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Everything posted by brainfart

  1. Hey Folks, Without getting into Company A vs Company B vs Company C for who's best in insurance...... We had some Motorcycle specialist attorneys come speak to our group a while back. He advised us to keep auto and motorcycle polices with separate companies. that way, in case you need it, you can "stack coverage" - at least here in AZ. Using medical benefits from the bike policy first, then medical from your auto policies. Even tho your Ins Co says you can't - you can. yes - you can save a few buck by bundling - but i like the option of deeper coverage. be safe..............
  2. After riding my sons RSTD - i considered performing this swap back in 2008. I seem to recall a thread - several years ago - that mentioned this.. dont' recall if the cables are the same - but a trip thru a parts catalog comparing part #'s between the 2 bikes should confirm. i do recall the person who did the swap had a comment / mild complaint that the TD bars did put his hands outside the RSV fairing - and right into the wind...... .....
  3. Steve - being a bit frugal - here's the genesis that occured on my 07 RSV. 1) drill / remove the rear baffle from the stock pipes. resulted in a very nice deeper tone without being too loud. 2) purchased "stage 3" Road king mufflers from ebay (about $75). deeper tone and a bit louder still - i really liked these.. passed the "stock" pipes to my son for his Tour Deluxe. About a week later, found the "stock" mufflers BACK on my Venture. late one night the boy swapped them for my Road Kings. ooo well 3) was gifted a pair of BUBS. not so deep sound - but more volume. these have been on for about 60,000 miles now. But i can still tell when a RSV is running the RK pipes.. next step - when i have a spare weekend - is to try a couple CHERRY BOMB's...... Performance -- i did notice my gas mileage decreased when I first drilled out the stock mufflers. but this was more due to increased throttle activity (loved to hear'em) than anything else. :-)
  4. backing out of the garage ... parked next to the V*.. decided not to fold-up the right highway peg -figured i could lean left just enough to clear.... WRONGO!!!!!! sadly -- gravity works..... wifey was no help at that time -- she stood in the driveway laughing...... the slow-mo musta looked awfully funny.... no harm - no foul....
  5. my '07 had a little "wobble" the first couple thousand miles - but only after hitting a pothole or hard braking... i tightened the steering head in the garage - a 10 minute process - then made the dealer dismantle everything and tighten to specs.. no problems since then - let's see - that's about 85,000 miles ago...
  6. when you add more lights ... may i suggest you use LED lights rather than the standard type..... less drain on the electrical system...
  7. Queen Creek here --- -- perhaps meet at Pioneer????? excellent patio/yard area in back...
  8. RIP - hope it wasn't a PGR ride.
  9. http://www.customdynamics.com/knight_rider_led_light_bar.htm
  10. on the trunk - i added the "knight rider led light bar" last year.....from Custom Dynamics. VERY visible and it works great! less than $30... for the front - i installed dual air-horns from JC Whitney. compressor mounts in place of the regualr horn, air horns - one under each floorboard... i'm not a peg-scraper....
  11. Many years ago the BELL helmet company had an ad campaign....... i don't recall the specificis but hte tag line was somthing close to... "if you have a $10 head then wear a $10 helmet, If your head is worth more - wear a BELL" a few more thoughts about safety gear.....from my wife - an EMT... "leathers are cheaper than skin grafts...." "yes - it's close to 100 degrees and riding leathers are uncomfortable. However consider how uncomfortable a hospital bed can be......." that being said - 90% of the time i wear a helmet. purchase a new one every 3 years or so. just because.......
  12. on my 07 RSV I drilled out the stock mufflers. gave it - i thought - a great deep sound. on my sons RSTD we installed RK - stage 2 (basically the same as drilled RSV). and they sounded pretty good. one morning, as i headed to work, i thought the bike sounded different... yup - overnight then dang boy had swapped mufflers!!!!!! he LOVED the drilled RSV sound. a few months later he installed Bubs on the RSV. not bad. had them for 60k miles now. still miss the drilled / stock RSV ones... unfortuantly son totaled his scoot (no harm to him) and we didn't get a chance to recover the mufflers.. anyway -- just my rambling on..... and on ... and on.....
  13. is the fiberglass work - that' s not my specialty.... and take a couple quick measurements - axle to tongue / height at each corner / etc... looks solid and in decent shape. i'd offer something in the $400 range first -citing concerns that the frame might be tweaked - then come up to $500. seeems like a pretty decent rig & price....
  14. mine quit doing that after installing the leveling links......
  15. is you get to make new friends..... Spend a lot of time at the dealer while your bike is getting repaired and you chat with other "stranded" riders. I looked at a HD, was told "if you have to ask the price then you obviuosly can't afford a Harley....: Headed to the metric dealer, bought a Vstar1100 and a Venture... some weekends we do miss riding with our Harley buddies - but on the way home we stop by the HD shop, grab a hot dog, and tell them about the days ride..
  16. around here - Phoenix - drinking a quart of water an hour while riding is required. at 100+ degrees the moisture is literally sucked out of your body. I keep an insulated cup of water on the handlebars and 1/2 gallon in the saddlebag at all times Having experienced a bit of heat-stroke during my daily commute home - it scared the heck outa me. also -a large rubber band around the bottom of the cup holder is a great place to keep pennies handy....
  17. careful what you wish for..... Yamaha may just decide to discontinue the Gen2 RSV
  18. responded to PM thx
  19. Tried to post this in the parts area - but don't have proper permissions.. Have a brand new - in the box - fresh from the factory final drive unit for an 08 RSV. need to sell to someone who has need.... why? - well - a friend purchased a new 08 RSV - rode it a couple thousand miles and the rear end was making a heck-ova racket. Dealer said they'd replace it under warranty but it would take several weeks. My riding buddy - being somewhat impatient - went to the local bike wrecking yard, purchased a used member and swapped them himself. several weeks later the dealer called - he carried the broken final drive in and walked out with the new unit. Sometime later he sold the RSV and bought a single cylinder 250cc something (can't recall the name). Anyway - - we're located near Phoenix and virtually NO REASONABLE offer will be refused. btw - he called the wrecking yard - they'd give him $50 for it. He told them he'd rather throw it in the trash then sell it to them for $50.
  20. I ran 3 sets of ME880's on my V*1100 over 60,000 miles. put 2 sets on the RSV (70k miles now). the last rear began to split and chunk --quite scary. have always run close to 50psi on the rear - so i know it was a tire issue. Have been thru Bridgestones, Michelin, Dunlops. however - my wonderful dealer refused to honor his warranty Have been thru Bridgestones, Michelin, Dunlops. This time i went with a pair of Avons I can honestly say the Avon is the FIRST tire where i noticed a difference just 5 miles from the shop. Even new - MAN it grips! Round trip from Phoenix, AZ to Yellowstone (thru Durango, CO and over Beartooth pass) was a wonderful ride. I won't use anything else now. THEY'RE GREAT!
  21. Why has nobody mentioned what the real cause is?!?!?!?!! Heck - an RSV at Sturgis, amonst all them HOGS!!!! sheesh - your RSV is just leaking to be "one of the boys" On a more serious side -- i had the same issue with my 07 - caused by both items mentioned, overfill after an oil change and defective shock. The shocks are a known issue...
  22. We just towed a modfied Harbor Freight trailer from Phoenix to Billings and back. Cruising along about 65 MPH was almost 40 MPG. Pushing it over the Continental Divide, twisties on a wide FUN strech, really workign the Avons and throttle, we averaged 75mpg. However MPG went down to 18.... .
  23. if i understand - you installed the tach, set to 4 cyl, without building the adapter you mentioned in your first post - if so - it seems like such a simple solution :-)
  24. EXCELLENT write-up - wish I was a bit closer to ya'll.... Anyone in AZ have the same expertise / knowledge / patience???
  25. tank bag contents.... wallet, cell phone, gum, small water bottle(flip-top), half-dozen pennies, pen, paper, folded map(s), extra keys, emergency contact info, daily meds, extra ear plugs and a kickstand "pad".
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