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Everything posted by brainfart

  1. Thanks folks!.. gotta wonder why my BING searching didn't reveal some of these.. hmmmmm.
  2. not having much luck locating a hitch for my 07... sugggestions?? thx,.
  3. fill a rubber glove with spray-can insulation, attach windshield wiper arms & eccentric to make your own auto-wave system
  4. with only 110,000 miles on her - wesure would!... right after i replace the flat rear tire... :-(
  5. Hey Sarge... should have great weather for ya down here.. *BUT* it's also spring training time in AZ.. rental car rates are pretty high right now... you might be better off renting from a site away from the airport... if you're departing on the 28th, you'll just miss AZ Bike Week.. http://www.azbikeweek.com/ would be happy to provide any info / suggestions.. lemme know how we can assist..
  6. keeping ya'll in our thoughts for a full and swift recovery...
  7. rode a new VMAX last spring during AZ Bike Week (coming up again end of MArch) - Demo ride - parade fashion.. (hope they put that engine in Gen3 RSV....maybe detuned a bit) anyway -- it was STUPID FAST! the more i twisted the throttle, the more pucker-factor... WOW!!! a couple hours later i had a more calming ride --- on a BOSS HOSS..... who'd think a 350CI/350HP "motorcyle" would be anti-climactic.....
  8. rode my sons Virago 1100 for a while... 5'8" - was 250 at that time. my daily driver is an 04 V* 1100. Virago felt small to me but had plenty of get-up-n-go... after a fresh rear tire - the dang Virago had a tendancy to point the front wheel skyward in the middle of an intersection ;-) i'd say anything around $1k would be a decent buy...
  9. Have a safe and enjoyable ride to AZ... If there's anything we can do to assist - lemme know.. we're just outside Phoenix. btw -- my 07 RSV just turned 109,000 miles.. your 99 s/have no worries...
  10. well, let's give it a shot........ moved from Seattle to Phoenix in July 2004 (yea - not a great time to move into the oven). Commute was 49 miles each way - in hand-me-down 1980 Lincoln Town Car... Sent wife on vacation and began to search for a new commute vehicle. looked at Toyota, Ford, Chevy, etc.... on a whim, stopped by a Yamaha dealer.... 2 hours later I left on a new 04 STAR 1100 classic....(wife -former EMT & ER Tech- was not thrilled).. Anyway - 3 years and 71,000 miles later...wife talked me into an 07 RSV. Been riding it daily with road-trips to Chattanoga, Hot Springs Arkansas, Seattle, Billings Mt. and several quick over-nights to watch the Raiders... (yea-- i know-- everyone has a bad few-decades...) Still have a few months left on the 5 year warranty.... On the commute this morning the odometer turned over to 108,000 and still running strong.... 179,000 miles just over 7 years.. not bad....
  11. i've had a HF drill press about 10 years. not a heavy user but it sure comes in handy with a GOOD quality step bit ....
  12. "Have you ever been paid for your own recorded music, or for performing music live to an audience? " ummm... i have actually been paid NOT to perform in front of a live audience... ...
  13. Now you can work on your bike safely and comfortably with this high position motorcycle lift. Supporting an 1100 lb. load capacity, the motorcycle lift provides a lifting height range from 2.6" to 30". The lift also features wheels for easy maneuvering and placement. 1100 lb. weight capacity Lifting range from 2.6" to 30" Ram travel: 7-3/8"Distance between base legs: 20-3/8"Overall dimensions: 44" L x 24-3/8" W x 37-3/4" HShipping Weight: 131.00 lbs.
  14. I've used the same HF platform lift for several years. my only issue is - as stated - need 2folks to get the RSV on and off. think i'll spring for this one from HF. will be able to do it myself and not worry about the drop-panel to get the rear wheel off.. http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/370x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_12032.jpg Item # 99887 Manufacturer: Central Hydraulics http://images.harborfreight.com/cpi/logos/CentHyd.gif Motorcycle lift can support a bike up to 1100 lbs. Only:$199.99
  15. we solved the problem by moving from WA to AZ.. :-)
  16. here in the Valley of the Sun - I've used a couple methods... 1) the beach towel & bungie cord for long days in the sun 2) beaded seat cushion.. works GREAT -- allows air flow and is quite comfortable at Www.beadrider.com
  17. this week our employer had a new "team buillding" exercise. we divided into 5 groups to answer trivia questions... as we came to the end, my team was tied with one other for first place! the bonus question: "Where to women have the most curly hair?" I was first to ring the bell, called upon then shouted the answer! Anxiously awaited a positive response..... well -- apparently the correct answer was Africa... we lost..
  18. 1) call AAA... for about $100 a year you get four 100mile tows. 2) beg / borrow / rent a trailer.. if you were near Phoenix i'd offer u mine.. offer is good to anyone in the area :-) After loading a 2006 Tour Deluxe in the back of a 1967 F250 and driving from Modesto, CA... i *HIGHLY* suggest a trailer.... someday i'll take the time to document that fiasco....... be safe..
  19. as already stated -- u r my new hero! LOL Excellent write-up, fnatastic job... my compliments...
  20. it's true.. i wore out the kickstand.... 07 RSV w/103k miles. it hangs down and scrapes on anything other than a very moderate left turn.. annoys heck outa the navigator............. dealership says the bushing in there is a maintenance item. ok - i can go along with that.. $9.56 for a new bushing. however - the metal on th ekickstand itself has worn so that - when stowed - it still hangs down an inch or so... New kickstand - $241 (ouch) anyway - be advised -- CHECK your bushing and replace as needed...
  21. "Hi, can't take your call right now. If you think it's important, leave a message, if i think it's important i'll call you back."
  22. they claimed your tire pressure caused shock failure?!?!?!! hmm .. maybe they should check the blinker fluid too..... just because you like and trust these guys - doesn't sound like they're too willing ot make waves with Yamaha...
  23. currently on shock #3 - '07 w/103,000 miles..
  24. once the tank is empty -- an 07 RSV will hold 5.524 US gallons... and no - you can't coast that last quarter mile to the fuel station..
  25. yes - please let us know how it works. my 07 RSV is on the 3rd rear shock. looks like we're getting about 50,000 out of a rear shock.
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