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Everything posted by eusa1

  1. thanks anyway!! my subscription is paid up for a few years in advance:backinmyday:
  2. are ya gunna come and mow the yard?? or what was it that i won??
  3. 2004 model:detective:
  4. i think skydoc has the heavier battery cables that you need also
  5. some ideas are best kept to yourself!!!
  6. looks real nice rick! glad that she took good care of you. mike
  7. why not let members here know what your looking for and what your planning to spend? mike.
  8. you have mail.
  9. with yer feet up? or the driver??
  10. what he says is true:178:mike
  11. never bring a rake to a gunfight!:rotf: you pay the rootbeer bill and we will play nice:whistling:
  12. i'll go get the rope
  13. i'm always interested in any adult sized star or yamaha apparel 3xl please! bring me one of your yamaha dealership shirts for sure!, be glad to pay in advance. this is a great thing to see a star vendor in attendance! thanks in advance. mike
  14. bryan, your still in charge of breakfast!!
  15. yamaha still sells them, same from 1999 to 2011
  16. ok then, i' gunna hold ya too it!!
  17. just bring the rootbeer rick!!
  18. I'm a player!!
  19. yup sure will
  20. the added rails would come with a black split hose to put inside your reflectors to take up the space and allow you to install them horizontaly on the smaller rails. mike
  21. 2003 rsv 1994 1100 virago 1994 xt600e 1992 xt225e 1972 at2 125 1975 dt100 1978 gt80 1972 ts 50 goucho and i just added a winter venture, a 1997 venture 600 snowmobile with reverse
  22. Dan dan daaan.... have you no shame at all:no-no-no:? don't fuss old pal, i will slow down and let you catch up.
  23. glad to see her on the move again!!!! thanks for sharing all the great shots! mike
  24. when i gave my daughter her first car, i told her that if i saw anyone even sitting near the drivers seat... even in the parking lot... i would sell it on the spot, and also if anyone was under the hood... yup i'm a mean old sob... but it worked.
  25. 1995 mustang gt:detective: ragtop???
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