there are some great places to ride there.
we enjoy the road along the bluffs and the Kampsville ferry is free to take across the river. who doesn't want to take their bike for a boat ride for free??,-90.6721421,10z/data=!4m26!1m23!4m22!1m6!1m2!1s0x87df2f0888cc24e3:0xc437f0ab118cf5aa!2sSt+Charles,+MO!2m2!1d-90.511764!2d38.788698!1m6!1m2!1s0x87df22687d2e9fd5:0x961ae2cece01bc28!2sBrussels+Ferry,+16211+Illinois+100,+Grafton,+IL+62037!2m2!1d-90.495476!2d38.967795!1m6!1m2!1s0x87de55f37b8a5c33:0xe592ebbe97d7821!2sKampsville,+IL!2m2!1d-90.6090117!2d39.2978255!3e0!3m1!1s0x87df22687d2e9fd5:0x961ae2cece01bc28
Brussels ferry is also free and near to the reservation area
my wife is from the area and I spent ten years in that area and still enjoy a chance to return.