to contribute: OEM! Yamalube filter and oil recommended for the RSV. Been using them for six years, RoadStar and RSV. I figure for a few extra bucks twice a year, why not go with the "recommended".........Peace and love from KY you'all!!!!
  3. ........This use to be my bike!!!!!!! https://www.facebook.com/norman.hicks.75/posts/10155175977932699
  4. ....Bought a 13", 2" wider shield several years ago with the thought of using it in the summer and the stock shield in winter...I've never gone back to the 17" stock! I ride solo and the stock shield is mainly for the passenger in my opinion. I've ridden to Daytona and other multi-day trips with no issues. Good luck!!!!
  5. Most of the Harley Road Kings will fit, if as mentioned, no catalytic converter on board. This is a slight "chrome gap" where they slip on. If it bothers you, you can purchase a pair of transition chrome clamps. Bought mine on eBay for 50-60 bucks. there's more info on here somewhere about clamps, bracket adapters, etc. I like the added low end "grumble" without it being overpowering. I don't think any fuel mapping, etc. adjustment is necessary on these "Analog" bikes!!!! Good luck!!
  6. Sad time here in Louisville, KY. We lost "The Greatest" this last week. He was Louisville, but belonged to the world. R.I.P. Muhammad Ali, The poem by Mary Frye on the memorial page sums up my thoughts at the moment
  7. .....LED lights. I have LED headlight and passing lights. Last week, a lady started to turn in front of me, I really think the brighter lights up front alerted her quicker than my OEM lights would have......
  8. .............BlackStar..................
  9. WOW! Looks great!!!!
  10. I bought Baffles to fit 4" speakers for the front. (Find them on eBay) Split the fairing and cut and fit using duck tape to hold them firm. Improves volume and bass response a bit. Luckily the bike is quiet to start with. On the interstate, I use a helmet system(J&M) and OEM cable....Good luck!
  11. ...Still tryin' to work out my work schedule to attend Don!!! If for no other reason than to watch everyone scatter when, at 5'7", I try to negotiate the gravel as I arrive!!:scared::scared:
  12. .....I changed out the stock pipes for RK ones (Free from a HD friend!). They're just right for me!!! I ride solo, so, no flak from a passenger!!! I can still hear the radio when I ride!!!!...Good luck!!!!....:clap2:
  13. ...I'm 5'7" and a solo rider. The Goldwing seat height is 31.9" The RSV seat height stretches me to reach the pavement at 29" and change. The weight is a little top heavy and the low speed balance is tricky.I still think that, for the money, the RSV beats 'em all!!!,,, Good luck in your "Venture!!!!!" .....:thumbsup2:
  14. Count me in as interested. Since I come by myself, I usually stay at Motel 6, (Not hard to please!!!), but would be interested in their rates. Thanks for your effort!!!!:clap2:
  15. The store is owned by the Rabbit Hash, Kentucky Historic Society and they have vowed to rebuild, although many antiques were lost forever as was pointed out. There is, I believe, a Facebook site to contribute if you wish. As a model railroader, I think there was an HO model of it at some point. If anyone knows anything about it, please let me know.....Peace.............
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