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Long Tall

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Everything posted by Long Tall

  1. Shoot...I'm just 35 minutes from your route as you go through Roanoke. We could hook up on the way. I know the way up there in my sleep... Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  2. I'll come also. Been riding in WV for a lot of years. Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  3. Gary: I think if there is a tie for second, you are automatically made Ride Captain and first group out at the next IR..
  4. Same here in Lynchburg, VA Brake Pad. STAR Chapter just folded. I was Pres. for 4 years and said ENOUGH....No one wanted to help....
  5. What Slowrollwv said: I live in Ole Virginia, but ride a lot in WV. As a matter of fact, I'm from WV originally. One of my best rides are the back roads from here in VA over three mountain ranges into WV. Long Tall
  6. Just saying: Tom's idea of the Gulf Coast sounds GREAT. Slowrollwv's West Virginia idea is also a great riding destination. Been on a lot of the routes since WV is just next door to Ole Virginia and "HEY", I was born there. I know a lot of folks have issues with certain times of the year. To late and our Northern Members have a weather issue. To early and the Southern US is still Hot as Hell. Either way I asked in St. Charles about a Rally in Sept has a change. Also, I can't think of a reason why this just can't be an extended MEET & EAT. Find and decent priced hotel/camping and restaurant to host a large group meal on the last night and let the riding be the center piece of the event. I have only been to two IR. Galena and St. Charles. Each was different and but what the Harbours enjoyed most was the "Family Gathering, Family Group Riding, Family BSing, Meeting New Family Members, Seeing Old Family Members". Give me a nice bed to lay my head down on in the evening and with this Family I have discovered that the things I just mentioned, "JUST HAPPEN" when we are all together. Family members just starting helping out. My thoughts. Just saying. Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  7. Nice pics Tom. Thanks Long Tall
  8. ALL: Here is a link to my pictures folder of the International Rally. As you are going through he pictures, note that there is an "ACTIONS" tab with a dropdown menu. One of the options here is to Download that picture. I will leave the Album up for about 60 days. TKS all. Donna and I had a great time on our $2,130 mile adventure. Just as an FYI...the following is from our Daughters Facebook page about our trip. I just have to say - How freakin' cool is it that my over 60 years young parents are out having Adventures on a Motorcylce Rally in St. Charles! Whoever thinks that growing old means growing boring needs to meet my Folks! CHEERS MUMS AND DAD!! To Adventure!! \_/ Here is the link to the pictures: https://picasaweb.google.com/110023045215415505622/VentureriderOrgStCharlesMO2015?authuser=0&feat=directlink
  9. Donna and I got in about 6 pm this evening safe and sound....Spent Friday night in Lexington, KY for a quick visit our son and granddaughter. To tired right now to make a comment except that I put 2130 miles on the RSV and even though this was only are second International, we had a GREAT TIME. Met up with old friends and made some new ones. Was it worth the trip. He** Yes. We had fun. One thing I need to clear up. I did not give GaryW "The Clap". Mike Eykamp asked everyone present on the morning of Wednesday AM and he asked the GROUP to give GaryW "The Clap". I will post a link to all of my pictures and videos after my butt gets it's feeling back. Long Tall
  10. Thought I would update the post and let folks know that Donna and I are arriving on Sunday. Hope to see some folks then. Later... Long Tall
  11. That's for sure. Looking forward to some set down time with you and your wife also. Update!...Donna retired from nursing after 46 years as an RN and Oh by the way she's in Platteville, WI as I type visiting the cousin of her's down on the farm. Not to far from Dixon....Right?
  12. I'm ready to roll. Now if you Mid-Western folks can get that RAIN out of your system it will be a much more enjoyable trip from Ole Virginia
  13. Long Tall Here:
  14. Attending a Meet & Eat a few years ago here in Ole Virginia and Riderduke said I needed to change my forum "HANDLE". At the time I was using initials from my name GHARBJR = George Harbour Jr. Can't remember if Duke suggested the name or I. I'm 6'5" tall and my Grandfather would tell me I was a "Long Tall Drink of Water". I think some discussion was had...maybe....Thus....."LONG TALL" was born. Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  15. I also like to new layout...I also like the color choices...Green for me is easy on the eyes.... Long Tall
  16. NICE!..Wife and I jumped up on the BRPKY here on Lynchburg, VA last weekend and enjoyed to color. Thanks for posting... Long Tall
  17. you da man!
  18. Go Here: Has pictures...Tech Library, 2nd Gen, Fuel System, Tank removal http://www.venturers.org
  19. Was in the process of moving my 83 year old Mother from Clearwater, FL to here in Lynchburg, VA and could not make rally. Met Brake Pad last year in Galena and found him to be a straight up guy. Great Video. Going next year for sure regardless... Later... GH
  20. DITTO!!!!!!!! Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  21. I have these on my O6 and I think they work well. Help in rain also. NOTE: If I have them open in hot weather, I keep my feet up and out on the pegs. It does allow for hot air from motor to be forced backward. Remember that they do NO GOOD when stopped. Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
  22. Great Video.... I love my toys....Got the GoPro... I HAVE TO GET ME A "DRONE" after seeing this. What Brand? Send More.....Love It! Long Tall... Another Working Stiff
  23. I don't have that one, but I do have the one made by Custom World International. Chromed Billet Aluminum with mounting hardware. Been on the bike for a number of years and still looks like the day I put in on. Quality product.. about $150 though. http://www.westendmotorsports.com/custom-world-radiator-cover-1300-royal-star-9601-p-6576.html Long Tall
  24. YES....THATs ALL... Go to VR Classified and get a set of Rick's Bag Bolts....We'll worth the 25$...Bolts are a PIA!!!!! http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3748&title=-26quot-3bbutler-built-26quot-3b-bag-bolts&cat=25 Long Tall
  25. GoHere For Picture. Picture number 4. Excuse the there of "Big Red", but have them posted for another sight I link to. Your picture with measurement is here: https://picasaweb.google.com/110023045215415505622/BigRedJune82014?authuser=0&feat=directlink Long Tall Lynchburg, VA
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