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Everything posted by brainfart

  1. just had a call - they ordered a new handlebar control unit. after disassemby "it looked pretty bad so we ordered a new one. it's under warranty. should be here friday. we've heard about problems with these switches." hmm - i wonder.. did they break it during diagnosis?
  2. on my 07 RSV and sons RSTD - when "cold" - i can hear noise form the front brakes too. At first we thought pads were shot - sounded like metal-to-metal contact. We've concluded it's caused by the pads and cooling holes in the rotors. After the pads warm up a bit we don't hear the noise any longer.
  3. 06 RSTD, 22k miles. ridden daily and dealer maintained (maint contract). anyway- went out Saturday morning - nothing happned when i hit the start button. checked the kill switch (was set for run) and neutral light (was green) - kickstand - was down. hit it again - nothing. lights don't dim. horn & signals work! played with various combinations of clutch lever, kick stand, gear position, kill switch, ignition switch - still nothin. in gear - bump the engine several times - more of the same. after a 4 hour wait for the tow truck - but that's another VERY FRUSTRATING STORY!!!! - scoot was hauled to the local dealer. "o yea" says my favorite tech "it started right up when it got here!"... good thing he beleives me - said they'll take it apart and have a look see.
  4. difficult situation.. and remember - what goes around comes around. someday - sometime - that guy will get shafted...
  5. after 22K on our 07 RSV -half of it 2-up touring - my only complaint is fuel mileage. back-n-forth to work (100 RT - ~70 mph) i get 43 +- on the open road - 2up with the cruise set at 84mph - drops down to ~ 32mpg oooowell
  6. do it yourself - but keep acurate records. make note of what you did and when (dates). keep receipts, etc.. that way if you encounter any warranty related isues you'll have positive proof that the proper service was performed.
  7. bought an 07 RSV in May - (blue/black), rode it a few thousand miles then took it apart or 2 months while re-painted (added silver metal flake over the blue / chagned the black to silver / blue flake). Rode it to Chatanooga in July. Just turned 18,000 miles. LOVE IT!!! btw - before this i put 70k on an 04 V* 1100 in 3 yrs. can't go wrong with the STAR bikes...
  8. I'm the 8th person in our riding group with a RSV - I did the 600 break-in - keeping it below 50mph, acceleration / decleration - basically stop-n-go riding. only a couple bursts to almost full-open. it doesn't make a difference - break-in isn't the issue. my buddy had the "I" basket installed - MUCH quieter at 70mph. but i think we found the real answer -- those molded earplugs!!!
  9. first - i unfold the clutch-side passengers floorboard, place my left foot on and climb aboard. Grab a handful of front brake, plan both feet firmly on the ground (with the kickstand down), unfold the right pasenger floorboar and give my better-half a nod. She climbs on from the right side (i know - its wrong but that's what she prefers) and settles in. then i'll find neutral, fire up the engine, plug in the headsets, lift-er off the kickstand and off we'll go. i'm 5'8" 250, wife is 5'6" 125. Biggest problem i have is low-speed manuevering. very unstable - almost dropped us on several occasions. haven't put on the leveling links yet - guess i should.
  10. Wife and I headed over to the local Indian Casino over the weekend to play some Bingo (shoulda stayed home and mailed them a check - so much for "cheap entertainment"). Anyway - parked next to a Millenium Edition RSV - white/tan with tan seats - a BEAUTIFUL color combination. anyway - built in to the chrome tank "cover" - on either side of the key were a couple gauges. Tach & water temp. i'd LOVE to add these to my 07. Anyone know if this was a special feater of that edition or are they available????
  11. drilled out the rear baffles on the stock RSV pipes - after a brief breakfast ride my son commented it sounded like "pissed off weed-eater!" when i took off (with a lot of throttle) from a stop. picked up RK pipes that afternoon. love'em.
  12. My 07 RSV is in the shop right now for the "I" basket replacement. Have a decent relationship w/our supporting dealer - here's how it went. When we returned from STAR DAYS took the scoot in for another oil change. Complaineded about the whine - they confirmed and started the ball rolling with Yamaha. Just 3 days ago i get a call that the clutch basket was in. So i dropped of the bike Tuesday night scheduded a pickup wednesday at close of business. HOWEVER it wasn't ready - seems "the clutch cover gasket was torn when we opened the package". hmm says I - that doesn't sound right - i suspect your tech ripped open the package not knowing there was a gasket in there and tore the thing. I didn't receive a reply..... anyway - i'll pick it up today and *HOPE* the whine has changed...
  13. have a safe trip - looking foward to hearing the result.
  14. i've heard about this occuring - so on our trip to STAR DAYS i kinda kept an eye on the bolt. after 4400 miles it was still tight. than another 1600 mile tryp last weekend - still tight. any idea any idea why this happens?? btw - have just over 10k on our RSV.
  15. here's my dilema - on a 1600 mile turn-around last weekend (phoenix to Oakland to attend pre-season raiders/cardinals game). Speedo reads 5% high - cruise control won't work at 86+mph (which is really only about 80). with a 75mph speed limit on the open roads - i was getting passed by semi's. - btw - fiuel mileage dropped to about 30mpg at that speed is there a speedo fix available????
  16. been thinkin the same thing myself - kinda settled on the inside of the fairing - below the throttle. There's a ton-o-room down there. Picked up a small windsheld bag that i'll attach/bolt on. it'll be pretty well hidden / protected. yes - i'll not drill holes until i have the front fairing off. i know there's a lot of "Stuff" tucked back up there..
  17. MY son put stage 2 RK slip-ons on his 06 RSTD a few months ago and LOVED them. a month aho i purchased an 07 RSV - and just to be a bit different - i drilled out the stock pipes (removed the rear cone, used a hole saw to remove the (10" or so internal pipe), the completely bent flat the rear-most bulkhead in the muffler (for the ides from son-in-laws R*). Believe this is a stage-2 modification on the roadstarclinic web site. Anyway - about a week ago- as i fired up the scoot to head for work - noticed the exhaust sounded different. a bit deeper and more mellow. Turns out my boy had swapped mufflers!!! now i have the RK and he has the drilled out stockers. sheesh - just can't trust these kids... btw - i'm keeping the RK's.
  18. just my $.02... I rode a V* 1100 with a Voyager kit for 30 miles. it was THE WORST thing i have EVER ridden!!! the "training wheels" bounce over every little bump in the road, they grab at road-surface changes *AND* WORST OF ALL - in a corner - the bike leans toward the OUTSIDE OF THE CORNER. yes - the tires were properly inflated yes - it was installed by a "professional" yes - they consulted closely with the manufacturer. my opinion - the Voyager kits should not be allowed on the road!
  19. my least favorite "obsticle" to roll over in a turn are those big white painted lines. get just a little moisture on those and whooooooosh - down ya go..
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