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Everything posted by eusa1

  1. you should have some diamond cut fins too!!
  2. welcome to the phunny pharm!!! glad to help you find anything you might want..... CHROME is a safety item ya know?? put a phone # in your profile info and you will get even more help. mike:cool10:
  3. this would be a good place for nanci to check past records:whistling:
  4. Rick, lets get a rootbeer and make plans to overtake the government!!! :178:mike
  5. nanci was the first customer to get a set of my diamond cut fins for kens 00 red rsv. they have since traded the rsv. she and ken are fun to talk to. they are located on the border of California in Oregon, mike
  6. i would like to say that it bothers me, but to go against the grain and the whole group thing:rotf: and just to bug the boss a little!!!
  7. b4 and after i opened the door this morning
  8. will try...... gunna be tough
  9. they invented locktite because of our roads and our governors..... you going to freebirds?
  10. i would love to make it to your md, but i'm not sure i will be able to after the weekend at freebirds. how many folks from the area are going to freebirds and what day are you leaving towards ohio? might be cool to group together for the ride out there?? mike.
  11. a friend in ma. just sold his 99 with 189000 on it this past spring, and the new owner has been running the wheels off of it.
  12. :hihi:getcher self a snowmocycle rick!
  13. i have the *smartire* system on my 2003 rsv and would not part with it!! it tells you your tire pressure and temp with the push of a button and you can set the pressure to set a warning light flashing if it falls lower than your request. the best part is knowing if your having a tire issue or if your on grooved pavement when the tire makes a little wiggle.. you can also tell from the tire temp. if you need to adjust the load in your shock or your trailer, when the temp starts to climb. i have had it for 7 years now and will never have a bike without it now. mike
  14. i would like to see a picture of this tank??
  15. Dave, i'm currious to hear what you found out after our conversation this morning? call me back if i can help. mike
  16. put heat tapes on the inside of the gutters and your problem is solved.
  17. check yer piggy bank @ paypal russ. thanks for the updated posting for those of us that missed the last one. mike & cherie
  18. i will offer yet another plug for the virago 1100 the smaller cc bikes are always for sale because the ladies out grow them so fast. the biggest issue that often gets overlooked when shopping for a new riders first bike, is..... after about three days of running around the block and seeing the same old crap... the new rider wants to venture out and see the open roads and zoom past that slow car on the back road!! then comes the trouble... the leader of the pack is on a 1300 v4 and zips past the slow car without even thinking about that new rider on that 250cc leafblower with wheels that just got hung out to dry... just cuz the power is there, does not mean the new rider has to use it.... heck if the new rider isn't smart enough to know how far to twist the grip, then they should stay in the yard a little longer. what i'm saying is..... i would rather have my new rider on a bike that has the power to make a pass with ease, rather than have a last minute lack of distance judgement and create a problem that they can't recover from......we have all been there or near there at some point. mike
  19. only had to make a few adjustments and get out one of the smaller bikes:whistling: why?? were we supposed to stop for the snow??
  20. they keep playing that commercial and you can paint it any color ya want, as often as ya want!! very cool.
  21. "Thanks for the heads up though Souperstar" thats some funny sheet rite there!!!
  22. let'em have it boss!!
  23. i think it's the tim the toolman taylor "tim allen" voice over on the commercial that makes ruffy the "DIVA":rotfl:
  24. Jerry,you could put half a set of diamond cut cylinder covers and engine mounts on your bike for $200.00:hihi:
  25. give me a wake up call after he picks you up!! it will give me a few hours to get ready!!
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