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Everything posted by eusa1

  1. Mine ran out of things to ask for!!
  2. Common concern for these old girls is the possitive battery cables, check the tech section here
  3. there is no such thing as "break in oil" all yamahas come from the assembly plant with yamalube just like you can buy from the dealer. i have always run casteroil gtx 20/50 im on my 3rd venture with 130k+ mike.
  4. wow .... his bike is kinda talkative:confused24::rotf::whistling:happy holidays everyone.
  5. I have the cure to keep you from whining about the diamond cut covers!! i could do a group / discount price $ if a few of you wanted to get together:detective: call it a christmas special:confused24: i will have another black set ready to ship by the middle of next week. and have 2 silver sets ready now. call or text to the number in my profile. mike
  6. scarecrow is the name of the pinstriper that has done alot of bike work in the Illinois area. that is his signature that he puts on all his work. go to his site and you will find that eagle on many of his works. he does a fantastic job
  7. just say the word and the next set will come your way:cool10:
  8. clean warm pavement...
  9. glad to see you back!!! seasons greetings!! mike
  10. see post # 5 for part # and dealer price
  11. looks like a "national cycle" brand add on windshield available at www.jcwhitney.com
  12. as others here have stated, you can put a dime over the plug to push on it harder, or you can just screw a spark plug top into them and yank em out and install new ones. not a tough job , they are about $5.34 each retail, here is the part number. 90338-11152-00 PLUG,SPEC'L SHAPE they start leaking due to age/ expand and contract so many times over the years.
  13. eusa1

    Diamond cut fins and motor mounts

    diamond cut fins and motor mounts, along with a few pics of our bikes
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