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Long Tall

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Everything posted by Long Tall

  1. Very nice... I'm President of Star Touring Chapter #223 here in Lynchburg, VA....two of our folks just got back from three weeks on the Big Island visiting there son....They also had great pics... Cold here...Enjoy...OH...Nice pic of the Bike also...Got lost in the view of the Ocean for a moment.......NOT....Just kidding... Looks like a GREAT ride George In Virginia
  2. Hope Everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving with Family and Friends... Enjoy the Windows Media Video..... George In Virginia [ATTACH]24072[/ATTACH]
  3. I like it all...Still a few more things...but so far I think the Air Filter Covers and the Radiator Cover....Bag rails....Trunk Rack.... Here's where I'm at... Yamaha Parts Added To Date: Headlight Visor Passing Light Visor Chrome Rear Brake Reservoir Cover Billet Oil Fill Cap Billet Choke Knob Cover Turn Signal Visors (x 2) Chrome Tail Light Cover Billet Clutch Bleeder Cover (Smooth) Billet Shift Peg Covers Billet Brake Caliper Accents - Front & Rear Motor Mount Bolt Covers Billet Carburetor Covers (Smooth) Front Fender Trim Rail Billet Air Cleaner Filter Replacement Billet Passenger Floor Board Backing Plate Covers Passing Lamps Billet Engine Breather Covers (Smooth) Yamaha Wide Leather Tank Panel - Studded Passing Lamp Mount Trunk Rack Billet Passenger Floor Boards Saddlebag Trim Rails Billet Rider Floorboard Covers Billet Air Cleaner Covers (Smooth) Aftermarket Parts Added: Uptopia Backrest Kuryakyn ISO Pegs & Offset Mounts (LG) GenMar Risers Custom Dynamics 15" LED Light Bar Kuryakyn Reflector Cover Grills (Large Front) WISH LIST: Tank Cover, Billet Fuel Tank Mount Covers, Billet Front Axle Bolt Covers (Round-Smooth) Chrome Battery Cover Accents, Saddlebag Lid Trim Rails, Tinted Lower Wind Vent, Chrome Battery Side Covers, Click on Pic for larger link...Once there, use the magnification Icon next to the pic... http://lh5.ggpht.com/_uM1h1ehTB5k/SJjl_Qh7OOI/AAAAAAAADBE/BMEoXD9cIT4/s144/IMG_0088.JPGRSV_August 2008" George In Virginia:cool10:
  4. Brad....Do this.... Do you have a rectangular screen for a wide screen....? What is your screen resolution set at...GO to Desk Top...Right click on Blue area and select Properties...Click on the tab that says "settings....What is the "screen" resolution listed as pixels....such as 1075 X 768 pixels...Knowing this would help answer you question....I agree with V7Goose..Resolution is important....I have a 19" rectangular screen and the 1075 X 768 pixels is my resolution...Handles mostly everything... George In Virginia
  5. Just wanted to pass this along to the group...I have used these folks a couple of times and they have one of the best discount accessories available on the web... I would expect this Yamaha Price Increase to apply to ALL Dealers...Not just these folks...I know its a lot, but here it is....Just in case you want something before February 209... Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving.... George In Virginia [ATTACH]24033[/ATTACH] Dear valued customer, we here at South Seattle Sports Plaza are faced with a dilemma that has us torn between some directions in which we need to move to further provide you with all your motor-sports needs, first question is, do we drop our current discount to between 15 and 20 percent like all the other dealers, giving that extra profit to Google and Yahoo to stay in the top positions of their search pages? Or do we keep our discount at 27 percent and cut our expenses on search engines and hope our customers keep spreading the word to receive the volume of business we need to support that high of a discount. On Yamaha’s last price update Oct 1st, they not only did a major price increase but they also dropped the dealers’ profit margins on thousands of items. One example is the new Star custom wheel kits. The front wheel for a Road Star, part number 5C7-f54E0-V0-00, retail is 1449.95 and dealer cost is 1087.50. Our price is 1087.46 on our website. This is like many other accessories items that have 25% or fewer profit margins and we loose money. But that’s the bad news. In these times things have increasingly slowed and we are in need your business and that of your friends now and in the future. So for the good news we are going to leave the 25% discount on accessories where it is and has been for the last couple years and increase the parts discount to 30%. We will keep these prices till February and then change the parts discount to 25% and the accessories discount to 22%. I would also like to add that right now our Star inventory is well stocked and we have a lot of items that Yamaha even has on backorder. Also when ordering parts if you see something that says backorder we still might be able to get it out of Japan or even have it in stock. If you order a backorder item and it will be awhile before available, we will contact you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas. Thank You, Dan McVeigh yamahasportsplaza.com ysppart.com allyamaha.com onlyyamaha.com
  6. Keith: What is the make and model...I have an 06 and I like to lower profile...plus the matching color is not bad either...Could you please pass this info along.. Thanks.. George In Virginia
  7. Big Tom: It goes away man...I did 5 weeks of the Chantix and started having the nausea...Wife is nurse...and told me to quit taking the stuff...I was not having any desire for the nicotine so she was OK with it...and my desire to STOP was REAL strong....Stopped on 10-1-07.....Have not touched one since....Really do not even think much about it now....Just look at others and thank GOD I have quite....57 years old....smokes since I was 24..... My best day was 10-2-08.....Got to say..."Stopped over a year ago"...Got tired of counting the months...Used it as a GOAL....6 mths...7 mths....Hey...It almost a year...Now I'm starting on year two... Hang in there Bud....Its all down hill from here...:clap2: George In Virginia...
  8. The owner came back to the bike and started putting the helmet and glasses on him to get ready to roll and that dogs tail was banging the side of the that side car so hard it sounded like a hammer... Later... George In Virginia
  9. Not kidding guys...Here is the pix....I was blown away when I saw him setting there... Owner said the leather helmet and glasses were custom made...Click on Pix.... George in Virginia [ATTACH]23763[/ATTACH]
  10. Not a big deal to some maybe, but I just got tired of looking at my mug standing on top of Grandfather Mtn...Decided a change was needed....Found this in my pixs folder...German Shepherd in a sidecar on the Blue Ridge Pkwy one afternoon I was riding... Just too cool not to use as a Avatar... George In Virginia
  11. Long Tall

    Asheville video

    Great Vid Man: Been down that way a few times....Makes me want to pack and go again...Good Job... George in Virginia..
  12. Happened to Bubba back in the Spring while we were on our way to a Virginia Meet & Eat..... Found out later by some folks at the Meet & Eat that the Bolt that holds the side covers on are the same bolt that hold the Shifter on.....Only one of the bolts for each side cover is actually used to hold the cover on....the other one is just for looks.... We took one of these....Put the shifter back on...and off we went....Note...used BLUE loctite on it this time.... George in Virginia
  13. I'm with Steve S.....I like it all....... My 06 RSV... Go Here: http://picasaweb.google.com/gharbourjr/RSV_August2008?authkey=8YtdbX7sIaU#5231184587566556722 Use the magnification icon...Upper right corner of picture... George In Virginia
  14. Hairman: I asked a lot of questions before getting my headset for my half helmet...Got a lot of positive replies about this one...I have had now for a couple of months and it works great for me... http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=IMC-HS-B40 Also...Check this Thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26073&highlight=headset George in Virginia
  15. Living here in ole Virginia....Use of horn is limited...especially since most of my wife and I's rides are on the Blue Ridge Pkwy.. BUT...I do not TRUST a cager setting at an intersection I'm getting ready to enter and cross to do what they are suppose to...SO.... HORN.... Thanks guys.....I think I will go with the Stebel before spring.... Later: George in Virginia..
  16. Thanks everyone for the replies..Bubba...Stay safe...enjoy the ride home...... I think I'll just go to higher squelch for now...and have Santa bring a Stebel....Needed something louder a couple of time already this year.... Thanks everyone... George in Virginia...
  17. Landon: You provide a BETTER word for what is going on..."FEEDBACK" through the headset....And I am sure some of the more experienced folks will chime in with the reason we experience this... George in Virginia
  18. Communication Pros: This goes out to all those folks that use a headset mostly all of the time...I have the ICM HS-G45 for a half helmet...has worked great for me for the way I need it too....I normally ONLY use them when riding in groups and need comm. for blocking...directions...etc..occasional comm during ride with buds on other bikes...My wife DOES NOT have any headset... HOWEVER...when I use them...I have this concern...Stereo, Sound Quality, CB, Music from Radio, or Aux outlet and MP3...All OK...BUT when I push the HORN button, I get static through the earpieces....I have the IC volumn down to 0 because I have no need for IC use...Any thought or comments would be welcome....of course ONLY problem is when I use the HORN...I have the stock horn and no others attached... Thanks in advance for your comments... George In Virginia... :scratchchin::scratchchin::scratchchin:
  19. Juggler: Great follow up by the way....especially the camera work....I looked at these same things for a LONG time....Wife is 5'1" and really did not need to have forward movement of the foot board, so I went with Yamaha passenger upgrade in chrome...wife is comfortable as they are... NOTE: I just came back from a StarBQue in NC and a couple of guys I met there have the following... 1. Same Barons set up you bought....his wife is 5'1" also....Done more to match is Barons rider floor boards....Not really a "comfort" upgrade mod....They were however the Enferno Short Board for the passenger.....Enferno Long for the Rider.... 2. Yamaha "chrome" upgrade rider floorboards WITH the "Diamond R" Passenger Highway Pegs....His wife is about 5'7"....Rode from OHIO to NC and have had the Diamond R pegs for a while...Her reply when I asked HER about them....Makes long rides very comfortable...Let me change my leg position Here's two links to my picture of the bike with them on....He has them standup, by they fold back even with the floor board and forward to about 40 Degrees I think...Also Diamond R web link for the pegs... Hope you can work it out....NOTE: on my pic's pages...use the "zoom" icon and you can really see a close up of the pegs...... George In Virginia... [/url]http://www.diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/proddisplay.php?name=Passenger%20Highway%20Pegs Pic 1: http://picasaweb.google.com/gharbourjr/MidAtlantic_StarBQue_2008?authkey=ikN4fT85r5A#5235625714217222642 Pic 2: http://picasaweb.google.com/gharbourjr/MidAtlantic_StarBQue_2008?authkey=ikN4fT85r5A#5235625672173381586 Pic 3: Venture with Barons floor boards....Folded up, but this is the guy (I know him) whose wife is the same height as mine...5'1".... http://picasaweb.google.com/gharbourjr/MidAtlantic_StarBQue_2008?authkey=ikN4fT85r5A#5243010936766055314
  20. Bubba: Hey man....Have a safe trip....enjoy the time together....We here in Lynchburg will keep you guys in our prayers.... George In Virginia
  21. I have a zippered pocket in my cycle luggage with a Split Ring on it...Key goes there when wife and I go on any trip that is more that day long.....Luggage is either on the bike or in the room with us.... George In Virginia:080402gudl_prv:
  22. Just got back from the Mid-Atlantic StarBQue in Cornelius, NC....Yamaha had their truck there for demo rides... They also had the new V-Max...one of only two in the US...pic if anyone is interested... George in Virginia... http://picasaweb.google.com/gharbourjr/MidAtlantic_StarBQue_2008/photo?authkey=ikN4fT85r5A#5235624767453912754
  23. AZSpyder & SteveP:: Thanks for the input also...Of course NOW that I know...It makes sense that you and your passenger would not want to push a button to talk to each other...BUT...having not had a headset and setting on her in the garage with the new ones on...this talk into microphone and hear myself in headset...just did not equal 2+2....I asked myself...WHY DO I WANT TO HEAR MYSELF... After reading the Gary N.s reply...I came home this evening walked out and got on the Red Cherry Beast...tuned the IC volume down to "zero" and "magic"...No George in earphones when I talked and I could still do the radio/aux-mp3.... Anyway....I knew that someone here could clear it up for me....Thanks for the input.... Looking forward to using them this weekend on a trip I am taking this weekend... George in Virginia :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
  24. Gary: Thanks for the reply...So let me clarify.... 1. I'm riding along by myself...with radio or aux(mp3) playing tunes....I hear the music OK and when I talk into the microphone I ALSO hear "ME" in the earphones.... 2. I'm riding along by myself...with radio or aux(mp3) playing tunes...AND I have the CB on. I'm riding at the end of a group and the lead rider calls for me to come up front......The way I understand things...The incoming CB transmission "overrides" the music and I hear the other rider.....I hold the "talk" button down and tell the rider I am "on my way"...When the button is down, it "overrides the music again when I "talk"...Note...No rider communication...Just lean back and talk to wife...These are for communication to other bikers with CB..... I hope I'm close...Again...Thanks for the help....The headset will take some getting use too when you are not use to wearing anything but sunglasses... George In Virginia....
  25. Hey Folks: Need some help: I wear a half helmet and wife and I really do not need to have IC/CB for traveling…BUT I have a need this weekend (and past times) to have IC/CB for a group ride….I read posts and just got the IMC HS G45U for half helmets. I know Gary N. has them and gives them two thumbs up…Just using for occasional group riding. Anyway…I read everything in the owners manual and have one question…. When I hook them up…Radio_Aux-CB comes in OK...I can talk into the microphone without pushing the talk button and hear myself in the earphones….Is there something up or this normal.....I can not read anything about this anywhere….This happens when I have the radio on/off…CB on/off….both on/off…makes no difference…Could you experienced IC/CB folks help me out and let me know if this is normal…Again..just talk into the microphone and hear myself in the earphones...Thanks for any help provided....:doh: George In Virginia….
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