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Long Tall

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Everything posted by Long Tall

  1. Easy to use. Added myself without any problem....TKS for taking time to provide Long Tall
  2. At both the the motels in Robbinsville and Bryson City, I left it chained up were we were staying. Not a problem at either place. At the Ironhorse MC Lodge we just left it next to the cabin unchained. In their main hall I saw at least 15-20 cell phones plugged in for the night for those camping. No one bothers anything. Next morning for Breakfast everyones stuff still there. VERY NICE PLACE IF YOU CAN GET IN> NEED TO MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY...BEEN GOING THERE FOR ABOUT 6 YEARS... Long Tall...
  3. Wife and I live in Lynchburg, VA. Go to NC all the time. You have to do the Dragon once just to say you did it. After that do the Cherohala Pky both ways. NC to TN and return. A must do. Wife and I were there in the area for 6 days in Sept. I think it was are 5-6 visit to the area in the last 8-9 years. Road roads we just never got on before. Route 28 to Highlands, NC was second only to the Cherohala Pkwy. Actually did it twice. Water Falls near Highland, NC are something to see. You can actually ride under Bridle Veil Falls. Twistie roads and mountain views. Great BBQ place going into Highlands. Parking behind the place. GREAT BBQ! Lodging is up to you. In Robbinsville, NC is a place that a lot of MC folks stay at. Been there twice. Could not get in this past September. Booked with Bikers. San_Ran Motel ( http://www.sanranmotel.com ). Clean, MC Friendly. Price is right. In Stecoah, NC (just over the mountain 30 minutes away), not to far away is Ironhorse MC Lodge ( www.ironhorsenc.com ). Rooms, Cabin, Tenting, ALL MC all of the time. Been there a number of times. We like it a lot. Both are just a hop, skip and jump from everything. If full you can try Sleep Inn at Bryson City, NC not to far away ( http://www.sleepinnbrysoncitync.com/ ). We have stayed there a night or two until something opened up at one of the other places. MC Friendly Place. You wake up to find towels on your bike to dry the dew off. Great Mexican Place to eat in Bryson City also ( Guayabitos Mexican Restaurant) also consider in Bryson City ( Pasqualino's Italian Restaurant), both are very good. NOTE: Dam used to film "The Fugitive" near Dragon. Falls used to film Last of Mohicians" near Highlands. Rt. 28 is a great road. Hwy 19 through Nanthahala Gorge nearby is good with eating at the lower end. Watch whitewater kayaks/tube folks while you eat lunch. Wife and I would go back without hesitation. NOTE: I live 30 minutes from the Blue Ridge Parkway here in Virginia. Wife and I have ridden all of the 400+ miles twice. The section of BRPKWY between Cherokee, NC and Asheville, NC with I think, 10-12 tunnels and getting as high as 6000ft above sea level is the most scenic section without question!. A MUST DO IF YOU GO THERE. You will loose yourself just looking out at hill after hill after hill as far as the eye can see. GO! George "Long Tall" Lynchburg, VA
  4. This will never happen anytime soon I think. What I am concerned with is the the idiots in DC come up with a law that forces everyone to "register" their weapons. They do not need to know what I have and own. Registration is first step to Confiscation..... Just saying.... Long Tall
  5. What Jeff said. I own (more than one) and use each for something different. Carry one all the time. Have some others here and there around the house. I have from 9mm to 45 ACP. Go to a range and rent something. My full time carry weapon...Kimber Ultra Crimson Carry II 45 Caliber ACP, 1911 type. 3" Barrel with built in Crimson Carry Laser in handle. Wife knows at home that all she needs to do is pull the trigger when the red dot is on her target. I practice this with her at the range. No looking through sights. Just what I decided for me.... This could turn into a post like asking about "OIL".
  6. I actually walked into my gun dealer today and he had a supply of Independence 223 and 5.56 (MADE BY FEDERAL, BRASS, 55 GRAIN BT) Works great in my AR-15. Five box limit but price was reasonable. I keep about 1000 rounds of everything I shoot so it was nice finding this. Picked up 100 rounds while I could. ALSO..Went to my other dealer and he had a large supply of Magpul 30 round PMags. Two weeks ago he was selling what he could get for $60. I bought before the election for $18. He was selling for $25. Things are getting a "LITTLE" better for now unless POTUS speaks again. Long Tall
  7. Fuzzy: Check out my post here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=472114#post472114 I got the plastic chrome Wolo from Amazon and Carbon One's wiring harness. Had it on in about 40 minutes and have never had a problem with it.... Just saying.... Long Tall Lynchburg, Va
  8. Just had Philip Cleave from Virginia Defense League at our Monthly Gun Club Meeting last night and told us about this. The are arranging a Protest at the AutoZone and he has already contacted their corporate offices. I'm a member of this "Gun Rights" group here in the Old Commonwealth. Go Here:http://www.vcdl.org/static/index.html Sorry this crap happened in my home state, one of the three most conservative gun law states in the union. Utah, Florida, Virginia.... Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  9. Asked about you at the Virginia Meet & Eat. Glad to see your back... Long Tall
  10. Made for the Goldwing and the kind my Bud has had for a few years. $180.00 Go Here: http://www.bushtec.com/product-p/98901000.htm Mine.....About $125..Work in progress...I'll keep folks posted on how it works... Long Tall
  11. Going to take it off of the rack and put it on the trailer where this one is. This one went to South Dakota last year and Ice stayed in it ALL DAY...
  12. This was my SECOND THOUGHT for use...Again..Not to fill it up with ice and weight but to have a cooler for a few drinks and snacks on the road. Wife and I like to stop and just have snack on the road somewhere then do the restaurant in the evening. SHOULD I HAVE A "DOWNPOUR" somewhere, I can use it for DRY STORAGE....IF the the side bags and trunk are full. I also plan on using on my trailer for the same "COOLER" purpose. I have and MCT Aluma Trailer... Long Tall
  13. Maiden trip tomorrow...Purpose for the cooler was not to fill it up with ice and drinks but have a few drinks and some snacks for stops during the day. Not going to weight it down "FULL"..As and FYI...My GOLDWING Bud went all day with his mounted in about the same position on his wing in 85 degree heat and the ice lasted all day. He has the same cover as this one. Long Tall
  14. YEP...The Light Bar under the trunk has running lights and is the Brake Light... Leaving tomorrow AM for the VA Meet & Eat for its maiden trip with Cold Drinks inside... Long Tall
  15. OK with me....It works for sure... TKS.... PS...Does look better with the snaps....
  16. Wife and I did this trip last year at the same time...Would do it again in a heartbeat. Check my Trip Blog from last year. Has a lot of info about our trip while there... http://trailblazingharbours.blogspot.com Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  17. On a ride with a Goldwing Bud a few weeks ago I was envious of is Bushtec Cooler Rack attached to this Bushtec hitch. On a weekend trip we had no need for the trailer, but his cooler held some cold drinks and snacks. His wife liked it and my wife "REALLY" liked it. Sleeperhawk has a rack I liked some time back, but that company is out of business. Soooooo I ordered the same Igloo 16Qt. cooler that Bushtec uses and had the frame and cover made. On his Wing it is mounted longways left to right (Wing Lights mounted higher than RSV). I did not want to "WIRE" the rack so I measured and discovered that the cooler mounted N & S versus E & W (could not see the turn signals that way on the RSV) would work. I have a signal dynamics light bar for the brake, and the license plate is visible so here it is. Note: I ordered FuzzyRSTD's Hitch Clamp from our sight to tighten things up. Works GREAT by the way. All in...$120..... Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  18. Doing an oil, filter and rear end oil change for our trip to New England area on the 18th. Just a couple of weeks ago I did a 900 mile weekend with a Bud of mine to GA. and the "rattle" in the fan area was not there. Of course the fan never came on either. Anyway...while cleaning the bike after the maintenance work I rotated the fan from the left side of the bike with my fingers and it was OK. Floated freely. What I discovered was that the "fan shroud was loose. Left side of bike looking from seat. I could actually move it with my fingers quite a bit. Not knowing how it was attached I went to look at the service manual to see if a bolt had come out? Crap!, I said, No bolts in the area where it was loose. Removed lowers, drivers seat, and gas tank. and was able to look into the fan housing area completely. A "spot" weld on the shroud near the 6 o'clock position on the shroud was broken. What I needed to do was decide if I take it to the Yamaha Dealer (entire new fan plus labor) OR figure something out. All I needed to do was move the broken shroud about a 1/4" away from the fan blades should they ever come on. the rest of the fan shroud was stable. Solution: Tie-Wrap the broken shroud to the main frame tube. This pulled it "away" from the blades horizontal to the the frame and blades. Put everything back on. Started the motor and let it set till the fan came on. Guess what. Fan came on while I was setting right beside it and I did not even know it. NO Rattle, NO anything. The tie-wrap is in an area where it is out of the way of everything. That's my fix for now. See no need to spend the $$$ with cooler weather coming on. Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  19. Leaving on the 19th of September....About a week and a half to GO MODE... Long Tall
  20. All: First I have to say my wife is a real trooper. For those that did not follow our Trip Blog to South Dakota last September, Donna tripped on some steps on our last day at the Bad Lands National Pk and broke her right shoulder really bad. Anyway after rehab and all that goes with that she informs me a few weeks ago that she wants to do a trip to New England. ALL THOSE PEOPLE IN SUCH A SMALL SPACE. Leaving on the 18th and returning by the 29th. From Lynchburg I'm jumping on Rt 220 through Northern VA and WV and eventually to Bedford, PA. My Goldwing Bud says to take Rt. 219 from Somerset, PA right up to Buffalo, NY. Plan is to get the Niagra Falls thing off the Bucket List. Looking to head north and would like info on Rt 104 & Rt 3 to Wellesley Island area? Something about Singer and Boldt Castle's on St. Lawrence. After that I need input please. What do we need to see while we are up there. NOTE: MY GOAL on this trip is to teach my Yankee Brother's and Sister's about GRITS! Seriously though....with the time we have. What/Where should we go. TKS.... Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  21. I like that ALOT!
  22. Wife and I did the trip about this time last year from here in Lynchburg, VA. Great riding out there. GO THE DEVILS TOWER....Was worth the ride. Enjoy.. Long Tall
  23. Was doing a carb sync last night getting ready for a day ride tomorrow and four day trip beginning next Thursday. Normally I can get the sync done quickly, but this time the motor ran a little bit longer than ususal and the "FAN" kicked on. I am sure it's been on before but never paid much attention. This time however there was a "Loud Rattleing' sound like something was loose or had fallen into the area of the FAN and was caught there. Is there an easy way to check this without tearing down the whole front, end. Lowers, Seat, Tank, etc. Of course I turned it off for about 5 minutes, Made sure oil and coolant were OK and started back up. Runs GREAT but of course this time the FAN did not cycle on? Thoughts Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  24. Hey All: I just stopped by my local Advance Auto Parts here on Ole Lynchburg, VA and discovered that they had a special on Mobile 1 Syn - 15-50. Been using this since I got my Venture and change every 4000. Deal is: Buy 5 qts. (I know it only hold 3.5 during changes) and you get a Mobil Filter for free. I have been using the Mobile M-108 since I got the Venture. No problems with Oil or Filter since I got the Venture. I DO NOT want to start another Oil discussion. Just letting those who use this producet know about the deal. All in cost is $32.99 plus tax here in Ole Virginia. 5 qts oil at $5.20 each and 1 Filter at $6.99. Saved $23.95 versus retail price. OK. So I save some $$$ now and have 1.5 qts ahead for the next change whick will be a little saving then! Offer is till end of Month here. Not sure about other places... FYI...
  25. Just me and my IMac....Of course the wife and the camera made it all possible TKS Long Tall
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