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Everything posted by eusa1

  1. I install the same nasty boy pipes on the wifes tour deluxe, no leaks... no gaskets.. the clamps that come with them suk, buy the big twin chrome clamps and it will look better and cure your leaks
  2. looks like a fourth hat in the ring, thanks Tom!!
  3. looks like a three hats in the ring circus at this point, thank you for stepping up. It still comes down to a vote of the group where this would land if I understand it correctly
  4. there is the spirit of this conversation!! thank you Orlin & Sharon for the Wisconsin hat in the ring, and Freebird for the Nc. hat in the ring
  5. re-read my post really slow like lol pssst. it's above yours!
  6. glad to see this going in a positive direction and please keep in mind that if ya want to have it in YOUR chosen area, your going to have to step up to the plate to host. thanks for offering to host Don!! I will offer my daughters talent to make another t-shirt/ banner design also.
  7. fyi @Solodadof2 has a vast collection of goods for the old voyagers.
  8. sun coast cycle salvage in Florida is a good source 813-774-8844 make me a list I may be able to help
  9. thanks tom!! you get my address?
  10. gunna need crutches now....lol
  11. so? am I to understand that having an event and calling it the international rally somehow takes something away from these well attended smaller better conducted meet and eat events? does it cause someone that's not involved some type of harm? if it's about funding or borrowing, it's simple.. we keep it dutch treat. if it's about a prize cost and loss?? don't buy nothing! I go to the events to see the folks and share the b/s the rides in locations that are different are a bonus, not a requirement. take your time and answer one or all or none........ just wondering what it's really about?
  12. I was wondering what date on the calendar in what past year that the most people were all gathered together at the same location during an event called "the international rally"....hope this clears things up for ya Joe! lol
  13. thank you for doing 99% of the work this year patti, I can certainly respect your statements.
  14. might be hard to walk with that hole in your foot. $.02 what year had the best attendance? any idea?
  15. It was great to see many new faces and to make some new friends ,We look forward to seeing all the familiar friends that we have made over the years and looking forward to the next event! Many thanks to all that helped to make this event a great time for everyone. many folks stepped up to the plate to lead and tailgun and salvaged the routes and picked some fantastic destinations . thank you thank you from Mike & Cherie Eykamp. P.S. Patti b2mom is "THE BOMB"
  16. Thanks again to george, gary & bobby for leading the groups on some great rides! You guys saved the day/s and patti b2 mom and my wife Cherie / lucy 2 made it all come together.
  17. @Solodadof2 has a set for sale
  18. thanks for whatcha do preacher!!
  19. more than happy to help ya out pal, but not knowing if you did or did not rule out previous suggestions will stall your " bumps"
  20. the very first thing to do is eliminate any extra added brake lights that were added aftermarket. then check results. mind you I am not saying to get rid of them, lord knows we need extra lites! but failures in the electrical system of this bike are normaly created by additions.
  21. @Carbon_One click here on his name
  22. guess a few of us have learned something after all. glad your back on the road
  23. be worth the trip just to visit with you and your wonderful bride!!
  24. the damage to the seal would have been created by the installation of the spacer / washer in the wrong spot, and you should take a hard look at the rear wheel bearing also, as it would be very stressed for the same reason. it's a shame that shops will work on these machines without any knowledge of what they are doing or at least taking the time to watch how it comes apart. the seals and bearings on these machines will run for many miles if installed properly. good luck and......... No ya don't want to drive it home without the seal.
  25. don't get all butt hurt with honest responses to a closed ended question folks, I wave at jerks all the time!! lol lighten up francis and lick the spoon!! ride safe everyone!
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