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Everything posted by eusa1

  1. everthing she says is so quiet and delicate?????
  2. :bighug:that wasn't my wife that beat you up!! that was the girl i'm foolin around with!! that was b2mom that beat you up...shhhh don't tell don/b2dad:whistling: but i'm still interested in the idea of you sending your wife over!!
  3. Had a great time meeting all of you, and being able to put a face to all those names, the wife , and daughter teresa, and myself want to thank everyone for a great weekend and for all the great laughs! a special thanks to freebird and his better half, for opening their home to all of us and for the great food and ICE CREAM...and the extra efforts from so many that made my 10 year old feel welcome. thank you thank you thank you.all.. special note to self.....clean your fuse box and add some dielectric grease before next ride.. thanks guys and gals. mike
  4. very cool!! nice pics and video!! thanks for the bargain on the trunk wing too!!
  5. you will need stock leveling links, and stock rear brake caliper location bracket, real easy job, might take you an hour if you don't work too fast.
  6. it plugs into the aux jack at the cassette player, or at the splitter when you open the fairing. it's a little smaller than the size of the master cylinder cover, and about the same thickness.
  7. I'm holding my breath untill that passes....
  8. very cool!!
  9. pew! that one came from down under!! i will blame marcarl:whistling:
  10. i recieved a ipod 8gb from yamaha last fall, just after my last warranty claim form was completed, it's no different than the ipod that you can buy a walmart for about $150.00 JUST COMES IN A COOL YAMAHA BLUE COLOR. mike
  11. just don't ride that pos tire near me..thank you:no-no-no:
  12. :rotf::rotf:
  13. if he gets it....ya may not need to flip him...
  14. if you order a shock for a 1999 or a 2011, or any year in between... you will get the same shock. in september of 2003 yamaha added a vent hose that made no change in the performance or quality of the shock, just slowed the rate of debris getting to the seal and wearing the chrome from the shaft of the shock. the part numbers will appear different when looking them up in the sites that you may shop.....however they all supersede to the same number.
  15. anybody sell a good rootbeer waaaa out daaar?? if so?? i'm on my way!!
  16. your welcome to ride out to don's maint day with us, the first weekend of june, we will leave early friday the 3rd. the leaf looker ride is a must! and if brian survives the summer, he is in charge of cooking breakfast!! great time had by all. mike
  17. if your asking the question??? then you already know the answer. been in this debate before. only have 2 tires. they should both be 100% safe pitch it and lose that question that could ruin a great ride. mike.
  18. It's nice to see a possitive remark for a change, you should post the name and location for others to enjoy a good experience. thanks, mike
  19. i understand the reason that he would drill the hole, my concern was the loss of strength in the bars with extra holes drilled. it would seem that the hole would have to be in line with the original hole, and not very far apart from that hole. what would be the lesser of the 2 concerns? a loose horn button, or a broken handlebar? mike
  20. lower right leg fairing next to the radiator.
  21. more holes in the handlebars??
  22. seems a shame for her to travel this far and not make it to don's maint day to meet her namesake.....
  23. remove the two screw that hold the halves together and LOOK it's not hiden or anything:whistling:mike
  24. there is a hole in the bars and a small piece if metal sticking out of the bottom of your controles, that goes into that hole to keep things in place. remove that little piece of material and turn them anyplace ya want. mike
  25. does anyone know where the little traveing bear has gone to??
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