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Everything posted by spear

  1. .. and it's important to remember that 'Routed' is pronounced like 'outed' not like 'rooted'. Tell an Aussie to 'get rooted' and you'll end up with a knuckle sandwich.
  2. Let's hear it for the Voyager. Yay!!!!!
  3. Hey Annie and Al, Still tracking you pair. Sounds like you're making some great friends up top. You be back in time to do your bit to get rid of Rudd the Dud and his mates? We go to the polls on 7 September. Stay safe.
  4. spear

    New Guy

    When you've been here for a while they allow you day release - if ya been good! So far I haven't heard of anybody escaping! Welcome aboard Thomas.
  5. I heard today that Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones has a cassette player in his car because he loves playing tapes. How's that for an endorsement?
  6. And that's why I'm here - checking out my retirement options. No fishing, no sailboat. Just my Venture, my pillion and grandkids. Already bought the house.
  7. So Annie - hope it wasn't too much of a strain keeping up with the Ventures.
  8. Close chabicheka, but not close enough. As you say it is Kangaroo Island Road on Kangaroo Island which is part of South Australia. Admittedly it is in southern Australia but for the sake of clarity and in the true Aussie spirit I would like to introduce all members to a wonderful part of the world. In fact, from where I write at present I am about half an hour from the island. Check this out - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangaroo_Island
  9. Glad you're okay. Surely the guy who rammed you had insurance. No? Sue him for a new bike. Were you insured?
  10. Surely it must be possible to run a small 'pilot' light in parallel with the headlight (or brake light) and place it on a panel in the fairing somewhere to indicate that the things are working, so when they DO fail the pilot lights also fail. Then ya'd know. No doubt the electo-tech boffins could enlighten us (ignore the pun).
  11. Only in Australia! In fact the car is 50 years old and the tree started growing 48 years ago. Somebody forgot to shift te car.
  12. I just wanna know how you get those things to stick to the wall tiles without falling off.
  13. Easy fixed. STOP BLOWING THE DAMNED HORN! :rotf:
  14. Thanks John T. Very nice.
  15. Hey Summer Breeze. Welcome to the site. You're not one of the original American Pickers are you?
  16. Pleeeeeease?
  17. Two weeks ago my wife buried her mum. Yesterday our only daughter had her first child - a healthy son. Nan tried to hang on for her fifth great-grandchild but it was not to be. So now we have five grandsons. Surely we have some sort of sporting team? Photo attached of number five. Twenty hours old.
  18. All I see is a half naked bike! (Sorry.)
  19. Thanks for the updates Annie and Al. Enjoy your weather whilst you can. Still cold here.
  20. LEDS blink a lot faster because they pull less load.
  21. I thought for a minute that looked like Aussie traffic and countryside and sounded like a typical Aussie reaction until I slowed it down and saw the rego plates were Pommy. That then convinced that that if it WAS an Aussie his expletives would have been more colorful. What a clown! Deserves everything he got. At least he survived. Wonder if he showed the video to his insurance company to substantiate his claim?
  22. Greetings all. I recently decided to 'upgrade' the lighting on my bike by replacing the standard tungsten turn indicator bulbs with those LED 'bulbs'. Ordered a couple on eBay. Nuh! No good. Oh, they work alright but flash like a machine gun. Spoke with a sparky mate and he told me that lower load is the problem. So I'm back to the standard bulbs and have put the LEDs in my tin tops' reversing lights. Anybody else fooled by this? The LEDS are advertised as useable as turn indicator bulbs.
  23. Second mistake you made was posting this thread. Now we all know! :rotf: (Don't ya just hate a loose wire, ESPECIALLY when you loosened it ya self?)
  24. Damn. Posting photos via iPad is tricky. Here we go with attempt number three. Now, where was I? Oh yeah - I bought a 12V + USB outlet on eBay and attached it to the top of my front brake master cylinder using double-sided tape. Runs my GPS and CrashCam and allows me to charge my iPhone and iPad. Cost me about $3. The digital clock is also an eBay purchase and is attached to the top of the outlet with double-sided tape as well.
  25. . What did he say??????
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