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About eusa1

  • Birthday 06/27/1965

Personal Information

  • Name
    mike eykamp


  • Location
    Dixon Illinois, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    2003 RSV /2006 rsmtd/xt225/dt125/dt100/ts50


  • Occupation

VR Assistance

  • VR Assistance

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  2. Sonny Rattan has been a pos that kicked several members off his page for the slightest mention of this group. and as the admin of about 9 of the royal star fb groups, please dont lump them all into the jass acks fan group.
  3. The carbs were dirty and had 1 diaphragm that was misaligned causing the machine to run very lean. that’s where the heat was coming from. thanks to all. Mike
  4. Thanks for the plug, yes he reached out to me, my carbs are still available.
  5. You would be the first of many that have searched. I don’t have any used at the moment, but I know a member that does have. send me a email at the address below.
  6. guess who the carbs, tank, pipes and backrest came from?? looks like the trip of a lifetime, i have enjoyed talking with them and hope to meet them along the route at some point .
  7. been kind of quiet on the vr site for Diamond cuts? is everyone stuck in the snow banks?
  8. glad to hear you have had a harmonious conclusion to you george jetsons spaceship noise. and you might even enjoy an even quieter experience as things get seated and you put some hot highway miles on it. Ride safe.. ride often.. Mike
  9. yamaha logo between the motorcycles and the musical item may appear the same, however there is a slight difference. see if you can figure out what it is .? and Mitsubishi still makes fuel pumps for yamaha and did make every 1st and 2nd gen pump along with most every street bike pump in the yamaha lineup.
  10. the part numbers are for the same part, the number has been superseded and the price increase accordingly. there is no design change and as Mike G has stated they were cut on a different production lines. Now that the rsv is no longer in production, we don't have the luxury of getting one pulled off the line to obtain the certain letter. they produce them on an as needed back order basis now and the only way your going to locate a certain letter now, is to have a parts warehouse guy open each and every box and have a look at the backside of each gear ring or learn Japanese and find better contacts than i have . or find a used one. $.02 Mike
  11. Didja get your seat concerns worked out?
  12. contact @Ausie Annie on here, she had a spring style extension put on the 07 rsv she had
  13. I have been on the bi pap for 22 years now, i can't even get a cat nap without it.
  14. You have been a long time member of this group and have made more friends than ya know and always ready to help when it's needed. with that said i wish you a speedy remission and hope the mirror treats ya better soon!! if you want or need help in any physical or monetary capacity just say the word or give me a nudge pal! a hand up is not a hand out pal, it's a good healing process for all of us if we can help in any way at all and good for you and yours to not worry about the little things and concentrate on getting better. happy to help any way we can. Mike & Cherie
  15. Don't think he is on here, and no way no how am i doing anything while it's still on the bike. that opens too many cans of worms thank you.
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