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Everything posted by spear

  1. How far south you wanna go? We're into beautiful spring weather down OUR way!
  2. CD. CD? Oh CD! Yeah. I remember them. Somewhere prior to MP3 and Bluetooth!
  3. What a bunch of morons. Like somebody said, he should have driven over more bikes - then backed up to make sure he really got 'em. There's no excuse for this sort of behaviour.
  4. Hmmm. Still at a loss to figure this out. Prior to unplugging the charger panel I tried to turn the radio on using the 'Audio' button, but no go. I'm the second owner of the bike and the original owner didn't declare any mods. Next time I plug in the charger I'll firstly ensure the radio is off. Let's see if that busts the ghost!
  5. Okay technical people. Answer me this. I'm in the habit of plugging a small auto solar panel trickle charger into the 12V outlet under the fairing of my 2004 RSV now and then to keep the (new) battery conditioned. Nine times out of ten after about two hours the radio turns itself on. The ignition is off. Key is not in the ignition. If I press and hold the audio button it turns itself off as it should. Anybody have any clues? Anybody have any theories? Should I call in the exorcist or Ghostbusters?
  6. If you read FREEBIRD backwards, and knock off the last letter you get DRIBEER. DRY BEER. Get it?
  7. It's important to have oil in there to begin with.
  8. " . . and you can check OUT any time you like but you can never leave." Looks like you're here to stay boss!
  9. I share the pain. My felinus domesticus Pepsi had to be put to sleep recently. She was 21 years of age.
  10. Just got back from my Mum's funeral and cremation service. A sad but joy-filled occasion, a real celebration of a wonderful life. I wrote and delivered the eulogy on behalf of my siblings. Don't know how I got through it, but I did. Thank you once again for your prayers and messages. They mean a lot. Life goes on.
  11. "The couple, who were heading out for a date to get coffee, has credited their survival to their helmets and said they harbour no ill feelings toward the trooper that rear-ended them." Too forgiving. I'd be suing his butt right off him, then suing his employer. Absolutely no excuse (and I'm a retired LEO!)
  12. BEAM ME UP SCOTTY! Funny as.
  13. Mum left us at 2.40 this morning, as peacefully as one could wish. My sister and one brother were with her at the time. We're now working on funeral plans. It's never easy, but - that's life. It goes on. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
  14. Here I am, barely a month later and I'm sitting in the palliative care ward of a major hospital with my siblings (bikers all) watching our Mum slowly deteriorate. We celebrated her 85th birthday with her two months ago. Last week she had a fall and broke her hip and that required surgery. She is a frail lady and the anaesthetic has played up with her no end. She had a heart attack yesterday morning and that and associated pulmonary oedema are taking their toll. Our sister is a matron at the same hospital so she is at her bedside 24/7. Prognosis is poor, so we're just awaiting the inevitable. Doctors are saying 24-36 hours. I'm okay but it will be a tough couple of days. My pillion - my strength - -is with me.
  15. Looks like you're gonna miss the political annihilation of K. Rudd, Annie. It's on tomorrow. Will let ya know the score tomorrow night.
  16. And what are the additional costs? Cables, hydraulics, wiring, etc etc. All have to be extended!
  17. 'night Grandma. 'night John Boy.
  18. It's now September. How late is too late?
  19. And that's what it's all about. Helping each other. Way to go!
  20. Melamine has an MDF backing. Last thing you need in a moist environment.
  21. Okay OKAY - rub it in!!
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