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Everything posted by brainfart

  1. Did a lot of research over the last six months, was ready to head down to Harbor Freight to begin the project.. When I received a call from someone who had just traded his RSV for a Rhino... something about the RSV note working well off-road..... Anyway - his loss was our gain.... Narrowed Harbor Freight trailer w/12 inch wheels, dual one gallon gas cans, cooler, cargo box, hitch, permant AZ plate and he even did the wiring for me... DANG! now i have no excuse to enforce the "pack-light" guideline... Have logged almost 100 miles so far - i notice it tends to wag a bit when empty and over 70mph. gotta be careful of that tendancy...
  2. Just a quick note -- -i did this (flicking the kill switch) often on my V*1100. I quit right after it blew the carbs out of the rubber mounts. bike ran like crap - with a huge vacumn leak - until i re-seated the carbs. i no longer fiddle with the kill switch
  3. nice looking trailer.. could you please provide more detail about the "hitch" connection? hiem joint / bolt & nut / etc...
  4. the light sometimes appears 7 - 10 miles before i need to dlip to "reserve"- sometimes after i flip. However - when I switch to reserve - my 07 has EXACTLY one gallon of fuel. here's how i know - wasn't paying close attention to the miles on a commute home. yes- i exhausted the fuel supply -just 1 mile from the station. coasted to a Target parking lot, bought a 1.5 fuel can (ARGH!!!!!) hiked to the station and put in one gallon. hiked back to the bike, dumped in the gallon and headed for the station. 4.51 gallons later - the tank was full. typically i run 200 miles on a tank - just 2 days of commuting.
  5. the Venture. Our 07 will be 2 years old next month and rolling over to 60k miles. A fellow rider just traded his RSV for a GW. he likes the additional power of the 6cyl - dislikes and side-winds. With all the plastic covers on the GW - it's like a sail with any kind of a cross-wind. Plastic also makes it difficult to service - since the covers must be removed to access the working parts. just another comment about differences in riding style between VTX and RSV - as previously mentioned - RSV is most happy when reved-up. no tractor pulling torque like a Vtwin. I frequently the rev limiter in 2nd gear - 3rd - not so much as that's abot 100mph. btw - over the weekend a C6 Vette tried to out-drag me on the on-ramp -- he lost!
  6. thought - do i really need a fuel pump? can't i just use the gravity feed from the tank??? might be worth a try in a pinch.
  7. that's the plan - i texted my service tech asking him to order a replacement. problem is - the RSV is my daily driver... we'll see what happens.. THX!!
  8. I filled up with gas and jumped on the freeway. 15 miles later exited to a major street and just cruised along in the 88 degree sunshine. then my 07 RSV (55k miles) began to sputter. checked the petcock, it's in the down position. coasted to the side and began diagnosis.... pulled the seat, tank side covers. located the fuel lines.pulled the line off the carbs and turned the key. hmmm fuel pump non functional until i tapped on it several times... YES- i tapped! replace tank, connect fuel lines and fire it up. let it idle while putting everything back together. cruised the remaining 40 miles w/o incident..... anyone else had fuel pump problems?????
  9. here's a dumb question -- what position was the choke knob in???? full choke (for starting the cold engine) or no choke.. just a thought.
  10. is what my 07 RSV will hold. Once i switch to reserve there is about 1 gallon available. Unfortunatly the filling station was 48 miles away and i'd been getting 45 mpg. ran out just shy of the station, coasted for a bit too. found a 1.5 gallon can, put exactly 1 gallon in it (if the pump was correct). hiked back to the bike, emptied the can and putt-putted to the station. 4.51 gallons later the tank was full. no - i haven't poked holes in the filler neck.
  11. When wife & I cruise down the road she is consistently texting w/our daughter. daughter is on the back of a RoadStar in the right tire track :-) It's always up to the girls when & where we stop
  12. drilling out the pipes is GREAT!!! i did it on my 07 RSV , son bought "stage 2" Road King pipes off ebay for $50. little varmit swapped my drilled RSV pipes for the Road kings. They're "throaty" and not too loud. i'm now running Bubs - gift from wifey - want to switch back to the drilled stock pipes byt it would hurt her feelings.. try something like roadstrclinic.com or there's a vstar1100.com site as well - they have a link to the procedures too.
  13. sounds like a WONDERFUL Trip! Just outside Tucson you might consider a visit to the *last* TITAN Missle Silo. The Docents who conduct the tour actually worked in the silo during the cold war. Kartchner Caverns too, and Tombstone, AZ. and don't forget "THE THING" (just a bit east of Tucson) the Biosphere is outside Oracle, AZ When near Flagstaff - take Hiway 89A thru Oak Creek Canyon. It parallels I17 and doesn't take you much off the main-line. Locals claim it's more beautiful (albiet smaller) than the Grand Canyon. We live outside Phoenix - if you need us while you're passin thru here - we're available. ride safe!
  14. Just installed the PCW kit in my 07 RSV and sons 06 RSTD. each about 40k miles. MAN! what a difference!!! most difficult part was scraping of the old gasket w/o damage to the aluminum surface. and - BE VERY CAREFUL with the small bolts! 70 inch pounds is only 5 ft lbs. i know one of my bolts is 1/4 turn from breaking... whew.... this mod rates a DOUBLE THUMBS UP!:thumbsup2:
  15. knew i'd get the straight scoop from the experts. didn't give much thought to the suspension geometry - never was too great at that scientific stuff :-) THANKS!!!
  16. now i'm really confused. purchased 07 RSV right off the showroom floor - zero miles. after reading several threads - ordered the Diamond R leveling links. finally got around to installing them this afternoon - for the trip to Rogers. sonofagun - i thought the Diamond R were supposed to be longer than the stock links. but they're not. Factory link is 6 3/4" center holes and 8" long - Diamond R link is 6 5/8" center holes and 7 3/4" long called a riding buddy who bought the RSV next to mine in the showroom - knew he swapped the dogbones some time ago. he agreed that the Diamond R were about an inch longer than the stock ones. i'm confused.... any thoughts???? note: i've ridden this thing 35k miles in the last year. it has not been out of my sight except for service ...
  17. yup - it'll fit. picked up a $40 wheel chock from Harbor Freight (on line too). rode an RSTD to CA, bolted the chock in the bed of a 1967 F250. loaded the RSTD, wheels were in the bed but had to leave the tailgate down. if i'd angled her in the tailgate would have closed.
  18. 07 RSV - 35k miles in 14 months. typical commute 100 miles a day at 70-80 mph indicated. was getting 40-43 mpg reliably. last summer trip to Chattoonoga - 2up w/cruise set at 97 mph - 32mpg. dropped back to 75mph - 40 mpg since last dealer tune-up - only 38mpg commuting. i just turned the bike back to the dealer for research - with a set of NGK iridium(?) plugs. we'll see if that changes anything. Tires - have run Bridgestone, Metzler and now Michilin on this thing. so that's about 17k per rear tire.
  19. if i recall - one of the symptoms was a prominant coolant / anti-freeze smell.
  20. We rode TOD last year - i describe it as a well maintained, wide 2 lane blacktop with banked curves winding thru an evergreen forest. with 2-up at 35 and it was a BEAUTIFUL ride. Where not peg-scrapers - my better half sees to that - just cruised along enjoying the ride. being from AZ the green was quite a treat.
  21. probably under the front fairing. had a similar problem on my 07. the plugs weren't seated completely.
  22. I went to large outdoor store - boat section - and picked up a cup holder. made of solid plastic - shaped like a tapered coffee mug with a slit down one side for my cup handle. $14.95 it has a solid mount - not one of those swivel things.. 2 days later when the plastic mount broke - i stopped at Home Depot and picked up an electrical ground clamp ($1.09). ya know the ones - typically there's a copper wire running out of your house near the circuit panel - it leads down to a steel rod driven into the ground. Then the clamp ties the 2 together. first i wrapped a piece of old inner tube around the handlebar - to prevent scratching. works like a charm.
  23. Jerry, my son put "stage 2" (rear baffle / pipe removed) RK pipes on his 06 RSTD. loved the sound. then i performed the same drill-out procedure on my 07 RSV pipes. sounded richer & deeper - IMHO much better. about a week later noticed the exhasust on my RSV had changed - sounded more "tinny". little snot son had swapped the PIPES! but he made up for it - bought me a set of Bubs.. LOVE 'EM!!!!
  24. after just a couple hundred miles on my V*1100 - i swapped out the stock seat for a Mustang. Enabled me to ride 600+ miles a day w/o issues. the Pillowtop on my RSV is quite comfortable.And what's even better - my better half is much more comfortbale on the back of the RSV than she ever was on the V*. went 800 miles one day last summer, typically try to keep it down to 5-600. Wish RSV came with a factory back rest - it's a much nicer ride after you add one.
  25. I believe Diamond R does or did make a set. saw them on a RSV one time, never used 'em.
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